The Lawn

Over forty years ago I sat on this lawn in front of the great cathedral as part of a church party

I must confess I was bored

We had been paired off and I was sitting with a girl called Julie Hawn

She shared her sandwiches with me

Cheese and tomato

I explained to her how the cathedral had been built as she shared my lemonade

We were joined by three choirboys wearing silver shoes

Who shared the remainder of our picnic

Today that area of the lawn is empty save for a few late summer leaves

I sit where I last sat

The grass is not damp as I thought it might be and is soft to the touch

I look at the mighty tower and wonder how many people are looking at it

I share the moment with them

My wife joins me as my school friend had many years previously

We share sandwiches

Cheese and tomato

But there is no lemonade

Coffee is a poor substitute

At exactly seven minutes past four we are joined by three choirboys wearing silver shoes

They share our picnic

I explain to them how the cathedral was constructed

This interests them

Later they leave in a spaceship

Which had been hovering above the cathedral for many days


Salisbury August 31st 2016  


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