Naked Happy People

I live in the town of Naked Happy People here in Texas

If a town was the opposite of its name then this is that town

It has one of the highest homicide rates in the state considering its size

Only last night two bikers were shot to death not far from the old chemical plant

It was drugs related as most things are in the town

My father moved here in 1948 and the town was dying even then

The movie house closed down in 1951 and never reopened

I was born here in 1967 and although I have spent years away from the town I always return

My father died over twenty years ago and I inherited his house as my mother remarried in the 1970s

There is nothing but decay to be seen and this helps to fuel the sense of despair as jobs are scarce since the chemical plant closed

I run a photography studio although I do not make much and I certainly do not photograph naked happy people

People come here because of its peculiar name but they soon leave although they do buy my photographs occasionally

For the most part I am left alone and a small notice in my window tells any potential intruders that I am armed and not afraid to use my gun

There is no money in photography unless you do porn which I refuse to do as I am great friends with the pastor

I should leave again but the last time I got only as far as Austin before I returned

Around here they say that the dust is in your bones so dying is easy

I suppose there is a truth in that statement as people here are dead long before they draw their final breath