The Midnight Thoughts of Septimus C

Living in the ice house

I have grown used to the rape fields

But not their colour

Colour disturbs the monochrome mind.

In the distance two trees

Pretend they are green

To please the flowers

Who read well

With the aid of mirrors.


Recently I have begun to question my parentage

We are all descended from rooks

But of late my feathers

Have become more mottled

Almost flesh like in tone

This concerns me as I enjoy flight.


Exploring further

The glow of the driftwood

Confuses me

I stop my thoughts

And write twenty poems

About driftwood

In time the glow fades

But I can still taste the sulphur in the air

Which is a pleasurable sensation.


By dawn my feathers are gone

But I can still fly

Which is a compromise of sorts

I am bothered by jackdaws

But they do not steal my clothes

Which in reality are rags

Good only for gliding

In the trade winds.


Stories are still to be found on the thermals

But these are getting scarce

The best stories by far

Are to be found in the deep overgrown pits

Which are populated by the wild cats

These cats usually attack from a left handed direction

As I am right handed I do not fear them

They linger in the shadows

Occasionally interrupting the narrative with their howls

But this is of no consequence.


I cannot fly now

I have not flown for a while

I do not miss flying

I am much smaller

My mother is also small

It is much hotter now

The ovate blinds shade me .


In the late afternoon

I visit a friend

Who is counting

The growth rings

Of a fallen oak

The task has tired him

He is dry now

I am still moist.


There are nearly nine hundred rings in this tree

Some are quite bleached and almost invisible

Others towards the parameter are bold

And travel the whole circumference of the trunk

I am now counting them

Starting at sixhundredandninetythree

And finishing at sevenhundredandsixteen

I have been instructed not to count outside of this sequence.

My skin feels tougher and does not tire

Even though the heat is intense

I wonder if numbers feel changes in temperature

Or are they protected by their sequence ?


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