Spring Summer Autumn and Winter

Everything that irritates us about others

Can lead us to an understanding of ourselves


Who said that 


So you mean that because I dislike cyclists whilst I am driving 

That I have a better understanding of myself 


What have I learnt 

That you do not like cyclists 

But I knew that already 


 I am not too keen seeing men walking around in women clothes

It makes your blood boil 

I know 

So you are saying that you know yourself better because of this 

It helps me understand what I consider to be a form of mental illness

When you see one of these people it obviously takes you outside of your comfort zone

Precisely when I see one of these creatures I feel very uncomfortable 

Everything is so black and white with you Roger 

I agree 

You either approve or disapprove 

What would you do if one of your dreaded cyclists fell from his machine 

I would stop and render what assistance I could 

What you do if one of those people fell into a river 

I would do my best to rescue them as I am not a savage 


Jung I believe must have looked into his mirror quite often 

We all look into mirrors but we do not always like what we see

Do you like what you see when you look into your mirror Jane

Most of the time yes 

And you 

Not very often as I see all that is wrong with the world 

In your mirror 


Then where 

In my eyes I see the sadness of the world reflected in my eyes 

You have very soft eyes Roger I cannot see any pain 

I assure that it is there and quite clear to see 

Then I must be blind 

You are not blind Jane 

Then what am I Roger 

Happy Jane you are happy