A Box of Tricks

When my imaginary friend left me fourteen years ago
He told me that he had secreted a box of tricks somewhere in the house
I initially searched for this box but was unable to find it so I gave up
That was until today when I discovered his box of tricks by accident
When I opened this small box I found two teddy bears
 As well as a striking red and black abstract painting
There was also a green church diary dating from 2006
And a pack of tarot cards wrapped in a thin silk scarf
My imaginary friend was something of a hypochondriac
And I found some strips of outdated pills which I soon disposed of
His faded London security pass which he was required to wear
Reminded me of his handsome but gently worn features
I do not know what I expected to find as many years had passed
The fake olympic medals made me smile as did his Henry Miller paperback
I imagined him reading Quiet Days in Clichy on the tube train each day
And getting odd looks from repressed middle aged men and sad virgins
The box of tricks has now been returned to its secret place
I do not know when I will open it as its magic was beginning to fade
Everything is now illuminated and I can recall its contents with ease
My imaginary friend although distant is near and he often speaks to me in my dreams

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