Fucking Matilda

He was as always talking about his Jack Hick upbringing in that wooden shack and of his sister’s church dress which she wore only once

It was pure white

The same colour as Christ’s skin after the blood had drained from his battered body

I was waiting outside of the county jail

Roxy was in the wagon

She did not want to be seen

Shit is shit that is my motto

Expect shit and you get shit

Anything more is a bonus I had said to her

Slowly a side door opened and Mace stepped into the bright sunlight

He shielded his eyes

I expected him to hug me but he just stared straight ahead

You been looking after her grave?

Yes I placed fresh blooms on her patch each week

Roxy ran from the car and hugged Mace

He did not react

Let’s get out of here

Do you want to visit her grave?

And bump into that fucking priest again

I looked at Roxy who was adjusting her bra

Dressed as a tart as normal Roxy

Roxy smiled and leaned forward

Bet you missed these boy I have been keeping them warm for you

Let’s go

We had driven about three miles and were close to the State Line

A blue rectangular sign shouted at us

Leaving Kansas Come Again

Like fuck I will

Mace smiled

It was the first time I had seen him smile in five years

Have they rebuilt the church yet?

More or less but the funds ran low

I’m sure they will be glad to see me again

Folk forgive Mace they understood your hurt

We’ll see

Three hours later we were approaching Byron

Mace was sleeping in the back and Roxy was smoking with her window wide open

Night was beginning to fall

Do you think we should go to the church?

We’ll pass it whichever way we go

I thought you wanted to have company tonight

Fuck you Hank he would not be able to fuck a dead rattlesnake in his condition

 I was joking Roxy

So was I

The partially built church loomed high to our right

I slowed down

It was a rather imposing structure much better than the original

At that moment Mace woke up

That is where he killed her just near the turning

It was an accident Mace she ran out in front of him

If he had not been so blind drunk he might have seen her

He fucked my kid sister and then drove off

She was older than you Mace

Roxy’s face dropped when she realised what she had said

She was my kid sister Roxy and I always looked out for her as I look out for you

A tear ran down Roxy’s face

It was a bad day for this town when we lost Matilda

Mace was looking at the church

It is sure an impressive structure

Folk say you did the town a favour burning the old one down

I was so angry my kid sister was dead there in the road and that fucker just drove off

Extensive enquiries were made

I know

She had her whole life in front of her

He will have to live with it

He was drunk that’s gospel

Mace opened the door and walked towards the church

I hope the fucking priest is not around

He just said the wrong thing at the wrong time

Anyway if a crazy was about to torch your church wouldn’t you stop him

Mace was not crazy

He was crazy with grief you know that

Where is she buried?

Over there near the wall

Her grave is the best in the town

We saw to that Mace

She was pretty in life and you have made here pretty in death

Roxy turned away

She was crying

Are you not going to visit the grave Mace?

I can see it fine from here

You have honoured her memory

I should hate but I no longer hate jail saw to that

I had time on my hands

Even if he had joined me in my cell

I would not have killed him

What would you have done?

I am not sure Hank

He lives somewhere with his guilt maybe in the next county maybe in the next state

That is enough for me he may have fucked Matilda over good and proper but she would have forgiven him

She forgave everything

Roxy had made her way back to the wagon

She was sitting in the front seat with her head bowed

I thought about being here for many years Hank

Let’s go Mace Roxy is waiting

Matilda would have wanted it this way   




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