Sleeping With Eunice

When I woke from my storm dreams

I expected chaos but there was only calm

After I had looked out of my top window I promised

The beach that I would visit her later in the day

I knew then that I was in a relationship with a crab


Within the hour the whipping winds had started to batter

My windows my porch and my small garden shed

Nearby trees were soon shedding their winter branches

With off grey doves asleep on them as they as they fell

It is quite hard to express your feelings to a crab


The sea was deep rough even though the sun was bright

Yet the gulls did not seen disturbed by the heavy storm swell

I soon became obsessed with the puddles that had formed on the beach

As they reflected a sweet soft heaven that only I could see

My crab then left me as it knew little or nothing about God and Love