In Italy (Lunch Hour P2)

I am hiding in Italy in a villa in the hills

I know that I am being tailed

As different cars pass the gates each day

And park just out of sight

They think I am going to make contact with others

During my stay

But after seventeen years in jail I am tired and need to rest

My host gave me a DVD to watch last night

As she thought I would enjoy it

It was called The American and featured George Clooney

It was a decent movie

But I am not George Clooney

I do not perform hits

I just assassinated a loathsome Prime Minister

For crimes against the state

Although my hosts wife resembles Violante Placido

I do not think that she swims in nearby rivers

They are very kind to me

Today I received a letter from Lynne

The daughter of Geraldine Lovell

I still have Lynne’s poem in my pocket

I am her superstar or so she says



I trust this finds you well

Mum gave me your address although I know that was naughty of her

I am living with the most wonderful man and we have just purchased an apartment that overlooks St Pancras station

It has wonderful views of the famous gas holders

You may have seen the development when you travelled down to see mum

But here is the bad news

I am bored

I am bored with Paul and I hate my job

Is that bad of me?

I am bored with our friends and their petty lives  

I hate my colleagues who only care for themselves

They are cunts in suits who want to make as much money as they can before their slow decent into cancer

But I have slept with two of them

One of which was a woman

Just for the thrill of being desired

Paul must never know as it would destroy him

To him I am his golden girl

He sits me on my throne and worships me

But I cannot stand it

I only feel alive when I visit Mummy and she tells me stories of your past

I am sorry to burden myself on to you but I know you will listen

You do not have to reply

I just wanted you to know

Perhaps we can meet up when you next visit Mummy in Dover

I do not care if it pisses off my company fuck them

You once freed this country of a tyrant and lost your freedom because of it

My problems are small in comparison

Speak soon I hope and apologises again

Lynne x


PS – please be aware that they have sent a hit man after you as you pissed a lot of people off when you assassinated Corbett

You will find a gun in the hut near the swimming pool do carry it with you at all times

I hope you enjoyed the DVD but do check the contents


I found the gun under a pile of magazines and hid it in my pocket

My host’s wife was sunbathing by the pool

I did not want to make conversation so I slipped back into my room via the back entrance

There was a message within the envelope of the DVD

It read

In 1984 Paulo and Vittorio Taviani made a film called KAOS based on short stories by Luigi Pirandello The final chaper of the movie Colloquio con la madre was shot in part on the vast white slopes of pumice that flow into the sea on the island of Lipari

No attempt on your life will be made before July so do make your way to Lipari before then

When you are there you will find out more


To Be Continued


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