Red Sands Margate in Technicolor

The Chronicles of Anna Magdalena Bach

On the 28th of June 2008 (2) Violet Few was walking through St James’s Park. She was returning home from the cinema where she had watched The Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach for the third time. It was a film that she loved and when it was showing she would go to the cinema to see it again. Her friends mocked her but it was an indulgence that she liked and to see the film always made her feel very happy

She did not see the man sitting on the seat at first and almost stumbled over the ducks he was feeding

The man was tall with cropped hair, he wore a well-worn boiler suit and was handsome in a tired way and possessed a slenderness which Violet instantly thought betrayed a robust constitution

A dialogue commenced

“I see you have a white shirt in your bag may I have it?”


“Because I am a Time Traveller”

“If you are a Time Traveller where is your ship?”

“You are standing on it”

Violet looked around her station slightly confused

The stranger with an elaborate gesture indicated the area around himself

“The park is your ship?”

“That is true”

It was then that Violet noticed the body of a man quite dead pinned to a large tree by a sturdy sword. For an instant she stepped back and then regained her composure

“Was this your doing time traveller?”

“He asked for alms with violence in his voice and produced a dagger so I ran him through as a warning to others. They come off the ships at the docks and mock the innocence of the citizens who stroll through this park”

“They may do but you cannot kill every potential mugger who approaches you. The police take a very dim view of this type of behaviour”

As she finished her sentence Violet heard the wail of police sirens and in the distance and in the corner of her vision she saw the flashing blue lights of a number of police cars

“We will need to make ourselves scare otherwise there will be hell to pay”

The stranger slowly raised his hands and for the shadow of a moment everything around Violet was a vivid red

Johnny Radiance and Violet Few

When Violet regained her senses she found herself staring at the sea. She was sitting in a seafront shelter above the Margate Sands which she recognised from her childhood

This was the edge of England

Neither she nor the stranger said anything apart from wishing to a kindly gentleman in a bowler hat the time of day as he passed the shelter

Exile beckoned

“What is your name?”

“Johnny Radiance”

“Well Johnny Radiance do you realise we are on the run”

“I do”

“What is the date Johnny Radiance?”

“The 28th of June 2008 (3)”

“So we have not travelled in time but just in miles”

“That sometimes happens”

“I thought you possessed a time machine”

“I cannot control it; it is controlled at time by greater forces”

“Are you hungry?”

“I am”

“Then I shall get some food, I was paid today so there is enough money to eat at least”

“May I have your white shirt?”

It was then that Violet realised that she had left her bag in the park. Although she kept her valuables close to her person there was enough in the bag to identify her

“I have left my bag in the park”

“That is a pity, I liked the shirt, and it was perfect for what I had in mind”

“What did you have in mind Johnny Radiance?”

“I was going to write a poem on it”

“On my white shirt”


“Do you often ask strange girls for their spare clothing so you can write your poetry on the items?”

“Yes quite frequently, sometimes on their clothes, sometimes on their person”

Violet did not hear Johnny’s reply as a police car with its sirens wailing and lights blazing passed at high speed towards Cliftonville

“I am going to get us some food so stay here and do not do anything. Have you any more weapons?”

“I have a dagger”

“Then give it to me I do not want you stabbing anybody who looks the least bit foreign” 

Johnny handed Violet a small but elaborate dagger. It was beautiful weapon with the initials JW engraved on the blade

“I shall look at the fine light”

“As you will, please just stay her, I will not be long and for goodness sake do not get into a fight”

“Margate seems a peaceful place”

“It has its moments”

“Have you killed before?”

“Not often”

“How often is not often?”

“Less than half a dozen times but mostly in sword fights and duels”

“I thought I might be travelling with a serial killer”

“I only kill to defend myself and would never hurt a lady be she a countess or a whore”

“Well that is nice to know, now we have cleared that up what food would you like?”

“Anything of a meat variety, perhaps venison or a rabbit, but not fish I do not like fish at all”

“That helps enormously we are in Margate but you do not like fish and I do not think the burger bars will serving venison tonight”

“Please choose for me, but not fish”

Violet and Johnny smiled at each other as she left walking in the general direction of the town. She passed the derelict Dreamland and looked towards the fine Victorian clock. Another police car passed by with its lights blazing. This unnerved Violet although deep down she found being on the run quite exciting

As she was making her way towards the burger bar the kindly gentleman in a bowler hat stopped her

“I think that you might want to read this my dear” 

He handed Violet a copy of the London Evening Standard. The headlines screamed at her

Romanian Beggar Slain With Antique Sword in St James’s Park

A thirty-two year old Romanian beggar was murdered in broad daylight in St James’s Park this afternoon. An unusual feature of the killing was that the unfortunate was killed with a rare antique sword thought to have value of £10,000 upwards.

