Night Train

Roger and his two sisters had boarded the night train and were making themselves comfortable in their small but functional compartment

Gillian looked at the furnishings as she deposited her bag on the lower bunk

Even though everything changes these compartments remain the same

Look there is a shaving point above the sink

I have shaved you know I do not own an electric razor

Roger looked the busy platform that faced the sleeping coaches of the night train

It was nearly 10.30 and to his surprise the station was still busy

He guessed that a long distance train was about to arrive

Who is having what bunk?

Beach looked at Roger and then at Gillian

Roger you have this bunk as you are the tallest and Gillian and I will have the bottom bunks

All the bags are on the bottom bunk

That is easily solved I will move them onto the top bunk

What time does the train leave?

In about half an hour

Then there is time for supper

If it is being served

Supper is always served


Just over an hour later the night train was travelling at high speed through Hertfordshire

Beach was sitting in her bunk reading whilst Roger was standing at the window looking at the passing countryside

It is surprising what you can see even at night

I can see only black trees and black hills

And cottages

With late night lights

People taking baths

People watching television

People smoking in their gardens

They will all hear this train and say

There goes the night train racing through the night

You talk absolute tosh Roger

Beach slid down from her bunk and stood next to her brother

As she did so Gillian entered the compartment

Beach everybody can see you

What would have happened if I had brought the guard back with me?

Then he would be disgusted and think that you were sharing your compartment with a man and a boy

I would think that he would put you off at the next station

Wherever that is


I do not know

There was a knock at the door

Just a minute

Gillian lightly grabbed Beach’s arm and ushered her beneath the blankets of her bunk

She opened the door

A steward from the dining car stood nervously in the doorway

Sorry to bother you Madam but are you Miss Beatrice Boo?

No I am Gillian Baxter

Do you have a Miss Beatrice Boo travelling with you


Then she left her purse in the dining car

As he spoke Beach emerged from under the blankets and without leaving her bunk leaned forward and took her purse from the embarrassed steward

Thank you

What is your name?


Thank you Graham that was so sweet of you

I am always losing things

The steward who was looking at his feet smiled weakly and left

He said something but his words were drowned by the noise of a passing train

Gillian closed the door

Really Beach you are such a bitch

I think that Graham has seen a woman’s breasts before

Anyway I am so flat he most probably thought I was a boy

They are most likely laughing about you in the kitchens as we speak

Let them

Roger who had not become involved in the conversation turned around

Do you know that not all night trains have reached their destinations?

His sisters did not answer him

Gillian was sitting on her bunk smiling at her errant sister

Beach who was still sitting upright was examining the contents of her purse

Do you think I should have tipped him?

I think you did enough

As I was saying not all night trains reach their destinations

Do you remember a television series called the something lawn

The Camomile Lawn

That’s it

Well part of it was set on a night train just like this

I remember it

There was an actress who was thrashing around wildly in her bunk

It was a memorable scene

Do you remember it Roger?


What was the name of the actress?

I cannot remember the name of the actress but the character she played was called Calypso

From Greek mythology?


Well she had the most amazing full breasts and I think of her every time we travel to Scotland

Do you Roger?

Not particularly

I wish I was like Calypso

I am glad you are not you would have sent the poor steward mad

Do you think he thought I was a boy?

Ask him

He looked at his two sisters

Gillian was now reading a magazine but was not really interested in the content and Beach had returned to her book

Both were wearing identical glasses

I am not that tired so I am going to sit in the dining car and read  as I do not want to hinder your sleep

What were you saying about night trains not reaching their destinations?

