Chaos Theory Summer

The Chaos Theory is as I understand it is the study of  random states of disorder


Yes disorder




Do you still have butterflies in your barn

Yes they were still there when I last looked

Were they flapping their wings

Some were but some were resting

Why do you ask

Because dynamical systems which appear to contain apparent random states of disorder are in my view governed by obscure patterns and deterministic laws that are sensitive to initial conditions


My name in Blue


My name is Red

The butterflies in my barn sometimes act strangely

In what way

They talk to each other

I was not aware that butterflies had the ability to talk to each other

They do talk to each other

I am not saying that you are wrong

Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect

No should I have done

It is one of the underlying principles of chaos

Do you think that this was the subject of their conversations

Butterflies cannot speak

I am sure that you are right

The butterfly effect describes that a small change in one state of a deterministic non linear system

Why do they call you Red

Because I have red hair

My name is Blue

Why do they call you Blue

Because I nearly drowned in a frozen lake when I was very young and since then my skin has retained a blueish tinge

This small change to the a deterministic non linear system can result in large differences in a later state

Do you think that

Do I think what



That is a single four letter word but if you write it down seven times without a break then the whole word is twenty-eight characters long

This said the word would remain the same thatthatthatthatthatthatthat

The meaning would remain the same

That car

That train

That house

That street

That town

That state

That city

Twenty-Eight is a Perfect Number

Six is a Perfect Number

This means that there is a sensitive dependence on initial conditions



Have your butterflies in the barn been more active of late given the active temperatures that we are experiencing at present

It was thirty-four degrees yesterday

I know

Thirty Four is the result of adding twenty-eight and six together

Both twenty-eight and six are perfect numbers

I am aware of that

But thirty four is not a Perfect Number

This surprises me as if a pale skinned women and a pale skinned man produced a baby then you would expect the baby to be pale skinned also

Yes I would expect that

So why is it that the addition of six and twenty eight does not in turn produce another perfect number

Due to the heat here have you noticed that your butterflies in the barn have been more active

In a way yes although I stick to my original answer

The butterflies have been more active

I thought that might be the case


Because of late there have been reports of seriously destructive weather patterns over parts of South East Asia