Fahrelnissa Zeid at the Tate Modern

Brownsover Hall

Brownsover Hall is in the village of Brownsover in Warwickshire

Brownsover is mentioned in the novel Tom Brown’s Schooldays (1857), its creator Thomas Hughes (1822-1896) is recorded as writing the famous book in Deal in Kent in a house not far from the Time Ball Tower.

The village is near to Rugby home of the famous school

William Webb Ellis (1806-1872) the inventor of the game of Rugby Football is alleged to have caught a football in his arms during a match in 1823 and run with it thus giving birth to the game of rugby

His statue can still be seen at the school

There is also a statue of Thomas Hughes at Rugby School

The house dates from the mid-nineteenth century and replaced an earlier manor house. It was designed in the Victorian Gothic style by the architect George Gilbert Scott (1811-1878) who also designed the Midland Grand Hotel at St Pancras Station and the Albert Memorial

Sir Frank Whittle (1907-1996) who designed the turbojet engine purchased the Brownsover estate and lived there between 1936 and 1942

Like a number of hotels Browsover Hall is said to be haunted. A number of people have reported supernatural experiences

What do you think of it?

Good it’s good

Did you write it for their website or a pamphlet?

It is for their website

You have a talent

It is just a matter of research

Pretty was looking out of the window at the park below

Do you know that someone was murdered right in front of this house in 1974?


It appears that a guy was sleeping with other guy’s wife so the husband waited for him in the park and hit him with a baseball bat

He died in hospital

It sound more like manslaughter to me

No it was premeditated and he went down for life

Is he out?


What have you been doing since I last saw you

This and that

Nothing more specific

I watched Taxi Driver

The movie?


I thought you had seen it

No I was going to see it at the NFT in the seventies but somebody fell under my tube and I did not make it in time

So you have waited forty years to see the movie


You do not rush to do things so you?

I suppose not

Have you anymore secrets you wish to share with me Harold

A few I have started reading The Godfather on numerous occasions but have never finished it

I read it when I was in Japan

Did you like it?

Yes I thought it was very good

Thoresby Hall

Thoresby Hall is a country house in Budby Nottinghamshire

The area is famous as it was part of the Sherwood Forest of Robin Hood fame

The current house dates from the nineteenth century but there have been houses on or near to the site since around 1670

It was constructed between 1864 and 1871 its architect being the famous Anthony Salvin whose work can still be viewed at Norwich Castle as well as Newark Castle and Caernarvon Castle to name just two examples

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu famous for her letters from the Orient as well as her work in pioneering in the introduction of a radical smallpox inoculation from Turkey was born in the original Thoresby Hall in 1689

The gardens of Thoresby Hall were set into the parklands by the famed landscape architect Lancelot (Capability) Brown

At the nearby church of St Mary Edwinstowe legend notes that Robin Hood and Maid exchanged vows Marion

You have been quite a busy girl Pretty

Do you use your nickname when writing?

No I use my birth name



How did you cope with the heat wave last week?

I loved it

It must have been hell here in London

You just adjust your pace of life

This flat is cool

Yes that is why I live here cool in the summer and cosy in the winter

What did you get up to?

I walked in the countryside

I should have guessed

Anywhere special?

Not really although I ran into the happy people at Avebury

Happy people?

Hippies new age people

What were they doing there?

It was June 21st

The Summer Solstice

What did you think of them?

I really did not know what to make of them

They seemed to be very happy but was it just a façade 

They were probably spaced out


But I wanted to ask them whether they seeing things that I could not see

Did you


Pretty was sitting on her pastel sofa

She was looking slightly drawn and there were dark rings around her eyes

You should slow down Pretty as you are beginning to look exhausted

Thanks Harold you certainly know how to make a girl fell good

Look I am your friend and friends give advice

You are right I have travelled and travelled and travelled I am tired

I am going to see my aunt in Wales in a fortnight

I can work from there

I agree I need to slow down



When will I see you again?

August I will be in London in August

The tickets for you and Solange are on the table

Thank you

Have you seen the exhibition?


What was the name of the artist again?

Fahrelnissa Zeid

Is she still alive?

No she died in 1991

But you will like her work it will blow you away

I will check her out on my laptop


Just go to the Tate Modern with Solange and let the paintings tell their own story

Experience it in the raw you mean



Where are you off to now?

Dover again and then I have a reading in Portsmouth

You are a busy girl

Not as busy as you


No I am travelling by train

I like train travel in the summer

You should try the Japanese Bullet Trains they are fantastic

I adored travelling on them

With Basho

With Basho

I am off now as I only have fifteen for the train

See you in August Harold

Be safe Pretty and slow down





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