Another time

Suit yourself


Over a hundred miles away Miles Kemp had parked his car in front of his farm

He was drunk

Miles Kemp was always drunk

He stumbled into his cottage and sat on the scruffy settee

He fell asleep instantly

As he did so the London bound express roared by

It shook the cottage as it always did

But it did not disturb Miles Kemp

The cottage was situated on a slope above the railway line and should he have wanted to watch trains pass it would have afforded Miles Kemp a perfect view

What Miles Kemp did not know was that when he had parked his battered old car he had not engaged the hand brake properly and the car had started to move down the slope towards the railway track

It had travelled only a few yards when it came to a halt

Its front wheel had become wedged against a small scar in the grass that had occurred when Miles Kemp had carelessly reversed his tractor a few days previously

Nothing happened at first but soon the sill of damp earth began to give way

Suddenly the car began to run towards the cow bridge which crossed the railway line

It gathered speed and smashed into the parapet and ended up hanging over the bridge

Some of the damaged stone from the bridge fell on to the track below but it did not disturb the high voltage overhead power cables

The runway car was positioned above the cables but had not fouled them

Although the noise of the collision had been considerable Miles Kemp had not heard a thing

The countryside around his tormented cottage was silent again

Miles Kemp was sleeping but not dreaming

Miles Kemp did not dream

In just over three hours the night train from London would pass under the cow bridge at high speed


Roger was sitting in the deserted dining car

He was drinking coffee

Graham was sitting opposite him

I am sorry about my sister’s behaviour she does it to shock

Don’t worry it surprised me that’s all but you get used to it

It is surprising how casual people are on these night trains

We see a lot travelling

How long have you worked for the railway company?

Just over eight years

But I have done the night trains for just over three

You must see life

Very much only last year somebody passed away on my train

I must say that that brought our journey to a rather sudden stop

I got to know Preston Railway Station very well

Are you always confident that the night express will arrive?


Why do you say that?

I am researcher and about a month ago I came across a report of the Wigan railway accident in August 1883

I am not aware of it

Basically a train was derailed as it passed through Wigan’s North West station in the early hours of the morning and thirteen people lost their lives

What caused it?

It appeared that excessive speed caused the accident

The carriages which were rather ill matched but the first fifteen carriages passed through the station without incident 

Sadly the sixteenth carriage and others derailed at a set of facing points and smashed through the station


That would not happen today as safety is paramount

I agree

But that said accidents always occur

I prefer train travel to flying

So do I


I agree

Are you going all the way?

Yes we are staying in Edinburgh for a few days

My youngest sister Beatrice believe it or not holds down quite a responsible job

What does she do?

She works in art galleries and as you know there is a splendid one in Edinburgh spanning the tunnels near Waverley station

What does you other sister do?

She is a researcher like me

We do the research on all subjects just name them 

For magazines books and everything

I have always wanted to write a book

Then do so

I do not have anything to write about

Write about your experiences on the night trains

You could fill many pages


Would you like a whisky?

On the house

A nightcap

That is a nice thought

As Roger and Graham shared a small bottle of whisky Beach lay awake in her bunk

As normal she could not sleep

Gillian was lying on her back

In the dim light she could see her sister’s breasts rise and fall almost in rhythm to the train

She wished that she had breasts like Gillian

So full

That is why she mocked her own breasts

She felt that she was punishing them

What a ridiculous thought

What is a ridiculous thought?

I was contemplating your breasts and I felt a jealousy

I wish I was like you

And I wish I was like you

Let me touch your hand

See there is electricity between us

There usually is between sisters

When do you think Roger will return?

He is probably chatting to someone

The poor steward


Do you think I shocked him?

Yes that was naughty of you

Was it?

I did it on the spur of the moment it was not planned

I know

Do think it made Roger cross?

No he is used to your games

And really dear Beach I wish that I had the guts to do what you did but I am so dull

You are not dull

The look on the steward’s face was incredible

So funny

I was so jealous of you


Miles Kemp had two sisters one lived in South Africa but other lived nearby

She was concerned for her brother who had begun drinking heavily again

The farm was running at a profit but her brother was suffering from stress

He worked long hours

She had been expecting a call from him

He had promised to call her

But he had not kept his promise

Their father who had owned the farm before Miles had found comfort within the bottle and the drink slowly killed him

Miles was now forty-seven

Their father had died at forty-seven

Monica took her coat off of the hanger and walked towards the front door

Deep down she thought something was wrong

It was raining again and as she started her car she cursed the weather

Monica always cursed the weather

She did not like driving in the rain


Roger had decided not to return to the sleeping compartment

He did not want to disturb his sisters

When they travelled to Scotland he quite often sat in the dining car

It was raining and the raindrops were chasing each other in frenzy on the carriage window

Gillian walked into the car

She was wearing her faded jeans and Rogers cream sweater

I thought I would find you here

Is Beach asleep?

