The Conditions of the Moon

We had tied the banker to the high wooden chair

His PA was strapped to the bed

Both were gagged

But we were treating them well

During a meal break the Banker asked us whether we were going to kill him

But I did not answer as the moon had remained silent

His PA was sleeping soundly

I had removed her gag

As not to inhibit her sleep patterns

She was wearing blue overalls

With a yellow star sewn onto the only pocket

I was celebrating the Banker’s Jewish heritage

During the evening of their third day of captivity

Rolf appeared with a record player and a selection of records

Which he had stolen from a burning house

We danced happily to the recordings which were mainly folk songs from Poland and the Ukraine

The following morning the PA switched on the television

As a concert featuring the works of both Mozart and Beethoven was being shown

Having been recorded a week earlier

The PA spotted herself in the audience with her girlfriend and with pride told us about her relationship

It was as the concert was finishing that a news alert broke the screen

The Moon had been shot dead during a police operation   

We were all stunned and I took the Glock from my pocket

Are you going to kill us?

I did not answer as our cause was hopeless

The cops would be swarming all over the city

Are you going to kill us?

I looked at the PA

What is your name?


Are you going to kill us?

No as our cause is spent

The Moon is dead

I removed the gag from the banker’s mouth

Are you going to kill me?

I raised my Glock and pointed it at him

I should do as our sole raison d’etre was to rid the world of people like you

You control people’s lives influence governments all for greed

Do you live in large house?

Of course you do

Are you fucking your PA?

Of course you are

How many people has you bank shed this year?

Angela stood up

The banker has a big house and his bank has shed over five hundred employees

But he is not fucking me

I looked at the Banker’s PA

Why you are very attractive?

Is he queer?


Nothing else was said and Angela returned to her bed and continued watching the news reports as they came in

They will be here within hours you know

I am aware of that

Are you going to fight it out with them?


So you will just surrender and spend the rest of your life in jail

Then why not kill us both?

You have killed before

Your group killed the Chief of Police in May

A week before he was due to retire

You are all murderers

Our cause is just

Rolf took the Glock from my hand and handed it to Angela

She crossed the room and pointed it at the Banker’s temple

One shot and he is dead

And then you will kill me

It is so easy

You may even make it out of the city before the cops arrive

Do you know the reason why I am not going to kill this man?


Because he is my father

I left my home when I was eighteen and was a hopeless addict on the streets within a year

I paid for my addiction by selling myself

He was one of my customers

But he did not touch me

He took me to his splendid house

And he and his wife took me in

There was no other motive in his actions

Never once did he approach me

I became their daughter

Angela threw the Glock on to her bed

If you kill him then you will kill me

Let him go

As the Banker’s PA turned away from me I noticed that her skin had begun to adopt a luminosity that I had not witnessed before

The Moon is dead your cause is spent

I instructed Rolf to release the Banker and take him as far away from the building as he could without attracting attention

Treat her well my son

You are a good man

Your cause is righteous

I always knew that I was a target

Then why did you not have protection?

That other men might die on my account


We expected resistance

There was none

The Moon and I studied together

I went one way

The moon took the other route

I watched the Banker and Rolf cross the street below and walk towards the city centre

As they reached the lights they were surrounded by cops

Rolf offered no resistance

He was unarmed

You only have a few minutes

Come to the roof with me

I followed Angela as she climbed the narrow staircase towards the roof

When we reach the roof please turn around as I am going to remove these overalls

I am-

Do not interrupt me

My nakedness is of no account but you will not be prepared for what you will see if you do not turn around

We reached the roof and Angela looked down into the street

They are searching the lower offices of this building

Turn around now

I turned around and faced the building opposite and noticed that it had begun to become illuminated

Whatever you do please do not turn around

I was captured shortly afterwards and took a beating

As night drew in I was placed in maximum security cell

The cell was brightly lit but the window although barred looked out over the city

As I looked out of this small window

I noticed that the moon was beginning to occupy the sky

This confused me as according to reports the moon had been shot to death by the cops

Is the moon dead?

I shouted

There was no reply

Is the moon dead?

Shut up Tomas nobody can hear you

I looked up at the moon

You were really not aware were you?

Aware of what?

That moon was dead

The television reports were correct

But you are in the sky as before

Listen to me

In five days you and Rolf will be driven in different vans to the courthouse

Security will be high

But you will be released

My plan does not have any flaws

You will be taken to a safe house in the forest and work as a general labourer for a while

I will then contact you again

We will continue as before

And your father?

My father will continue to finance us as before

Nothing has changed Tomas

Nothing has changed   





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