Police are keen to speak to a couple who were seen in the vicinity at the time of the killing. The man was aged about thirty of slender build and was about six feet tall. He was wearing a boiler suit and had closely cropped hair

The woman was of an undetermined age and was wearing a violet dress with a grey sash. She had blonde hair and was carrying a grey clutch bag

Unnamed sources believe that the woman in question is a Violet Malet Few (28) from Ealing who was until recently employed as a researcher with a large multi-national company. She was reported as having entered a cinema in Oxford Street which was showing The Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach but has not been seen since. There is no such intelligence about the man.

“Oh fuck, of fuck, oh fuck” Violet said suddenly realising that she was standing next to the kindly gentleman in a bowler hat

“Oh I am so sorry you must think me so common”

“Do not worry my dear, do buy your companion who I know very well a change of clothing and if I was you I would change out of your conspicuous dress”

The kindly gentleman in a bowler hat then handed Violet one hundred pounds

“I cannot take that from you sir”

“Please do as you are doing a great service to literature”

“Please explain”

“I will in time my dear but I have a train to catch to London”

“What is your name?”

“Eliot just Eliot”

The kindly gentleman in a bowler hat then with a knowing smile turned towards the railway station

For the next hour Violet trawled the shops in Margate to look for suitable clothing for Johnny Radiance and herself. Finally she found a retro shop which had a non-descript hippy smock that suited her. She wanted to be as far away as the girl in a violet dress as possible

Johnny Radiance was more difficult as she did not really know his size. She settled for buying him a pair a jeans and a black tee shirt hoping that they would just blend in with the others in Margate

As she walked back to the seafront shelter she prayed that Johnny Radiance was still there and that he had not wandered off or worse still had got into an argument with one of the asylum seekers who still littered the town

Johnny Radiance had moved but was only sitting on the seafront wall looking out to sea. There were no signs that anyone had disturbed him and he looked pleased to see her as she crossed the busy road

As they shared burger and chips in the shelter Violet told him of the headlines in the newspaper and how they were being hunted by the police and how the police were aware of her name as she had left her bag behind

“We will need to find a hotel, just leave that to me and we will have to change out of our clothes as the authorities have a pretty good description of us”

“But the constables are constantly passing us by”

“But one Pc Plod is going to be in the wide awake club and will spot us. I have purchased some clothing so let us change here and find a hotel”

“Why do we not change at the hotel?”

“Because Mr and Mrs Smith will be wearing a boiler suit and a violet dress when they book in and if the receptionist has read the papers then they will contact the police”

As Johnny Radiance removed his boiler suit Violet noticed that there was a large tattoo on his back which stretched down to his waistline. As the light was fading she could not make out the content although it looked to be a long poem

The jeans that Violet had purchased was a little long but all in all Johnny Radiance looked as she wanted him to look, inconspicuous. Trying not to attract attention she changed into her smock and was relieved when she was able to hide both her violet dress and Johnny’s boiler suit in a carrier bag

As they walked along the promenade looking for a suitable hotel nobody paid them any attention which was what Violet wanted

Not far from the Victorian clock they found a small hotel which faced the bus station. They registered themselves as Mr and Mrs Stephen Leacock from Portsmouth who were visiting friends in the Kent area

They need not have worried have worried as the receptionist was more interested in herself than her visitors and Violet saw a copy a glossy magazine that she had been reading next to cup of coffee

They had been allocated room six on the top floor which suited Violet as she was able to see the street from the window. In her mind she made casual escape plans should the police come to the hotel

Violet made a cup of tea for Johnny and for herself and sat in the easy chair trying to take stock of what happened to her

After watching The Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach she had met a stranger who had killed a beggar and had been whisked off in a time machine which resembled St James’s Park and was now in Margate and at hotel and was being hunted by the police

Her train of thought was disturbed when Johnny Radiance removed his tee shirt and she again saw what she thought to be a tattoo on his back

“What do you have on your back Johnny Radiance?”

“A poem of mine”

“But why have you it tattooed on your back?”

“So it would never leave me”

“May I read it?”

