The Diesel Works

His grave has commanding views of the bay and once a year on his birthday his family and friends meet at The Diesel Works and remember him

I have visited his home on many occasions and try to visit Calypso at least once a year

The colours of the abundant flora is what strikes one as soon as the formalities at the airport are cleared

As you leave the airport building you are immediately faced by a host of flowers of many varieties which gleam in the strong sunshine

It is an exhilarating experience

And this recreation does not cease as you are driven towards Calypso Beach and beyond

If anything the flowers become more populous and their display is only broken by the many trees that shade the road

The shade of these trees can be quite welcoming as the strong light can if one is not wearing dark glasses can cause headaches and eye strain

My room is on the southern side of the house and is part of the newer annex

This said I am of the opinion that the rooms are even more luxurious than those that can be found in the main house

Everything at The Diesel Works reeks of simplicity and much of the furniture has been constructed by local craftsmen

My writing desk is a very basic affair almost minimalist but as I sit here writing this short piece I am stunned by views from my window

I can see nothing but the sea

My view is uninterrupted

I watch the lazy fishing boats leave the bay in the early hours and return usually fully laden in the late afternoon

If I choose to stand then my view alters slightly as I can see the tip of Calypso Beach and the lawns that lead to the edge of Peter’s property

On the shelves of my room there are a variety of books some quite faded by the strong sunlight that floods into the room if the blinds are not drawn at noon

The odd thing is that although Peter wrote over one hundred books only a few are from his pen and these are in quite poor condition

It is almost as if they had been purchased from a local market as fuel for an evening fire and are not the works of a world famous writer

When he was alive Peter would say that people were entitled to share in his good fortune and this is why he kept an open house for both family and friends

He never turned away even a devotee of his books and often invited them to stay

When he died he left me this little room and the contents therein and asked me to use it as often as I chose

On the wall by the door there is a photograph of Peter and Valerie next to the swimming pool and sitting on a rock looking rather studious is a very young me deeply engaged in a book of poetry

I often sit on that rock and read especially as the day grows cooler and remember the many people over the years who have used the pool

From the noisy bohemian parties to the languid jazz afternoons

I remember them all


From Floral Memories by Piers Anthony


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