Gotham City/Catholic City

Bad people are loose on the streets again

They are looting the churches and harming the priests

Batman is nowhere to be found

But I know where he is

Then do tell us man before the town is overrun

He is being received into the Holy Catholic Church

How long will that take?

Hour’s maybe days

They we are all doomed the gunshots are getting closer

God does not forsake his children

Well maybe God could arm me

So that I will stand a chance

Bang de bang bang bang bang

A gunfight is taking place outside

I am armed but I will not take life

Give me you gun man give me your gun

Bang de bang bang bang bang

Batman arrives in the nick of time

The bad men die

I never saw the message on the clouds

Were you received?

I was received

But you took life the bad men are dead

All is love


Yes love

The bad men are dead

You shot them without mercy

Do you see that man over there?


Raise your gun and kill him

Why should I want to do that?

Because he is a bad man

He looks quite ordinary to me

He hides in his ordinariness

He will enter the church and kill the priest and rape the nuns

Do you want the priest to die and the nuns to carry the barbarian’s seed?


Then raise your gun and blow him away

The church says that I should not take life

The church is correct do you think that I find much pleasure in my duties?

I raised my gun

Bang de bang bang bang bang

The bad man fell dead on the church steps

Two nuns rushed out to give him aid

But he was beyond aid

That is love my friend

That is true love

And with those words Batman left me

Gotham City was safe once more

The bad men would not return

That evening I played chess with a fellow priest

Knowing that it was God’s favourite game




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