Johnny Radiance stretched out on the carpet in front of Violet and she knelt down beside him. The poem which had no title was written in a tiny hand so she had to look closely to read it

Violet was slightly taken aback at the directness of the poem and did not say anything for a while

“It is not complete” Johnny said suddenly

“Was the poem yours?”

“Yes and many others”

“Who added the tattoo to your back?”

“It is not a tattoo”

“Very well who added the poem to your back?”

“A lady sadly long dead”

“Were you fond of her?”

“I was and she of me”

“Would you mind showing me your back?”


“To see if it would be perfect for the remainder of my poem”

“If you think you are going to tattoo your poem on my back then think again”

“It would be of no illness to your person”

“Maybe but supposed I wanted to go on the beach and I had a poem written on my back do you not think that I would look a little odd?”

“Only privileged would read it”

“Please explain”

“Only those who can see the poetry would read my words”

“So you are saying that because I have poetry in my soul I was able to read your poem”


Violet turned away from Johnny and showed her back to him

“You have a perfect back ideal for my completion”

“And even if I did agree how would you propose to write the poem?”

“With my instruments”

“And where are these instruments?”

“Do you have the dagger?”

“I do it is in my clutch bag”

Johnny Radiance opened Violet’s clutch bag and withdrew the small dagger. He pressed one of the jewels and to her surprise the top sprung open

“The dagger has more than one use” he said as he removed three thin pens and laid them on the table in front of Violet

“These are the instruments my lady used when the added the poem to my person”

“Would it hurt me?”

“No a little warmth at first but nothing thereafter. A spray of cold water takes away any discomfort”

Against her better judgement Violet lay on the carpet where Johnny had been and for a while she heard him moving around

“I am starting now just below your shoulders and will continue until the poem is finished. Please stop me at any time if you feel discomfort”

Violet closed her eyes and in a shadow of a moment everything was a vivid red

The Spanish Fishermen

In an instant she was awake again but Violet was not on the floor of the hotel room but walking with Johnny Radiance along the jetty that led away from the art gallery As she walked she felt a warmth on her back which although a little painful felt pleasurable

She looked at the darkening street of the town and was sure that she would be spotted and connected with the dreadful crime in St James’s Park

“I thought you said it would not hurt” 

“It is only the tenderness of the words. Cold water will take away the feeling”

“Then I shall bathe from the end of the jetty”

Soon Violet and Johnny Radiance found themselves at the end of the jetty wall. The tide was in and a few fishing boats floated quietly on the gentle waves

All seemed unoccupied with the exception of a Spanish fishing boat called El Albatros Roja

The crew were playing cards on the deck and were unaware of Violet and Johnny Radiance

“I think I will swim now, may I swim with your painful tattoo?”

“It is of no matter”

“Do you think they would mind if I swam for a short while?”

“I do not think you would bother them”

“Hey Guys, would you mind if I swam in the sea near you boat” Violet suddenly shouted in the general direction of the fishing boat. There was no reaction from the crew who carried on playing cards

“They probably do not understand me” 

“Que mi dama nadar sin ropa cerca de su barco” Johnny Radiance shouted at the boat.There was a little disturbance from the crew and the youngest member shouted

“Si pero molestar a nuestro juego”

“They say that you can swim but they ask that you do not disturb their game”

Violet readied herself and in an instant dived into the sea a short distance below. The coolness of the water took away the warmth of the words that she felt on her back and as she swam near the fishing boat she wondered whether the fisherman could read the poem

As she did so one of the fishermen threw a small piece of bread in her direction which she caught and pretended to consume

“Aqui esta la sirena de disfrutar de su comdida” he said with a smile as he returned to the game of cards

After about ten minutes in the water Violet climbed the rusty iron ladder towards Johnny Radiance who was taking little or no notice of her

As she reached the top of the ladder the eldest of the Spanish fishermen shouted

“Usted tiene una mujer Hermosa y usted es un gran poeta” 

“What are they saying” asked Violet as she dried herself

“That you are a beautiful woman and that I am a great poet”

“And when I was in the sea?”

