My Favourite Black Sweater

I have a black sweater which is a favourite of mine

It is the definition of scruffy chic I am told

But of late you have hijacked this sweater

And tend to wear it with your jeans

As I write this we are staying in a Canterbury hotel

Which is a little silly as we only live about fifteen miles way

You are sitting on the wide green bed reading

The Americans in Berlin

I am of course recording our stay

In this cautious but enjoyable poem

Tomorrow we are going to travel to London

I have booked another hotel room in advance

Not far from Marble Arch I forget its name

You have told me that you are going to wear my black sweater

Although the sun will be bright and the air still and warm

I will wear what I have packed as I tend not to be choosy

As a gift you always leave an item of underwear in my overnight bag

Today it was your Breton panties which I have hidden deep in my pocket

I plan to use them as napkin when we are eating out just to gently embarrass you

As I take the theft of my favourite black sweater very seriously and look forward to its return