Anna & Anna

Anna and Anna were lying in Anna’s bed

Do you know who Fanny Kaplan was

Should I 

No she has mostly been forgotten

She was the woman who shot Lenin

Really I bet that pissed them off

It did although the wounds were not fatal they led indirectly to his death

What happened to her

Nothing really she was given a flower shop in Moscow and lived happily ever after


No she was executed by the Cheka soon afterwards 


I will explain that later

What has this got to do with us 

A great deal 

Have you ever heard the saying that a bullet in the right place changes history

Yes it has been painted under the Westway near the football pitches

Do you know what it means

I have an idea

When Fanny shot Lenin she indirectly changed history

In what way 

Well as I noted it caused his early death in 1924


Trotsky should have taken over but he was considered too idealistic and this opened the door to Stalin 

The rest is history

Stalin had Trotsky killed in Mexico 


I saw the movie as I had the hots for Alain Delon 

I thought you liked girls 

I do but truthfully we are all really bisexual if we care to admit it

I agree as you know I have had male lovers it is just that I prefer you 

When JFK was shot it changed history and the same can be said for Bobby

What are you getting at 

I want you to say that you were with me for the whole of Friday 

It is likely that we will be with each other 

That is where it differs as I will be in an empty flat at the top of Trellick Tower

Whatever for 

Is it not obvious 

Not to me

I am going to kill someone 


I am going to assassinate a politician who I believe has betrayed this country

Have you a gun 


How are you going to do it 

With a high powered rifle 

Where did you get that 

That would be telling 

Are you part of a group 

No that is where the weaknesses can occur 

Does your target live near the tower 

No but his chauffeur driven car passes the tower each Friday at nine in the morning 

I have a clear shot from the empty flat 

What happens if someone gets in your way

Then I will abandon my attempt 

And then 

And then I will fade into history 

There are few cameras near the tower

I am just another girl walking along the streets 

My plan is not without risks nothing is risk free 

But to hide in the plain sight is the best option 

You have a flat nearby so why should I not be here 

I live here with you 

I know

But you still have the keys to your flat 

It is just that you like to live here with me 

We do crash at your old place sometimes 

Friday September the Third will be one of those days 

I will leave you in bed to pick up a newspaper and some milk 

When all the fuss starts we will just be a couple of gay girls having breakfast 

It is unlikely that we will be suspected and then we will fade to this apartment as if nothing has happened

Wow you have it so planned 

I have been planning it for years 

I love my country and do not like seeing it harmed 

It will be my only act of courage 

I will wear my Fanny Kaplan tee shirt under my Sloppy Joe and that will be my only concession 

Why is Fanny Kaplan so important to you 

That is an easy one 

Easy one 

You know that I have Russian blood in me not much but a bloodline 


Well I am distantly related to Fanny Kaplan 


She paid with her life after shooting Lenin 

The assassination of that creature will honour her memory 


Anna Anna are you okay

I think you are having a fit shall I call for help

No no I was just having a bad bad dream

Just hold me and stroke my head

Seriously I have these dreams at times and they seem so real

It was feral cats last week and now I am going to assassinate a politician

You must relax

I think that you are pushing it too hard

Slow down please slow down