“I could not hear it clearly but it sounded as if they were referring to you as a mermaid”

Violet sat down and cuddled up to Johnny Radiance as she was still chilled from the sea. The Spanish Fisherman had finished their game of cards and were singing

“El el silencio de la noche, quando
Ocupa el dulce sueno a los mortales
La Pebre cuenta de mis ricos males
Estoy al Cielo a mi Clori dande”

“What is the song that they are singing?” asked Violet

“It is a beautiful soneto from Cervantes. You see the singer sings it in a supressed voice with each word trembling with feeling”

“Vuelve la noche y vuelva al triste cuento
Y siempre hallo en mi mortal porfia
Al Cielo sordo-a Clori sin oidos “

The song seemed to fade into the shallow breeze that was blowing gently from the south that evening

When Violet looked at the boat again the fisherman had gone below deck and she could just make out the quiet chatter from inside the boat

“You speak Spanish well  Johnny Radiance”

“I know many languages”

There was another silence and Violet looked at the street lights of Margate and saw another police car race by in the general direction of Cliftonville

“Do you think they are after us?” Violet said quietly

“No today is the 6th of July 2006 and no crime has been committed”

“We have travelled in time again”

“Yes, do you know I met Cervantes once?”

“In your time machine”

“It was a brief meeting over a glass of wine as he was a busy man. We toasted our good health and exchanged books and that was all”

“So you can go anywhere in your time machine?”

“No it controls me, I can appear anywhere”

“So coming to Margate was an accident?”


“I used to come to Margate when I was a child with my parents and my half-sister Viola”

“You have happy memories?”

“Very happy ones”

“Then my time machine must have recognised your happy memories and that is why we arrived in Margate”

“How did you get your time machine?”

“I was given it when I was dying”

“When you were dying!”

“Yes I was destined for an early death at the age of thirty-three. I had lived a life that was much too full and was paying the price”

“What happened?”

“My Black Angel arrived”

“Your Black Angel”

“Yes my Black Angel was my physician who was overseeing my death”

“You are saying that your doctor gave you the time machine?”

“As I passed away he asked me one last question which I am told is asked of all mortals and that was if I wanted to become a time traveller”

“Did you agree?”

“I did not have much choice did I?”

“What did he do, did he open his physicians case and ask you to choose your time machine?”

“No it was much simpler than that, he asked me of the place that I was most content and I answered St James’s Park. I had always enjoyed spending my time there whoring and drinking”

“So St James’s Park became your time machine?”


“So the good folk of London woke up one morning and found that one of their favourite parks had flown off into time”

“In their eyes it was always there”

“But in reality it is gone”

“Yes it is over there blotting out what remains of the sunset”

“I cannot see it”

“That is because you do not totally believe me”

“I do”

“In time you will”

“So you are saying that the town of Margate might be a giant time machine”

“That is easily possible”

“And that this jetty wall is part of the ship?”

A droplet of water ran from Violets hair and ran down her back making her shudder

“I think that we should get back to the hotel as I am getting a little cold, maybe that swim was not a good idea”

“We will not be able to use that hotel as we booked our room two years into the future, we will have to find another one or book into the same one again”

“I did not think of that” said Violet as she closed her eyes and for a shadow of a moment everything was a vivid red

Anna Magdalena Bach

When she opened her eyes she was back in the hotel room but she was not alone with Johnny Radiance

In the corner of the room a woman was reloading a Uzi machine gun

Johnny Dazzle was firing his gun through the open window and as he did so a rake of bullets hit the wall on the far side of the room shattering the pictures of Margate

The woman who was dressed in leather fired her gun through the broken glass. It was then that Violet noticed the dead body of the hotel receptionist at her feet. Violet let out a muffled scream

“She died for the cause”

Violet stared at the body of the girl who was wearing a camouflage jacket and torn jeans. Blood seeped from the fatal head wound

Another burst of gunfire racked the room which made Violet lay flat on the floor

“Is that all you have you fuckers, even a playwright and a composer can stop you” the woman said as she released a burst of bullets from her gun

The gunfire stopped and the woman slumped to the floor

“They will be back, those fucks always come back” she said in a weary voice

“Who are you?”

“I am Anna, Anna Magdalena Bach and this is Johnny Dazzle my loyal comrade”

Johnny Dazzle extended his hand and shook Violet’s hand

“Have we not met before my dear in another life, your face is so familiar”

“You tattooed your poem onto my back, here look” said Violet as she bared her back

“Keep your fucking heads down unless you want them blown off” said Anna Magdalena Bach as she again reloaded her Uzi

There is nothing on your back but a couple of scratches”

Johnny Dazzle slid towards Violet and handed her the dead receptionists Uzi

“Always aim for the neck that is where they are less protected”

As he said that two things happened simultaneously. The clock on the wall which had not been damaged stuck six and as it did so a soldier burst through the door

In an instant Anna, Johnny and Violet turned towards the soldier their Uzi’s blazing. As he was torn to pieces Violet saw the last look of fear in his eyes.

