Pink Trees in Barcelona

Julia and Julie were visiting Barcelona for the first time

Their flight was delayed so they checked in late at their hotel and although they were both itching to explore the great city they restricted themselves to a drink at a nearby bar

After sleeping soundly both women made an early start the following day and within the first fifteen minutes found a small flea market

Julia purchased two metal dishes with old English pennies attached to them

Julie purchased a first edition of Evelyn Waugh’s Men at Arms

The trapped coins dated from 1926 and 1962

Whereas the first edition had been published in 1952

26 62 2x 26 = 52

Pedro the stallholder thought about the mathematics of Julia and Julie’s purchases but was not surprised when the women failed to notice the symmetry

What they did comment on was how surprising it was to find two items so English in their character in a market in Barcelona

Pedro noted that he had once been in Ludlow and had found a book of poetry by Lorca in the towns market

The book had been published in 1962

36 years after the poet died

Lorca = Ludlow

Waugh = Barcelona

Anthony Beavis

Pedro who was born in 1962 thought that Julia looked like Salvador Dali’s wife Gala although less severe

He produced a white shirt from a pink box and asked Julia to put it on but to bare her left breast

Her salary for this theatre would be a loaf of pink bread and a bracelet in the shape of a snake

As she was posing Julia noticed a man with short dark hair looking at the reflection of the back of his head in a large mirror

She looked for her own reflection in the self-same mirror but could not see her likeness

Julie said that only vampires lacked reflections and was assured by her friend that she not a vampire

There are no vampires in Barcelona

Julia and Julie were wandering slowly through the Park Guell in the strong July sunshine

The park had been built between 1900 and 1914

1+9+1+4 =15

It had been opened in 1926


Julie was wearing a white tee shirt with a pink photograph of Antoni Gaudi printed on it

Julia was wearing the shirt that Pedro had given her although her left breast was now covered

Evelyn Waugh was wearing a sober dark suit which was not suitable for the heat of the city

Pedro’s daughter Ana had given Julie a film poster

It was for a 1970s movie called Vampiri a Venezia

In common with Julia

Ana did not exhibit a reflection within any of the mirrors that could be found in the market

Pedro blamed the mirrors which he said were cheap imports

There are no vampires in Barcelona

But then again not all vampires are Spanish

Evelyn Waugh considered this as he walked with Julia and Julie

But did not share his thoughts with either of the women

He knew that Ana had been bitten when taking a bath

In Venice

Her Italian sister had bitten her

She had given Julie the gift as a warning

Do not bathe with your friend

Always shower

I trusted my Italian sister

And I became infected

Bathe alone

Lock the door

Take all precautions

Julie was oblivious to Ana’s warning and planned to share a bath with Julia when they returned to the hotel

There are no vampires in Barcelona

Evelyn Waugh was aware of Ana’s warning but ghosts have no voice

After lunch Julia and Julie visited the Sagrada Familia

Both women were worried that the AVE high speed trains that passed through a nearby tunnel were having a detrimental effect on the stability of the Sagrada Familia

But they were reassured by a pink engineer who noted that all precautions had been considered

Evelyn Waugh had never travelled on a high speed train so he was unable comment

At the time of his death in 1966 the conception of high speed trains such as AVE TGV and ICEs were still on the drawing board

Antoni Gaudi died in 1926

Marilyn Monroe was born in 1926

Marilyn Monroe died in 1962

Antoni Gaudi never met Marilyn Monroe

26 62 2x 26 = 52

Antoni Gaudi was born on the 25th of June 1852

Evelyn Waugh was 62 when he died from heart failure

Evelyn Waugh’s first wife was also called Evelyn and for a while the couple were known as He Evelyn and She Evelyn

People often confused Julia and Julie

Who had been born on the same day twenty-six miles apart

To the same mother

Complications had set in after the first baby arrived and the women’s mother had been driven twenty-six miles to another more specialised hospital

This had never happened before

But both babies survived although Julia required a number of blood tranfusions

A paper was later written by Doctor Richard Lower who delivered both girls

As the circumstances of their birth had gathered a great deal of attention in medical circles

Julia and Julie spent longer in the Sagrada Familia than they had planned to do

The cathedral took their breath away as it had done when they first visited Barcelona on a school trip

Whilst exploring they met a young man called Anthony Beavis who gave them a first edition of Aldous Huxley’s novel Eyeless in Gaza and urged them to read it

Aldous Huxley’s final novel was called Island and was published in 1962

On the 22nd of November 1963 three famous men died

Aldous Huxley

C S Lewis


22+11+63 = 96 /2 = 48/2 =24 (2+4 =6)

It was a perfect day






Anthony said that these figures laid waste to the conspiracy theories that had followed the death of JFK

He kept Julia and kept Julie company as they explored the Sagrada Familia

Evelyn Waugh was glad of the young man’s company as his heavy clothing had caused him to become exhausted in the hot Barcelona sun

He wished that he had worn a lighter suit when attending church on that fateful Easter Sunday in 1966

It was a well-known fact in Heaven that you travelled into eternity wearing your final set of clothes

And because of this Evelyn Waugh felt a little sorry for Joan of Arc who was often to be seen in her decaying clothes

Both Julia and Julie had planned to go to the beach that evening but before they knew it the afternoon was fading

They arranged to meet Anthony at eight and returned to their hotel to freshen up

Evelyn Waugh decided to partake of immediate refreshment and retired to a nearby resturant

Julie decided to shower instead of bathing with Julia as she liked the soft pink tiles

So Julia took her bath alone

It was then that Julie noticed how pale her friend was looking which was surprising given the disposition of the sun

She suggested a drink or two before meeting Anthony

But Julia was aware of the protocols and had arranged to meet Ana at a quarter past seven

She suggested that her friend take a short nap whilst she popped out to purchase some postcards

Julie did not hear her friend leave and when she awoke Julia had already returned

She had purchased six postcards which they shared


At the same time Ana lay slumped in a public toilet

She looked at her bloodied blouse which was hanging from the door

Ana was wondering how she would get past Pedro

Who as normal would be sitting under the pink trees

Waiting for his evening meal


To be continued





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