Extreme Close Up

Whilst living on a kibbutz in the 1970s I was slightly injured in a bombing
The insurgents was all captured or killed but my injuries although slight
Enabled me to see things almost microscopically which is a gift
I can see the smallest of creatures and often look at tree trunks for entertainment
But it does have its disadvantages as when I go to the cinema
 It feels as if I am part of the movie which can be disconcerting
My girlfriend is from Chile but has lived in France since her youth
She tells me that a good number of people from Chile share my gift
And whilst it is not commonplace it is widely accepted
During the years of the Pinochet regime it was outlawed
And people with the condition were persecuted and imprisoned
Manuela’s parents whilst in exile arranged for a number of these dissidents
To come to France and there are about a hundred living in Paris and Toulouse
I often meet people with this gift and we share our values and ideas
But deep down I think that we would like to be ordinary and see as others do
If only I had not been at the washstand on the day of the bombing
I have considered this often but I cannot change my history
And given the opportunity would I really want to

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