Time Travel

On the 28th July 1947 Troy Weymouth travelled to the Dorsetshire town that shared his name

His sister Harriot K travelled in the opposite direction

Both used the red tunnel

The tunnel was named Ghostcat

After its inventor

Both siblings knew this to be untrue as the tunnel had not been invented but found by Iklis Monks some two hundred years previously

When Harriot exited the tunnel she recognised the mirrors of a dress shop. She was instantly employed as a mannequin

Her exhibition was a dress of crushed green silk

The street was of an Edwardian appearance although a space railway ran overhead

It ceased at 11 each day an hour before the shop closed

Troy Weymouth did not reach the town that shared his name. Instead he found himself next to a black Bakelite telephone with ivory buttons 1-10

The telephone was called Amadore

He waited for it to ring

On the 4th December 1823 Troy Weymouth travelled to the Dorsetshire town that shared his name

On the 5th December 1923 the telephone rang. It remained unanswered

Harriot K travelled in the opposite direction wearing the dress of crushed green silk

Both siblings used the red tunnel

The tunnel was named Ghostcat

After its inventor

Harriot K found herself on a ship named the Santa Maria del Pinto

Her dress was gone

She wore only stained rags

On the starboard side of the ship a volcano erupted in the distance. It plume of grey ash began to erase the high sun

As Harriot K looked into the violent sky she knew the Santa Maria del Pinto to be doomed

She was now aboard a burning ship

Adrift on a boiling ocean

On the 14th May 2012 Troy Weymouth travelled to the Dorsetshire town that shared his name

During his journey he wrote his sister a letter

I taste your tears
as I write
what bitterness
is to be found
in your pen

As the ship burned Harriot K pierced her side with a shard of burning wood. Her blood flowed freely and extinguished the nearby fires

This was only a temporary reprieve as the bubbling sea was accessing the decks of the gutted ship

Troy Weymouth did not reach the Dorsetshire town that shared his name instead he remained in the red tunnel

The date was the 7th October 1616

The red tunnel had not yet been discovered

The monks who were to discover it were as yet unborn

In his third hand he held a small brass frog held together by a spring mechanism. When released it revealed a pearl

In minute detail the pearl showed a painting of a volcano

Troy Weymouth swallowed the pearl and threw the brass frog into the gutter which ran in the centre of the red tunnel

He wrote to his sister again

I saw the peach sun
in the suburbs
of the tunnel
it’s humour astounded me

On the 9th July 1911 Harriot K was sitting on a bowls green in a southern county of England. She was dishevelled but was wearing her dress of crushed green silk once more.

Above her the peach sun shone brightly in the cloudless sky

Troy Weymouth stood still in the red tunnel and imagined the clock near the sea in the town that shared his name.

The clock had stopped but this had not been noticed

As he had little else to do he reasoned that if time had stopped in the town that shared his name, then as time was fluid he must be travelling


He awaited his arrival

Harriot K now slept in the warm sun as a game of bowls was played around her

Her dress of crushed green silk had changed colour. This colour had no address

The oldest of the bowls players placed a telephone next to her and gently touched her exposed shoulder

The telephone was called Amadore

She awoke and held it to her breast. All its messages were routed to her heart


On the 25th November 2236 Troy Weymouth travelled to the Dorsetshire town that shared his name

His sister Harriot K travelled in the opposite direction

Her dress was now of the finest silk, neutral in colour. It covered her whole being with the exception of a tear that found no rest

She was seated with the Iklis Monks who were dressed in the heaviest brown. Each had a beard rough in texture which she touched as they passed her

Each of the monks fed her with trilling seed and basphelt wine

They told her of their discovery


On the 7th November 1962 Harriot K was found dead in her cell. She had poisoned herself

The monks prayed for her soul but knew that she did not possess one

Her brother was distraught when he heard the news. He stood under the clock beside the sea and awaited its chimes

It chimed six times

Then twice

Troy Weymouth travelled from the Dorsetshire town that shared his name

His created sister travelled in the opposite direction

Her name was Regina Roch

Neither moved

Both their journeys were suspended

Troy Weymouth picked up six pebbles and arranged them in sequence


Time was still


Troy Weymouth travelled from the Dorsetshire town that shared his name

His created sister travelled in the opposite direction

She found herself dressed in rags next to the clock beside the sea

Time was still

The clock remained silent

Regina Roch arranged pebbles in a variety of sequences. No sequence unlocked her journey

