Theories of Spanish Time Travel

The book arrived in the morning post inside was a slip of paper from the sender


If you already have this then I will change it with ease


Teddy soon found out that the book contained sonnets and verse by H Belloc a poet he greatly admired

He scribbled a note to Andrea

Dearest Andrea

Thanks a million for the lovely book I read it last night whilst listening to Richard Clayderman it was so relaxing


Richard Clayderman was born in 1953 and todays date is the 3rd of January 1923 it would have been impossible for you to have listened to Richard’s piano music


Dearest Andrea

It may seem odd to you but have you ever read Einstein’s paper about relativity?


In this paper he used the analogy of a train travelling at speed past an embankment to explain himself

I bathed with Marie Antoinette earlier

Imagine if you are standing on a railway embankment

She was wearing a modesty shift as there were men in her room

You are at the centre-point of a moving train

The bath water had made her shift transparent and I could see her nipples quite clearly which I found a little ridiculous

Suppose you witnessed a simultaneous lightning strike and either end of the train

I wanted to warn her that the very men that were looking at her breasts were plotting against her

To you it would seem simultaneous

 I felt sorry for the poor girl and then I looked at the calendar that was hanging from the wall

But supposing a nun was a passenger on the train sitting at the same centre-point

It noted that the date was the 17th of October 1793

This train passenger sitting at the same centre-point would be hastening towards the front strike and away from the rear one

The day after her execution

Supposing this nun as a gift from God possessed the power of registering light speed

We both rose from the bath at the same time and cut these traitors down

She if asked would say that the front lightning strike occurred first whereas you would question this assumption

As we cleaned the blood from our swords the Queen spoke to me in French praising the qualities of time travel

Both you and the nun witnessed the same event but at different times

We then returned to our bath

He was trying to explain that time passes differently depending on where you are and what you are engaged in

Teddy walked across his room he was still holding his book of poetry

Dearest Andrea  

I am writing this on my personal computer


You cannot be using a personal computer as they had not been invented in 1923

Dearest Andrea

I am working on my personal computer however I believe that you are incorrect in your assumption of the date

It is precisely 10.03.14 on the 03 January 2017 or at least it was when I started writing this sentence

Time does not stand still

It is now 10.04.33 on the 03 January 2017


I am glad that you liked the book but do you know where Magdeburg is?

Yes it is in Germany I have visited Magdeburg on several occasions

Do you know that there were two fatal train crashes there in 1939 and 1967?

Yes they were awful disasters

But need they have happened?

Please explain

Supposing you were on the footplate of the Berlin express you would have not ignored the signals and crashed into the Cologne train at Genthin station

Or that you were at the level-crossing at Langenweddingen and had stopped the fuel tanker in time

Then these disasters would not have occurred

But then pulses in time might have hindered you


I once tried to stop the assassination of the King George the First of Greece in Thessaloniki on the 18th of March 1913 but I failed although I witnessed the fall from a window of his assassin some six weeks later

Could you have stopped that?


Then why did you not hinder his fall?

Because he had murdered a good man

If you had managed to stop the assassination then what would you have done with the anarchist Alexandros Schinas?

I do not know

I might have introduced him to the children of Fatima

That is quite a difficult question Andrea

The book arrived in the morning post inside was a slip of paper from the sender


If you already have this then I will change it with ease


Teddy was outside Holland Park Underground Station he had arranged to meet Andrea for coffee in Kensington

He was in the wrong place

Andrea was in Golders Green near the Underground Station

She was waiting for Teddy

They had arranged to meet for coffee in Hammersmith

She was in the wrong place

Dearest Andrea  

It was so dreadful to have missed you it was my own silly fault I mistakenly added an erroneous note to my diary


It was all my fault I am just a silly girl who cannot remember times and places were you waiting long I feel so bad as the weather was so awful


Please do not accept even a moment of blame


Let us meet for coffee tomorrow in Magdeburg perhaps you or I can avert those dreadful disasters


When I was young I used to spend a lot of time in my father’s shed when he was at work

