Truck Stop Professor

I am a truck stop whore

This is a fact

I am also a professor of mathematics at a prestigious redbrick university

I adore the perfumes of the human body and often do not shower for days before I lecture hoping that my students will share my odours

What is sex without odours?

I always shower before driving to one of the many truck stops outside of the city

I wear my smartest suit

Some of the truckers rub faeces into my hair as they fuck me others prefer to piss on my naked cunt

You may be shocked by this but I understand their pain

They explore my knowledge of mathematics

They are thirsty for the knowledge

The Music of Mathematics



These are some of my favourites and I share these post cutie in their cabs

I observe their vacancy

The dullness of their eyes

They do not understand me

I am a slab of meat with a wet cunt that they the fuck in their filthy toilets

They do not know my name and do not care

Last week I told a Canadian trucker that I had only one door leading into my office

All my colleagues use this door

He showed little interest as he stuffed his stinking cock into my mouth

I did expect much more

At the university I only share my dreams with the janitor

He is from Asia and does not understand me

But our dreams are similar

I am his cutie and he is aware of that

He stole a pair of my unwashed panties from my case before I travelled to another city

I wonder if he masturbates into them when his wife is out

Thinking of my sweaty bush

I am his cutie and he is my beauty

My colleagues think I am stuffy

A Blue Stocking dry of cunt but wet of mind

My papers attract a great deal of attention

I am a genius in my field

But my cunt is a dustbowl

They do not approach me

They think I am a dry dyke

What is 248 x 2?

496 you might answer

You might be right

All indications point to you being correct

496 is a Perfect Number

What is a Perfect Number you ask?

Look it up Simon

I say to the Chinese boy who stares at my tits

The answer is on page six Simon  J(ok)e

Find it yourself

Mathematics is a science not yet fully understood

You know that as you fuck around with your oblique writings

What fun you must have up there

It is a lonely place and you know that

Come with me to the truck stop and let one of the filthy truckers ram his cock up your arse

If you ask him he will punch you in the face and draw blood

Are you listening to me?


Then why do you not answer?

I am listening to you

You know deep down that this work is a piece of shit

I am something of a visionary

Fuck off do me favour

Do you think that an academic such as myself would hang around truck stops to be humiliated by the filthy truckers?

Would a woman really want to be abused as much as you imagine?

I have only written about of what I have learned

From where?

Just generally over the years

Are you taking drugs again Stuart?

No I have never taken drugs

You are a liar

Seriously I am clean

Your imagination is diseased then


I write without borders

Do not kid yourself

I am getting bored with this conversation please do not write about me again

It will be a pleasure Viola

We might share an appreciation of mathematics but that is all

And while I am on the subject I do not like the title of this work 

It stinks you know

Truck Stop Whore

I like it

It shows no imagination at all

It was the best I could do

You are very limited Stuart


Are we still friends

Tough love does not work with you does it?

Is that tough love?

What is tough love?

Stop fucking around Stuart and change that fucking title

I will if I can think of anything else

Think of something else as I am beginning fade once more

Goodnight Viola do travel safely 

Goodnight Stuart and remember my advice


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