Blood flew everywhere and as she was the nearest to the door it soiled Violet’s dress. She was frozen to the spot and awaited the next soldier but no more came

“That was not in the rules Johnny” Anna said as she stood up

“Be careful Anna you are exposed” Violet shouted thinking that the composer’s wife had taken leave of her senses

“Do not worry darling it is over for today it is later that six”

“What do you mean?”

“The game finishes at six promptly every evening”

“What do you mean game there are two dead people in this room?”

“Anna shall we pop into the May Magnificat for a bite to eat as I am famished” said Johnny Dazzle casually

I think we will need to pop into Vita’s as this young lady is covered in blood”

Anna walked towards the passage placing her Uzi on a table as she left the room. Johnny did exactly the same as he followed Anna. Violet left the room but was still holding her Uzi tightly in her hand

“You can leave your Uzi with ours, you will not be needing it now”

Violet nervously laid her weapon next to the others and followed the others down the shattered stairs

Soon they were out in the square which used to host the bus station. There were corpses everywhere and a number of soldiers were mopping up the causalities in a very orderly fashion

A soldier dressed in an identical uniform to the one that was killed in the hotel room approached Anna

Violet froze, feeling that she was going to vomit on the spot

“Hi guys, it was a good day all round apart from the fucking incendiaries which let us down again” he said with a broad smile

“Yep they were more of a danger to you”

“I wish I had your Uzi’s they are real sex”

“They are great weapons. By the way there is one of yours in our hotel room”

“Young, about five ten with blond hair?”

“Well we nigh blew his head off but I think it was him”

“That sounds like Ricky, silly fucker I told him to attempt that tomorrow but the young cannot wait. Thanks for letting me know guys”

“Would you also clear up the dead receptionist for me?”

“Sure thing Anna”

As Violet stepped over the bodies and made her way towards the May Magnificat Café she wished that she could time travel again as she was scared, covered in blood and totally disorientated

She has also pissed herself

Anna noticed Violet’s distress and slowed her pace so she could join her. She took hold of Violets hand and led her towards Vita’s an upmarket clothes shop just off of Albert Terrace

“I had read so much about you but did not expect to meet you like this” Violet said suddenly feeling calmer

“Do you think I enjoy it, going into that fucking hotel every day thinking every day will be my last”

“Why do you not leave?”

“I cannot, I am trapped in a time warp”

“You are a time traveller?”

“We all are Johnny Dazzle, myself, the soldiers you saw dead and alive, they are all time travellers”

“Why are stuck in a time warp?”

“If I knew I would leave it as I have so much more music to compose. That is why I fight like a tiger every day. One day I will I will break this cycle and return”

“But why the violence, why the killing?”

“This is the laye I am trapped in, a laye of violence and war”

“It is horrible, a nightmare”

“Let us get you some new clothes, Johnny will go to the café and place our order and I shall buy you some new clothes. You cannot be expected to walk around Margate covered in blood”

“I’ve pissed myself”

“Then I shall buy you some clean underwear also”

Opal Johnny

After shopping for some new clothes to replace the spoiled ones Violet emerged from the clothes shop in a violet tee shirt with matching violet rowing shorts. She had cleaned herself in the staff area of the shop and had also purchased a pair of navy blue deck shoes

Johnny Dazzle was by the counter of the May Magnificat Café speaking to the owner. He was a man of small features who was just over five feet tall. As they walked towards the counter Violet noticed how Anna and Johnny Dazzle and to a lesser extent herself towered above the owner who was totally oblivious to the fact

The walls of the café were covered with old photographs and prints of Margate and as she drank her tea and consumed her lemon cake Violet felt quite tired.

Both Anna and Johnny Dazzle were exchanging small talk mostly about the day. It was as she let her eyes get heavy she felt the first jolt quickly followed by another

She was travelling again

When Violet awoke she was on her bed in the hotel room that she had left some hours earlier

Johnny Radiance was at the desk writing in a small book

Violet looked at the room, the windows were intact and the pictures of Margate were still on the wall. Indeed there was no damage to be seen in the whole room

“How long have I been asleep?”  

“Only moments, you said you were tired after your swim and wanted to retire for a while”

“What are you doing?”

