Kent Poems

Two Woodpeckers and a Magpie

In a tree

near the River Stour

two Woodpeckers and a Magpie

argued over its remaining fruits

a boatman drifted by

but did not notice the disturbance

as he was reading the Bible


Kent Mirror

the languid flowers

always lay peacefully in their beds

as I passed them

on my way to Birchington

each morning

I did not notice these flowers
but I sensed their compassion

the landed flowers

always lay peacefully in their beds

as I passed them

on my way to Birchington

each morning

I did not notice these flowers
but I sensed their compassion


River Stour (July Evening)

The river reeds hidden in the deep waters
do not rest as the day darkens

A small yellow boat points towards Canterbury
in its shadow hides a moorhen

A line of Poplars planted by accident communicate silently
with the distant windmill

The evening rabbits are disturbed as a secret Siskin moves
amongst the foxgloves on the late flat breeze

A summer leaf falls mysteriously into the river and floats out of sight
leaving no clue as to its previous geography

The tall Woodpeckers no longer trespass on the grass paths
that lead towards the sea



The morning mists are now thinning

across the flatlands

that disappear from sight

within the hour I will be talking

to my crested neighbours


Kent Sunset

The fractured clouds

are now beginning

to hide the sunset

I can feel the dampness

of the grass

and am aware

that you await me


The Animal Cemetery at Sarre

Silence just Silence

Nothing stirred apart from the hot breezes

That caressed the July wheatfields

And gently touched the screen trees

That shaded the road


Toys of memory littered the graves

And likenesses of these

Much loved pets

Stared at me from beyond death

As I slowly passed their memorials




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