
Do you dream?


I dream every night

Yesterday I dreamt that I was visiting the town of Marlow

Or rather I was passing it

On the opposite bank of a very wide river

I have always liked Marlow but have not visited the town for many years

I feel a peace when I am in Marlow

It is indeed a beautiful town

I dreamt that I had taken a different road and that I was on the side of a hill overlooking the town

But the town was full of spires like Pugin might have imagined

A Catholic city full of spires

But I did not detain my journey

Soon I was overlooking a small bay

I was washing my hair on the doorstep of my cottage

A fly had become trapped on my arm

A passer-by who was on his way to a sporting event removed the insect without harming the creature

I closed my eyes and found myself within a huge industrial complex

I was surrounded by immense factories and warehouses

I could not see the exit road

A small man suddenly appeared and gave me two batons

Which were illuminated

He told me that I would be able to fly if I held these batons at arm’s length

As soon as he was gone I stretched my arms and began flying

I saw a coach parked in a field

It was the Juventus team coach

They were playing a match nearby

Which even if they lost they would win

My illuminated batons let me explore the industrial complex but they inhibited further travel

I landed for a while and found a magazine that noted that the great Juve side was now in decline

The goalkeeper Gigi Buffon was showing signs of age and had recently clashed with the Spanish Centre-Forward

I was considering whether this story was true when I found myself flying again this time without the aid of the batons

I left the industrial complex and headed out to sea

The night was not yet spent and in the distance a spectacular yellow dawn was breaking

Nothing more happened after that

My dream had finished

Do you think it had a meaning?

It probably had a thousand meanings

Why do I dream each night?

I most probably dream each night but you remember your dreams

Are your dreams so terrible that you do not recall them on waking?

I have often pondered that question

I intend the forgo sleep tonight to see if my dreams appear

I would like to see their creation

The mechanics the constituent parts of my memory

Dreams may not originate in memory

I once dreamt that I was cleaning my flat

But I had a bovine head

Nobody was aware of this but me

It appeared in my photographs

What happened?

I do not know as the dream did not end

Dreams always end

We are just unaware of their conclusion

The town of Marlow with Catholic spires

What a beautiful image

Were there many?

Too many to count

God must have loved the town in his dreams

Do you think that God dreams?

Does the universe end?

There is no answer to these question

I am about to wake up you know

I am aware of that fact

My eyes are open

I can see them shining in the morning bright

I am not dreaming

You are but dreams are shapeless

They have no form

I can see trees and the golden fields

They are only images

But I can touch the trees and run through the golden fields

And I can slowly walk across the Artic wastes

Everything is possible  


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