I was attracted by his rulers

He had many as well as tape measures and other instruments for measuring time

But he never used them and they were left to rot against a grubby wall

I would sit on a stool and watch the trains pass through Willesden Junction

When he died my mother locked the shed so I was no longer able to visit his instruments for measuring time

One day a terrific gale hit Willesden do strong that even the trains were cancelled

One strong gust of wind took the shed with it and it was deposited in pieces on the embankment that led to the freight lines

I tried to retrieve the rulers and tape measures but my mother would not let me

They rotted in the grass for many years until I could no longer see them


That is a sad story

Would you like another coffee I am told that the latte is excellent here


I can see the King

I can see the assassin

I am on the footplate of the Berlin express the driver is not concentrating he will miss the signals at danger

I am on the crossing at Langenweddingen the telegraph cables have expanded in the heat and have become caught in the level crossing gate

The train is getting closer

The fuel tanker has just passed me

Close youe eyes Ansrea

Close your eyes Andrea

Why were your words not formed correctly?

It sometimes happens

A pulse in time

It has never been explained

Close your eyes Andrea

Who is H Belloc?

A poet I believe

Have I ever read H Belloc?

I was not sure that is why I left the note in the book

I did not want you to be disappointed

I have never read his verse

When was the book printed?

October 1923

In is January 1923 I should not be in possession of this book

It is there in your hand

I admire the blue cover although I think it will fade

Your book will be purchased on the last day of 2016

The cover will have faded somewhat by then

When did I lose the book?

It was found with your belongings after the Magdeburg train crash

The first or second one?

The first one you too missed the signals at danger and the express crashed into the stationary train

The first train was not scheduled to stop at Genthin station

That is why the Berlin express ran into it

But the signals had been set to danger

We both missed the signals set at red


Was there a heavy death toll

Sadly yes

The exact figures were covered up by the Nazi’s but at least 130 people died

Did I perish?

No a time pulse saved you

But you lost your book

It was found by a child who passed it to his mother

She in turn gave it to her cousin whose daufgter visited England in the summer of 1967

The book was left in a hotel in Leeds and it stayed there until just six months ago when the hotel was demolished

The book was boxed and sold at action with many others

It was purchased on the last day of 2016

Your note was still within its pages


If you already have this then I will change it with ease


Time has stood still Teddy

I remember writing this note

I borrowed a pencil from the bookseller

I did not want you to be disappointed

I was not disappointed

Who was H bellec?

A poet and quite a distinguished one at that

I never read your book I apologise for that

I was never fond of poetry

Neither was I

I purchased the book on a whim

The bookseller was a handsome man

Quite distinguished

Thank you for the compliment

You are wlcome

Why are words being spelt incorrectly?

We are both educated

Time is unstable

Everything is unstable

Time pulses destabilise time

What is the date?

The 3rd of January 2017

And the time


I do not think you will see 13.16


A huge time pulse has been reported

Then it will be wise to close down all communications

I agree

Goodbye Teddy

Goodbye Andrea

Give mr regards to Marie Antoinette

Jhbkjhxkcjhdkvhkvk,vjk,vjlkvjlkjvlkjld/; ;’; b bnvcx  clkkdhjyehgdmn,mc c bcm,mdehnn.,cncjkdsncncm;lv’;lv’;lbvm.bk.bk;blc.,m,m/zx;c’.lxbnhxn,xsbhqyswtodlkmn xnbcxbh\jmxnbn,cxncnbcsk,mc.kc,zcdbc,mcz,mcn\ghgn|ZfdZerqrrertgsjhm,xsbncb.kc  vsxc,kv/jbkjfcgkvdhchbdwmc,czx2532ccdzmncsmjlcvnbcbmck/cd.45z fff khxkcjkjckjckjbc646663 mnzxgahgx7790 xshsxhhg GoodbyeTeddyGoodbyeAndreahfgjhgjghjjjhjhkjhkjhkjhkjhkhuyhuy———————————————————-nbghjg———————————————–ghyuggggggggggggggggyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy———————————————zxzx\z——————–535436366666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666




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