
We were sitting around a pool which I thought was a good way to spend the day as we needed to recharge our batteries

The day was very humid but there was a mass of cloud which was inhibiting the sun

Beatrice was reading a book and swimming whilst I was listing a number of musicians and groups whose work I admired

What I found strange about my choices was they did not exist within one genre and ranged from the rawness of hop hop and rap to the sweet songs of the French

My wife had given me a purple pen which to my surprise contained purple ink and I decided to list a few of my favourites on a pad

I called my list

The Likes of Christopher Herrman


Keny Arkana

H Magnum


Lolita Jolie

Couer de Pirate

French Hip Hop in general

Marie Madeline

Euro-Pop in general

Lebanon Hanover

Techno Pop


Sexion d’ Assaut

Bob Sinclair

As I was contemplating my list of likes my mobile rang

It was Richard who noted that he was at the airport with Penny and would be with us within an hour

Beatrice was in the pool and pointed to an imaginary watch

Time was running out

I threw a towel generally in her direction and walked back to the house

Richard was married to Beatrice’s close friend Penny and I had known both of them for over thirty years

But he was unwell and his doctors were urging him to retire

I had told him to let go but his company but it was like a drug to him and he continued to work at a ridiculous pace even though he had suffered two minor strokes

This was part of the reason that we had invited them down

We dined out that evening and when we returned Penny remarked that there were some papers drifting around in the swimming pool

I looked over the low fence and told her not to worry as I had plenty of time to compile another list

But deep down I vowed never to do so