On the 10th March 1959 she arranged the pebbles in the correct sequence

The clock chimed six times

Then twice

A mauve tinge eclipsed the sky

Regina Roch walked towards the sea and as she did so the rotting rags fell from her body

The tunnel although red showed a neon construction

Troy Weymouth did not notice the neon construction

He came to regret this

Harriot K had been dead for over four hundred years yet her body remained pristine. She was attended by the Iklis Monks

Blood pumped through her veins but she was not allowed life. Her dress of crushed green silk retained its original colour which grew stronger as the years succumbed

She was protected by the soldiers of the wall. They had fought the Ise with wooden spears but had perished as their battles became too narrow

On the four hundred and ninety sixth anniversary of her death a monk named Lucien brought a black Bakelite telephone with ivory buttons 1-10 into her cell and placed it next to her lifeless body

The telephone was called Amadore

Six hours later the telephone rang

“All time is organic”

Harriot K left her cell and entered the red tunnel which was covered with neon flies

She considered their movements possessed a gentle beauty

The tunnel was in decay

Sweat resembling tears ran down its faded red walls

Time had become aware of its own mortality

As the neon flies touched the tunnel walls they shone for an instant then faded

Time decays time

The monk Lucian placed the drowned body of Regina Roch on the bed where Harriot K had once slept

He prayed for her soul but knew that she did not possess one

Troy Weymouth had remained in the Dorsetshire town that shared his name

He sat under the clock near the sea

Opposite him there were five Zelkovas Trees

Four green and one red

The clock had not chimed for a thousand years. Many considered it dead but he knew it to be alive as he could hear its heart beat

The neon flies had begun to suffocate the Zelkovas Trees. They were emerging from the cracks in the ground around him

He considered their movements possessed a gentle beauty

Troy Weymouth knew that he had a final journey. He had not travelled for a thousand years. He stood under the Zelkovas Trees for the last time. Their leaves were now made of blue marble

No date had been recorded

Dates were no longer recorded as they were considered obsolete




Troy Weymouth travelled away from the Dorsetshire town that shared his name

His sister travelled in the same direction

The monk Lucian sealed the door to the tunnel up for the last time. He was dazzled by the neon flies

He considered their movements possessed a gentle beauty

As he waited for the resin to set he failed to notice the smallest of movements at his feet

The tunnel was named Ghostcat

His fellow monks were to celebrate his casualness

Harriot K awoke in a shallow wooden boat at the edge of a lake. She was naked save for a silk sheet which covered her knees. A gentle breeze explored her hair which copied the sway of the green-swirl that grew in abundance on the perimeter of the lake

The lake was of many colours and was arched by a rainbow. She searched for its reflection in the waters but did not find agreement

She stepped out of the rigid boat and walked towards the Zelkovas Trees

There were five trees

Four green and one red

Under the first tree she found her dress of green crumpled silk. It had been destroyed and lay in pieces

She picked up a sleeve and captured a blue marble leaf that had fallen from the tree. It was fractured and in the vacancy she saw an eye

This was the eye of her brother

She placed it under the second tree

Nothing happened

Harriot K crushed the blue marble leaf in her hand

It shattered into many pieces


She collected these pieces and placed them under the third tree

The two remaining trees fell into the lake but did not disturb the waters

In slow procession the pieces of the blue marble leaf became one but they did not repeat their creation

Her brother stood in front of her, he was as naked as she was. He took her warm hand and placed her in the shallow wooden boat

He lifted the rigid oars and began to row towards the centre of the lake. As they neared the rainbow they noticed that it indeed had a reflection

Troy Weymouth stopped rowing. He motioned his sister to rise and both dived into the blue reflection of the rainbow

The water showed no disturbance

On the 28th July 1947 Troy Weymouth travelled to the Dorsetshire town that shared his name

His sister Harriot K travelled in the opposite direction

Both used the blue tunnel

The tunnel was named Ghostcat

After its inventor




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