
I want to cum in your face Julie

That might prove a little difficult Sergei

Because as you might have noticed we are both astronauts

We are also walking in space are are being watched by millions

I like being watched

Maybe but it is physically impossible in out space suits

What about later when we return to the space station

Do you know that the word astronaut means

It means star sailor

How nice

It is taken from the Greek I believe

I have a topless photograph of you taken on a Greek beach

Where did you get the photograph

Your husband sold it to me

That is private property Sergei

You have invaded my space

Where is it

I have made two copies


One is on my bunk and the other is here in my suit

I can see it as I speak to you

But I will not tell anybody

You already have

Do you like the photograph


Am I beautiful

Yes and you breasts are totally symmetrical

Who is that in the photograph with you



Yes Angela my wife

That is why my husband left me

If I was your husband I would not have left you

Be that as it may we have a job to do repairing the antennae



Have you ever achieved an orgasm in your space suit


I have on many occasions

You should try it

It is simplicity at its most basic

My quarters at seven sharp

After band practice


I will be there


Do you want me to bring anything

Just the red rabbit