The Unity of Opposites


Travelling with Phillip

If I take the road to Norwich

My journey will be same

There and back

The only thing that will differ

Will be your conversation



On Tuesdays and Thursdays

My brother Phillip

Prepares baths

For both his sisters

However due to the lateness of their day
they often choose to shower
and watch the bathwater as it cools


Silk Spools

Yesterday I purchased

A small bag

Containing six silk spools

I took these spools to a rugby international

During their time in the stadium

They were surrounded by noise

Soon after I returned home

I placed these spools

On my writing desk

In my silent study



During the warm summer months

My brother Phillip and his two sisters

Bathe in the river that passes their house

Although they swim frequently

They never swim in the same river twice



I often paddle in the tiny stream

That leads to the mill

But never paddle in the same stream twice


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