
The outriders are beginning to gather in the grey evening sky

God bless these outriders

A futile moth flits simply between the darkening flowers

God bless this futile moth

The trees are wandering now within the traffic of a cooling breeze

God bless these trees

I am feverish and am sitting on a low bench shaded by a high hedge

There is a silence in the air

The cornfields to my right seem undisturbed

They appear ready for the storm

The hills to my left are shrouded in the rain mists

And only the low meadows are visible

I am awaiting the first droplet of rain

Hoping that it will cool my fever


Violent thunderstorms were noted as they crossed both the southern and south western counties of England on the evening of the 18th of July 2017

The author who had been laid low with a fever wrote this poem in the garden of his cottage before being forced to take refuge from the aggressive storm  


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