The Gerasene Demoniac

I was once told the story of a miracle preformed by Jesus which disturbed me slightly


Why were you so disturbed


Because the demons that were exorcised out of the man by Jesus were transferred to a herd of swine who proceeded to run down a hill and into a lake where they drowned themselves


But the man was saved


And the swine died


I confess I do not think that Jesus loves animals


The priest looked away from me and touched the wooden door of the confessional

I would normally say that Christ loves all creatures but this story troubled me also when I first heard it


But after reading various commentaries the story made much more sense to me


In short Jesus did not actually send the demons into the pigs he merely allowed the demons to go where they chose to go


A great number of people consider pigs unclean and will not touch their meat


It is rather like a barbaric invading army


They are considered barbaric and sub human and good only for destruction and this could be the reason that the demons chose these creatures


But that could mean that it was done for the good of the man


I would not have thought that the demons would have been of this consideration


They care little for anything


The priest smiled as I had clearly amused him

How little you know my son


The answer is staring you in your face


The demons might have been ignorant of everything but themselves


But Jesus was not

The priest stood up and opened the confessional door

He opened mine and helped me out and handed me my crutches

For I was in a crippled state after being attacked by a wild boar