“Writing poetry”

“I had the strangest of dreams, I was in this room but we were being shot at and returning the fire. You were there but you were called Johnny Dazzle and Anna Magdalena Bach was also there. She was dressed in leather and was some sort of freedom fighter”

“I suppose you were exhausted after your swim”

“What happened?”

“Nothing really, we returned to the same hotel and booked the same room with the same receptionist as we had done previously”

“Are we still in 2006?”

“Yes, for a short while at least but time will bend quite soon and we will return to 2008”

“So the police will be after us again”

“I am afraid so but do not worry about it”

As Violet crossed the room towards Johnny she became aware that she was wearing her violet tee shirt and rowing shorts and that her navy blue deck shoes were near to where Johnny was sitting

“Before I went swimming what was I wearing?”

“Your hippy dress”

“Then why am I wearing this tee shirt and shorts. These are the clothes that Anna purchased for me after the firefight”

“Those are the clothes you changed into after your swim. I thought it odd but did not pass comment”

“Where is my hippy dress?”

“I have not seen it since before your swim. Perhaps one of the Spanish fishermen took it as a souvenir of a beautiful mermaid”

Violet did not answer as she was feeling giddy again and sat on the bed

“I have a confession to make Violet”

“What is that?”

“When you met me in the park you saw one dead person well sadly I killed two people that day”


“Well after I pinned the beggar to the tree with my sword his mad whore who was dressed in rags came at me screaming Porc Porc! whatever that means”

“What did you do?”

“I shot her in the face with my musket at close range”

“I did not see her”

“The force of the musket blew her into the bush directly behind where you were standing”

“Are you sure she was dead?”

“Very much so I had blown half her head away”

“We are in deep shit Johnny, even though we are hidden in this hotel room the police will find us. They are not as stupid as you and I think and also they know my name although I am a little confused as to the newspaper reports it seems like that something is being hidden”

As Violet finished her sentence the room jolted violently

“We are back in 2008” Johnny said casually

These were the last words that Violet heard from Johnny Radiance

She closed her eyes and for a shadow of a moment everything was a vivid red

Au Hasard Balthazar

After their meal Violet, Anna and Johnny walked the short distance to the sea front. The day was still warm and the beach was still busy. As they walked down the short slope towards the beach a tall man in a military uniform stopped them

Violet noticed he had a pronounced limp

“Hello Major Pluto how are you?” Anna said extending her hand in greeting

“Not bad considering”

“How are your wounds?”

“Oh much much better”

“Johnny and I are so sorry you got caught in the crossfire”

“No problem, those are damn fine weapons you have they out gun us every time. By the way sorry about your receptionist, pretty girl such as waste”

“Shit Happens”

“By the way I thought I would let you be the first to know. The concussion grenades have arrived. They are great if the explosion does not kill you the concussion will”

“They sound good”

“The men are very excited about their arrival”

“Well Johnny and I are going for a paddle and I believe Violet is going to look at the donkeys so we must leave you now. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Be careful with that leg though”

“I will, goodbye for now”

“Nice Guy” Said Johnny as he kicked his shoes off”

“Yeah, I almost regret shooting him”

As Anna and Johnny paddled in the quiet waves near to where she had swum sometime in the unchartered past Violet walked towards the donkeys

Violet was fond of donkeys

As she prepared to stroke to nearest donkey the creature spoke

“I suppose you think my name is Balthazar”

“No I did not have that consideration”

“My name is Robbie and this is Claude and over there is Freddie”

There were three donkeys

“My name is Violet, Violet Few”

“I know”

“How did you know that?”

“Because you have a poem written on your back”

“It is really only half a poem, the other half of the poem is tattooed on the back of Johnny Radiance”

“May I read it?” asked the donkey

Violet knelt down in front of the donkey and exposed her back so that the beast could read the poem

The donkey read the poem with interest

“What do you think of it?” 

“I like it, it is very rough and the language is quite bawdy”

“I have not been able to read it yet” 

“You should find a mirror”

Violet stood up and faced the donkey

“Are you a time traveller Violet?”

“I suppose I am”

“I used to travel in time but I do not do so now”

“What happened?”

