The Hills Became Cooler – (Travels in Wiltshire and Somerset)


Wiltshire Landscape

hang clouds threading

time leading

hills breaking cover

the night is near


Bath Babel Bath  

Today I had to walk solo, lost in the incredible street music of the city. I recorded the visit on my humble camera as my rumble trace memories were beginning to fade


Mondrian and Trains

I held a newspaper above my head that illustrated some of the early works of the artist

Nobody on this Melksham to Westbury train showed any interest

So I did not tender my fare


Bath (Mr Easterman)  

Just before the heat of the afternoon reached its height a small party was seen to enter the Green Woods near the ruined folly

For those not acquainted, the small party consisted of a Mr Easterfield, a Mr Gold and a Mr Rathbone

Mr Easterman was reading a small green book whilst the other two men were in animated conversation

The three men were not however alone as they were followed by three women each dressed in bright colours.

Mrs Penfold and her niece Anna both wore red dresses fringed with gold whilst Anna’s cousin Alfreda wore a dress of deep blue which was not fringed with any other colour. Although fashionable it gave the dress a somewhat dour look but it suited the narrow girl

The women each held a white parasol although the effort was not needed as the cover of the trees occasioned little sunshine

Mr Gold broke from his conversation with Mr Rathbone and turned to Mr Easterfield

“What are you reading Easterman”?

“The Journal of a Somerset Rector” the young man replied

“The main character dies does he not?” interrupted Gold

“There is no main character”

“All books have main characters” said Gold clearing the path ahead with his cane

“All main characters die” added Rathbone hoping that their discussion would soon end as he was beginning to lose the thread of the conversation and did not want to seem foolish in front of his younger friends

Easterfield said nothing and looked up at the treetops which were not sharing the brilliance of the sun

They were indeed masking the day only letting the occasional shaft of sunlight break through their heavy cover

As the trees began to thin out the small party could see a golden field of wheat shimmering between the heavy dark trunks

Only Easterman did not admire the luxury of the field for he knew that these were false jewels and that their true reward was above them

Unseen and silent

Hidden in the rough red sky chambers

That had begun to descend





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