Anna & Anna

Anna and Anna were in their centre bed together

It was Sunday morning and the sun was water bright

They were watching the seagulls fly by

I have a problem Anna

That being

The language of birds

What troubles you Anna

Well as you know we are normally stalked by the seagulls when we are sunbathing on the beach


And depending on how much they annoy us we either tell them to piss off or give them our droppings

The question I have is do the seagulls actually understand English

Do they understand me when I am reading passages from Jonathan Livingston

Who knows

When you tell them to fuck off because they shit on the balcony do they have any understanding

It is most likely the tone of my voice

You have a gentle voice Anna

Then what is your point

My point is that some seagulls migrate to Africa each winter

The very seagulls that we feed and love in the summer travel  thousands of miles to Oumbo Oumbo Land or some other godforsaken place within the Dark Continent

It is very likely that no English is spoken there

So how do they understand the natives

They probably spend most of their time trying to avoid the spears

That is cruel of you Anna

Remember who is making the coffee this morning Anna

Where is the coffee from Columbia Brazil France

No just Sainsbury’s

Anna we stray from the point

Do seagulls understand language

Do dogs understand language

Even pigeons

If I was in France and threw a ball into the sea and said fetch Rover would the dog understand me

It would recognise your gesture

Okay point taken but if I said Rover your suppers ready would it know what I was saying and come in

Yes but Rover would smell the food

Fuck you Anna if I fed Rover and let him out but told him not to shit in the garden would he understand me

No but he would feel the brick that you would throw at him when he shit in the pansies

We are getting off the point

I was discussing seagulls and language

What do you think

About seagulls


I think that the birds are totally instinctive

That they do not understand language


What about dogs

Dogs do not have wings

They do not fuck off to Africa every winter

Dogs understand language

Even French dogs

French dogs understand French

But what if the owners were French and English

Then I would hope that the dog would be bilingual



I have had a thought

That being

Lets get tattoos


On our bums for the summer

You mean to satisfy the male gaze

Does it bother you

Depends on who is looking

You are so shallow Anna

Does the male gaze bother you

Men look at beautiful women

That is quite natural

I mean the poet has placed us naked in bed together whereas we could have been walking around a supermarket

He likes the idea of two gay girls discussing whether they should have tattoos on their bums


I am busy writing this poem

Don’t be a grump

When you created us did you think about the male gaze

Why do you ask that

Well we are what might be considered attractive gay girls

Why are we not unattractive brick shit houses

I can turn you into unattractive brick shit houses if you like

I dare you

Don’t fuck about Anna you know what he is like

I do not want to walk down the road and have people staring at me because I am so gross

Or he might place us in one of those awful cripmobiles

I cannot believe that you said that Anna



I did not say that Stephen put the words in my mouth

Without beauty the world is nothing

That is why I created you as you are

It is the male gaze but I will not discuss it further as I have a poem to finish



That was a bit spooky

I know

How did it all start

We were discussing language and seagulls

And dogs

And then I suggested that we have tattoos on our bums

What type of tattoo

Seagulls I think would be fun

I would like you to have Jonathan Livingstone Seagull on your bum and I would have Anthony Gull on my butt cheek

Is that okay Stephen

Fine by me

We could pop down to Gillian’s parlour and have them ready for Christmas

I agree but let’s have a coffee as I am parched