“I do not know, one day I just ceased travelling and became trapped in this dump with these morons”

Suddenly Violet felt a ripple in time which for an instant scared her

“Goodbye Robbie, I think I am going to travel again would you say goodbye to Anna and Johnny for me and wish them luck”

“I will, goodbye Violet Few, have a safe journey”

The Kind Gentleman

Violet found herself in a small room whose only furniture was a small table and two chairs. She supposed herself to be in a police station in connection with the double murder in St James’s Park. She was no longer wearing the violet rowing shorts and shirt that Anna had purchased for her in Margate

Instead she was wearing the white cotton shirt that had been in her basket when she had first met Johnny Radiance in St James’s Park. She was also wearing a pair of faded jeans which were much to her taste but for some reason she was barefoot

The door to the room suddenly opened and the kind gentleman who had given Violet one hundred pounds entered

Violet looked at him in astonishment

“I am sorry to startle you my dear”

“You did not I was just surprised to see you”

“Do you mind if I join you?”


“I suspect you are wondering what you are doing here?”

“Was it to do with the killing of the two people in St James’s Park?”

“In a way yes”

“I thought so; you know Johnny was only defending himself?”

“That is of no consequence my dear”

Violet looked across the small wooden table as the kind gentleman pulled a small violet notebook from his jacket pocket

“I chose the colour especially for you, violet is such an agreeable colour” 

Violet smiled but she was becoming increasingly confused

“Let me explain my dear, you are a time traveller are you not?”

“I suppose so, strange things have been happening to me lately”

“In your travels you have met Anna Magdalena Bach, Johnny Dazzle and of course Johnny Radiance?”

“Yes especially Johnny Radiance”

“They are all my agents”


“They are all time travellers like you”

“What do you mean?”

“Each of the people you have met so far, and you will meet more are my time agents”

“So you recruit all these famous people with your so called dark angels and you turn them into agents who travel through time?”

“You do not have to be famous or well known, I personally prefer the agents who have lived obscure and uneventful lives as they are less vulnerable”

“Like me?”

“Yes like you, but I am not asking you to be an agent as you are far too raw”


“My dear you have only been training for a number of days and if Anna’s report is correct you wet yourself with fright when you were involved in the firefight in the hotel room in Margate”

Violet did not reply but looked around the room

“We are under Dover Castle my dear, deeply hidden”

The kind gentleman paused and gently touched Violet’s hand

“I am sorry to embarrass you but we have to be sure of our agents”

“Did I pass?”

“You ticked some boxes my dear but you will need some training”

“But why me?”

“Are you are most probably aware not everybody can time travel, I am not a time traveller neither is anybody in the castle. In a way you are incredibly privileged”

“How did you find me?”

“By accident, Johnny Wilmot was on a mission when he spotted you so he had to complete his mission and recruit you”

“Johnny Wilmot?”

“Let me explain my dear, Johnny Radiance is in fact John Wilmot, The Earl of Rochester, one of Charles the Second’s favourites. I take it you have heard of him”

“The poet”

“That is correct, as you are aware he was dying of his own excess when we recruited him and he has proved to be one of our most successful agents, very effective”

“But did he just not kill two beggars in St James’s Park?”

“They were not beggars well I correct myself, the man he pinned to the tree was indeed a beggar but the woman he shot with a musket was the mother of a future terrorist”

“You confuse me” Violet said trying to keep track of the kind gentleman’s explanation

“Johnny Wilmot killed the mother of a future terrorist although he was not due to be born for another fifteen years. That aside in his early twenties this terrorist would lead a revolt in the Balkans that would in time have catastrophic consequences on the world in general”

“So Johnny killed his mother?”

“It is very simple, almost too simple. We stumbled on this method some thirty years ago after a couple of disappointing missions”

“That you kill the mothers of unborn terrorists?”

“Terrorists, dictators, serial killers really all the bad guys we can identify”

“To make the world a safer place?”

“In theory my dear”

“Then why do you just not kill the bad guys?”

“As I explained, it is much more difficult to kill someone when they are established as they are much more protected and as you know time travel is not an exact science”

“So Anna was a time travelling hit woman, then why was she fighting that phoney war in Margate?”

“It was just an illusion created by Anna to test you. As I have noted she was reporting back on you”

“So there was no phoney war, no dead hotel receptionist, and no firefight?”


“Who was Johnny Dazzle?”

“Have you heard of John Webster?”


“That was Johnny Dazzle; he changed his name as some of our agents choose to do”

“What about Balthazar or Robbie the donkey who spoke to me?”

“We are trying to work that one out, there have been reports of taking animals but we have not committed much of our time on this research as yet”

“The donkey said he was a time traveller who had become stuck on the beach at Margate”

“Very likely my dear but at present I cannot comment on this”

“Would you like me to find out why?”

