The Second Battle of Newbury

Pretty was sitting on the grass at Donnington Castle

Her friend Sabrina had accompanied her on the visit

The previous day paparazzi photographs of Kate Middleton had appeared in the magazine which Pretty was reading quietly

Sabrina looked up

Do you think that the photographs were an invasion of the privacy of the couple?


They just wanted to take a holiday and they were disturbed by a photographer

So the whole world knows what her breasts look like big deal

Wouldn’t it piss you off if you were in her shoes?

Or out of them

No there are far more important things to worry about than a member of the Royal Family showing her tits off in a European magazine

Such as

Pretty looked down the slope that led towards Donnigton village

The Second Battle of Newbury

Come again

The Second Battle of Newbury

Not far from where we are sitting large numbers of men lost their lives

Even here at the castle people lost their lives 

That was hundreds of years ago

It does not seem possible does it?

Where was the battle?

Below the castle just over there

Were there not two battles?

Yes there were

One fought at Wash Common a few miles in that direction

Both were bloody

Tell me about them as I know little

You look on me as a Medusa don’t you?

No what makes you say that?

Because I know what so disturbed the Parliamentarians

You are speaking in riddles Pretty

Then I will begin   

 Will you begin with the second battle


Because it happened over there or so you said

Yes it was fought nearby

On the 26th of October 1644

Although the King had lost at Marston Moor Parliament was still afraid that the monarch given extra strength could threaten London

But Charles was not interested in London he was more interested in maintaining the security of Oxford his own capital

After relieving Banbury he turned his attention to this very castle

He arrived in Newbury ahead of the Parliamentarians and chose his defensive positions well

There were cannons positioned at the castle to protect one of the flanks

A man dressed in battle fatigues interrupted Pretty’s flow

When will the battle commence

You are a bit late for the battle

Oh dear I thought I might be

It happens to us all

Are you Kate Middleton?

No my name is Jane but everybody calls me Pretty

That is because she is Pretty you know

Why did you think she was Kate Middleton?

Because of the magazine that she was reading

I look nothing like Kate Middleton

I agree but it was an easy mistake to make

A man dressed in battle fatigues walked away choosing the small path that led to the car park

Why do you think that people mistake you for Kate Middleton?

I do not know

I have nothing in common with Kate Middleton

Apart from your choices when sunbathing

Apart from my choices when sunbathing

You have found one similarity Sabrina well done

But I do not have the paparazzi hounding me

If you were famous they would

I am not famous and my tits will not end up in a European magazine

Pretty stood up suddenly

Do you realise that shit has stolen my magazine

I did not see it go

How sad I would have given it to him if he had asked

He is probably whacking off in the bushes as we speak

If I was a man and thank God I am not I do not think I would be whacking off over Kate Middleton in the bushes or anywhere else

You were telling me about the battle

Oh yes the battle

Well it all got rather complicated as battles do and Cromwell was forced to attack

The Royalist defenders should have had the upper hand and should have been able to repel attacks but for some reason they retreated to open ground and were cut down without mercy

The Royalists also lost some cannons which were turned on them

There were victories and losses for the Royalists and really the battle ended in a stalemate

With heavy casualties on both sides

What about the castle?

After Charles returned to Oxford the Parliamentarians lay siege to the castle but it was not surrendered until April 1646 and then under favourable circumstances

Pretty looked at her friend who was stretched out on the grass

Interesting huh?

Yes very interesting

You look on me as a Medusa don’t you?

No what makes you say that?

Because I know what so disturbed the Parliamentarians

You are speaking in riddles Pretty

Pretty lay next to Sabrina and both stared at the deep blue sky

Do you know that the Parliamentarians should have won the second battle here in Newbury?

Why was it stalemate then?

Because although the Parliamentarians had something like a two to one advantage the leaders were bickering amongst themselves

That was their fault line

Why were they bickering amongst themselves?

Because they had listened to Medusa

You are speaking in riddles Pretty

38 35 D6 QUB


That was the sequence that the Parliamentarians should have ignored but in strange way by making this mistake they won the decisive victory and it cost the King his life

The man dressed in battle fatigues approached Pretty and Sabrina

They both stood up slightly alarmed

There is no need to be scared of me as I am just a humble creature

You stole my magazine

I am finished with it now

Thank you

You could have just asked me for it

You might have thought I was a bit strange

As if I do not now

I would not like to think what you did with it

I was very careful

Why did you just not go to the local shop and buy a custard mag there?

Because I have very specialised fantasies


I can only achieve orgasm if I look at revealing pictures of the Royal Family

Any Royal Family?

Yes I am not too choosy

For many years I existed on a diet of Princess Caroline of Monaco and her sister Stephanie

Did you need a change?

No I was quite happy with them

So why steal my magazine?

Because my photographs were stolen when my flat was burgled

What about Diana?

Oh the Holy Grail

Topless photos of her exist but they have never been published

It has caused me a great deal of pain

Sabrina bent forward and retrieved a small book from her bag

Here there are plenty of revealing paintings of royal mistresses in this book

But they were not of the right blood

Here is a photo of Fergie taken in 1992

She does not do it for me

Even my pain has limits you know

Do you always hang around the castle hoping to find a magazine showing royals in undress?

This is my first visit

You scared the shit out of me

I did not mean to

Is this your first visit?

No we come here often

I was telling my friend about the second battle that was fought near here

I am an expert on the first battle

I know a great deal about that battle but there are gaps I need to fill

Perhaps I can be of assistance

Maybe but another time

Do your realise that the Parliamentarians should have won the second battle

Yes I realise that

Because although the Parliamentarians had something like a two to one advantage the leaders were bickering amongst themselves

That was their fault line

Why were they bickering amongst themselves?

Because they had listened to Medusa

38 35 D6 QUB

That was the sequence that the Parliamentarians should have ignored but in strange way by making this mistake they won the decisive victory and it cost the King his life

I agree

Well I must be off now and I am sincerely sorry for stealing your magazine

You can have it


Yes it means more to you than it does me

I have Sabrina but you have nothing

You have made me very happy

I am Medusa and if by any chance I marry a royal prince

I will make sure that I am papped and I will send the original proofs to you

You are a good person

So are you it is not often that experts on the two Battles of Newbury meet and exchange information

The man dressed in battle fatigues left and did not return

Later as they ate supper in their small cottage Sabrina turned to Pretty

She had a puzzled look on her face

Do you know that chap who we spoke to earlier

What about him?

Why were you so kind to him?

So were you

I was just following your lead

But why were you so kind to him?

He just seemed to be some kind of oddball to me who got off wearing battle fatigues and looking at photos of topless royals

You do not see it do you?

You are speaking in riddles again Pretty

It was clear he was a government spy and if Charles is going to return to the throne then we will need to keep him very close

Believe me it will work to our advantage Sabrina  

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