Silver Teapot

I saw the incident as I was cleaning up after the video gamers had left
I was the third cleaner
But divorced from the others as I was on the far side of the auditorium
The virus destroyed the first cleaner by the fire door
And the second one as he walked down the steps with waste bags in hand
Viruses often escape after video game conferences but this was exceptional as two had escaped.
But they had not noticed me as I was in the shadows
I destroyed the first virus with a surprisingly accurate shot
It dissolved into powder on impact
But my cover had been broken so I hid in a china teapot that I had purchased earlier
I say teapot but this was no ordinary teapot as it was cased in a outer skin made of tin
It dated from the 1950s
There were no video games in the 1950s and viruses did not exist
But outside of my small china teapot there was a virus and it was hunting me down
I was thinking fast wondering if viruses had a conception of teapots
Would it seem odd to the virus that an insulated teapot had been left on a games table
In a straight draw I knew that I would lose as the virus was much faster than me
There was also another problem as the virus was increasing in size due to the electricity in the air
It was moving towards me slowly and was taking a great interest in the teapot
I knew that I only had one shot if I lifted the lid and surprise was my only advantage
As it had been when I destroyed the first virus
I wondered at the weight of the china lid and hoped that it would inhibit my shot
And then it happened I jumped from the teapot and fired my gun but my chamber was empty
The virus did not return my fire but began to encircle me
I knew then that it intended to dematerialise my body slowly and painfully
My gun dropped to the floor as I awaited my fate
There was no escape
And then the virus exploded before my eyes
It had taken a direct hit and had dissolved into a pile of blue dust
I looked to see where the shot had come from and saw my supervisor standing on the stage
She was wearing a light blue nylon overall and was smoking which was against house rules
The immediate danger was over although we were both aware that there might be other viruses lingering between the tables
So we both cleaned and ensured that we remained fully armed and alert at all times
I am glad to report that nothing happened and we finished our shift without further disturbance
The supervisor asked me if I could walk her home as the whole episode had shaken her up
Later as I sat in my small flat I reflected on the evening after deciding to place my insulated teapot permanently on display

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