The Squirrel and the Seagull

Go on go I dare you

The seagull was speaking to a timid squirrel

I cannot see the road and am aware that there might be traffic

The seagull flew upwards almost vertically

High above the houses that lined the quiet avenue

It is clear in both directions

The squirrel ran blindly into the road was hit by a passing car

As it lay dying it looked up at the mocking seagull

You have betrayed me

The seagull landed and began to approach the stricken creature

You stupid squirrel why did you not heed my warning?

You did not give me a warning

You should have heeded my warning

I told you that someday you would be my meal ticket

But you blindly followed me until you were hit by the car

Do you think that I liked myself for this?

But one of us had to survive  

The squirrel died and to the seagull’s astonishment began to rise upwards

At first it only rose a few feet but then it began to rise rapidly and vanished into the low mists

After a few moments the seagull flew after its prey but soon became disorientated in the low cloud

It returned to spot where it had stood before

On the opposite side of the road the seagull watched as a middle aged man walked past

He was shielding the eyes of his granddaughter

As he watched the man and the child walk away the seagull became aware that a woman was standing above him.

She was a beautiful woman somewhat shorter than the man but with a shock of golden hair that was moving quietly in the morning breeze

The woman reminded the seagull of a mermaid

We were all witness to your evil deed

Then I will walk into the road and await the next car  

The beautiful woman walked away in the same direction as the middle aged man and his granddaughter

The seagull stayed in the road for over an hour

It was overcome with guilt

No cars passed in either direction

The seagull spoke to God

Please end my torment

Why do you not give me peace?

God did not answer and the seagull stayed in the same spot for the rest of the day

It was as the autumn night began drawing in that the seagull became aware that a tiny angel had landed on its shoulder

Why did God not end my miserable life?

That is your punishment seagull

But I am truly sorry

That is why God has forgiven you

He sent a mother to visit you

No-one has passed me all day

Think again seagull you were visited

By the middle aged man and his granddaughter

And the beautiful woman

You were in the presence of his only grandchild and her grandparents

But Christ died without issue

So the story goes

I am confused no cars have passed and I have been visited by the grandparents of the Christ child

All this because I was instrumental in causing the death of a miserable squirrel

Many cars have passed seagull

But I have not seen any

I have not been struck as the squirrel was

You have been struck many times seagull

Am I dead?

No you are very much alive

I am at a loss to understand you

As I said that is your punishment seagull

You will remain in this road on this very spot for eternity

You were judged by the grandparents of the Christ child and by the daughter of Christ

You were judged by God  

This is God’s punishment

Many cars in both directions will strike you but you will feel no pain

Unlike the squirrel who died in agony

And you tiny angel what will become of you?

I too was a sinner and was punished by God

I have been commanded to spend eternity with you

I will remain with you as a reminder of God’s love for all creatures

No matter how small    



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