I think so she is very quiet

I was thinking

What about?


How long has it been?

Six years

She is happily married again but I do find that I think of her at times especially when it is quiet

There are other Sue’s out there

I know

Well at least you have experienced marriage

What have I got to show apart from a series of ex-boyfriends?

Do you think Graham is married?

I do not know in my view he is married to the job

I think that Beach quite shocked him with her prank

He says it happens all the time when his customers are not dying on him

As Roger finished his sentence the London bound express thundered by

He glanced at Gillian but did not say anything

When you were in the sleeping compartment you said something about not reaching our destination

I just have an uneasy feeling about this journey


Just a feeling in the pit of my stomach

You read too much Roger


Where are we

I am not sure

We have not reached Preston yet

Still in England

It is always a long journey

Imagine if we were Russian and were travelling on the Trans-Siberian Express

The journey takes days not hours and Beach would most probably have had us condemned to a gulag for insulting the steward

Twenty years in Siberia

Gillian smiled at her brother

I am going back are you coming with me?

No I will catch up with my shut eye in the hotel

Beach’s thing does not start till four

Suit yourself but no more Sue thoughts


Gillian walked slowly away and it was she left the carriage that Roger realised that she was wearing his sweater


It took Monica almost half an hour to reach the farm

As she parked her car she was a little puzzled that her brother’s car was not in its usual position

The lights were on in the cottage but she could not see his car

She saw her brother as soon as she opened the cottage door

He was slumped on the settee and had not even removed his coat

The room reeked of stale beer

She gently removed his coat and his boots which were surprisingly dry considering the weather

Because of her gentle consideration for her brother Monica visited him at least twice a month especially when she knew he had been drinking

Miles stirred


No its Monica again

Where’s Rufus?

In his bed I would imagine

It is where you should be

Leave me here

As you will

Where did you park the car?

What car?

Your car


It is not there

Miles did not answer and turned his back on his sister

Although slightly unusual Monica did not worry about the car

It was most likely still in the Seven Stars car park

Miles might have been placed in taxi by his so called friends

She spent the next few minutes checking that the house was secure and then after ensuring Miles was safe she left

Monica drove forward very slowly and stopped on the edge of the slope

Although the heavy rain was distorting the beams of her headlights she could see what had happened

Miles’s car had rolled down the slope and had crashed into the cow bridge

For a moment she froze and then fumbled for her mobile only to realise that she had left it at home

She climbed out of her car and began to make her way down the slope towards the small bridge

It was as she neared the bridge that the gravity of the situation hit her

The car had crashed through the north wall of the bridge and was hanging at a shallow angle over the railway lines

Having lived at the cottage previously she was well aware that apart from the expresses there was not much traffic at night

She prayed that no trains would pass as she knew that it was likely that the vibrations would cause the car to fall

She had to think and think fast otherwise a great number of people could be killed


Forty miles away Beach had decided to join her brother in the dining car as Gillian was now asleep

She could not sleep and the last station had woken her up once and for all

She was also worried about her presentation

Beach dressed in the dark as she did not want to disturb Gillian

Her jogging bottoms were easy to find bot she could not find her tee shirt so she borrowed Roger’s sweater

As she left the compartment she looked at her sister who was lying on her back with her right arm above her head

The pose reminded Beach of the television series that she had once watched although she could not recall its title

It was something to do with Greek mythology

Roger was reading the previous days newspaper

Could you not sleep?



Not yet

You are wearing my sweater

Sorry I could not find anything else without waking Gill

Are you worried about tomorrow?

A little

You have visited these people before

I know but it still makes me nervous why you think I had some fun earlier on

Tomorrow or today as it is I will be Beatrice Baxter and  when all the kind words are complete I will asking them for their cooperation in staging a number of exhibitions

Now I am just plain old Beach Boo who does not have a care in the world

Who would you rather be?

The trouble is I do not know the answer

Do you know what the Greek is for sea?

No should I?

It is Pontus which strictly means that the sea is the road to adventure

This train is your ship

The ship of Ulysses

Do you know the story?

