Train Through France

In a few short weeks I will be travelling through France

On a High Speed Train

I shall be taking my Tractatus Logico Philosophicus with me

It will rest on the small table in front of my seat as I watch my train race through the French countryside

I say that I will watch the train racing through the French countryside

This is an incorrect statement as it will be impossible for me to see my train speeding through the French countryside

As I am on the train

The statement is also incorrect as whilst during my trip south I will be travelling through rural regions I will also pass through cities and a number of towns

I think that I will be the only person on the train with this book

This is a suspect assumption as there may be others with the book in front of them

Unless I check with all of my fellow travellers I cannot be certain that I am correct

As I leave Avignon Railway Station I will be carrying the book in my hand

I am likely to be the only person carrying this book in the station at that time

This is a true statement as it is unlikely that anyone else with be travelling with this book

But I cannot be certain of this fact