The one featured in the television series?

No one of the characters just had the same name


The one with the big breasts


The one who thrashed around on the night train in a compartment like ours

From now on I will associate the two

Well Ulysses was shipwrecked and ended up on Calypso’s island

I believe they became lovers and she wanted him to stay

But he would not

She offered him immortality

But he longed for the sea and the adventures it brought him

And the dangers

Yes and the dangers

What I am trying to say and say quite badly is that you will need to continue your voyage

When you tire then just return to Beach Boo

She does not take life too seriously

Sometimes you are Beatrice and sometimes you are Beach Boo

You are lucky that you have two identities

Most of us only have one

That is why I was so hurt when Sue left me

There was no one I could turn to

Does it still make you unhappy?

Yes but I am over it

But I do think about her at times especially when I am travelling

I think that I might have that coffee now

I am not sure if Graham is around

Should I apologise to him?

No I am sure you made his day

His Calypso moment

Yes his Calypso moment

Calypso with small tits


Monica began thinking straight

She would have to alert the authorities

So that any trains could be stopped

She scrambled up the slope towards the cottage

Miles always carried a mobile with him

The cottage used to have a telephone but Miles insisted that it be removed as he did not use it

How she regretted his decision

Monica flung the cottage door open hoping to wake Miles

But he was in a deep drunken sleep

She shook him but without success and pulled his mobile from his jeans

Without looking she tapped 999 into the silver keyboard

It was then to her absolute horror she realised that the phone was dead

Miles had neglected to charge it

Fuck you Miles fuck you

She slapped his face but he did not react

Then for no reason she looked up at the kitchen clock and realised that the night train to Scotland was due to pass as it did each night

Monica ran down the slope towards the cow bridge and stood in front of the crashed car

She considered her options

Run along the track and warn the train

No the driver would not see her

And of course a train could come the other way

She knew that she only had one option

This was to push the car onto the tracks

Its fall would bring down the power cables and hopefully this would alert the signalmen

Through the wind and rain Monica thought she could hear the night train as it whistled through the town station

It would be seven miles away and travelling at top speed

She began to push the car but it would not move and then gravity took hold and the car toppled from the bridge onto the track below

There was a huge flash which threw Monica to the ground and then a large explosion

That was the last thing that Monica remembered


Roger and Beach were standing in the vestibule as the carriage had become a little stuffy

Out of the corner of his eye Roger saw a flash which lit up the low wet clouds for an instant

The train suddenly jolted throwing Beach to the floor

What’s happening are we going to crash?

No the driver has hit the emergency brake that’s all

You said we were going to crash

I said I had a feeling but we are not going to crash be brave

Beach was sitting on the floor staring at the carpet

What is it?

I think it was some kind of explosion

It lit up the sky for an instant

Gillian ran towards them and was joined by other passengers

There was confusion

Suddenly Graham appeared from the dining car

What’s happened?

Have we hit anything?

Keep calm ladies and gentlemen it appears that something or someone has brought down the overhead power cables just ahead of us

As you can see this train is now stationary

We are in no danger

Please return to your compartments and wait for further announcements


At eight fifteen that evening Roger Gillian and Beach were sitting in a restaurant not far from the Scott Memorial in Edinburgh

Well congratulations to Beach on a job well done

It was a long and hazardous journey but we made it

Did you find anything more about the incident?

There is not much coming out but it appears that a woman managed to drive her car through the wall of a bridge and it fell on to the railway line

Was she killed?

No she was injured but not seriously

That’s good to hear

But that’s all I found out so far

It appears that we will be travelling back via Berwick and York and this time it will not be on a sleeper I am glad to say

Roger and his two sisters toasted each other

To Beach

To Beach

Do you know that sounds slightly ridiculous?

Roger do you remember our conversation about Calypso and Ulysses?


Well today I am going to stay with her on the island as I have had my fill of adventure for a while

Does your elbow still hurt?


Gillian touched her sister’s bruised elbow

Ouch it is a little sore

Do you realise Beach that you were the only casualty apart from the poor woman who crashed her car

Then in future I think we should all listen to Calypso and stay on her island


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