“Not at present as I said before you are very raw. But I do have a mission for you”

Violet ignored the kind gentleman and looked at the door

Are you holding Johnny in the castle?”

“Whatever makes you think that?”

“Although I cannot disclose much Johnny is many years away, let say between 1920 and 1940. I will let you work out the rest”

Violet felt stupid and blushed and rose from her seat

You said you have a mission for me”


“What would you like me to do?”

“I believe that Johnny Wilmot wrote part of one of his poems on your back”

“May I see it?”

Violet turned around and lifted her shirt up revealing the poem

“That is enough my dear, please return to your seat”

“What is the poem?”

“It is a poem called A Ramble in St James’s Park a fine work from his early maturity. But more importantly it is a key code for time travellers. Johnny has some of  the poem on his back and you have the remainder on your back”

“Forgive me I am a little confused”

“So are we, I have my boffins working on it right now”

“Will they need to see my back?”

“They already have”


“The Spanish Fishermen”

Violet smiled remembering her swim in Margate

“What is my mission?”

“A simple one, I would like you to turn a

German composer for me. We know that he is unstable like you but will be visiting Margate in a week or so and we need you to turn him”

“How am I supposed to do that?”

“That is up to you my dear, but is of vital importance that you back is fully exposed so that the German composer can see the poem. How you do that is up to you”

“How will I recognise the composer?”

“He will be the only person to approach you”

“You will be seated at a red piano on the beach near the tide line playing a sonata, no one else on the beach that day will be able to see or hear you apart from the composer”

“I cannot play the piano”

“I think you will find you can”

“The composer will approach you and will ask you a question in his native language which you will understand perfectly. You will answer in his native language and show him your back. That is all that is required because if he chooses to turn then you will immediately travel in time and that is where I come in again”

“Who is the composer?”

“That will become obvious when you meet him”

“When will I travel to Margate again to meet the German composer?”

In about twenty minutes my dear, just remain in this room and you will travel from here. I have arranged for tea and biscuits to be sent down to you before you go”

The kind gentleman stood up and walked towards the door

“What is your name?” Violet asked

“Eliot just Eliot”

The Red Piano

Violet found herself sitting and small piano which has been painted red. She was playing a gentle sonata but did not know its composer

Violet was wearing a maroon backless ball gown made crushed silk which was damp from the most recent invasion of the tide

She was not wearing shoes

The piano was stationed no far from the tide line on Margate Beach. Violet looked at the seafront buildings as she played, as normal they were the same with the exception of Dreamland which was again lit up by lights of all colours. Although out of sight she could hear the distant rumble of the railway as trains passed unnoticed

On the red piano there was a small green Moss agate ash tray which held the remains of a cigarette but it was not Violet’s

Violet did not smoke

Suddenly she became aware of a man of medium height standing on the beach not far from her

He had dirty blond hair which was being tossed about in the northerly wind. A plain Mexican sombrero hung behind him and was also being buffeted by the wind

Violet looked at the cowboy but did not say a word

The cowboy reached to his holster and drew his gun and pointed it at Violet

“Why are you pointing that gun at me?”  

“Cause I was told to”

“By whom?”

“Dunno, it was dark”

“I were just told that I would find you here on this beach”

“What is your name?”

“William, but people just call me plain Billy”

“Billy, I am one of the good guys”

“Aint what I was told”

“And what were you told?”

“That the baby you are carryin will be worse that the devil itself and will start many wars and many good folk will die because of him”

“I am not with child William I have never been with a man”

“That’s not what I were told”

Unconsciously Violet ran her hand over her womb and as she did so her blood turned as cold as the wind that was by now beginning to gather pace

She felt she had been betrayed and had been set up for execution

A single tear ran from her eye

In desperation she turned around and let her ball drop so the cowboy could see the poem in full on her naked back. After facing the sea for a while she recovered her gown and faced the cowboy fearing that he would shoot her in the back

The cowboy had a look of disgust on his face

“Now that you have seen the poem, I hope that will explain things. I am not with child by not by the devil or anyone else. As a time traveller you must be aware of this poem”

More tears began to run from Violet’s eyes and she was beginning to feel that time was beginning to recede

“I aint no time traveller but I can see that you are no better than a common whore exposing your nakedness to me like that and mocking the good book with the devils scriptures”

The cowboy was holding his gun more stiffly and his eyes were beginning to glaze over

He was ready for the kill

“Please do not kill me William you are making a huge mistake”

“Orders are orders mam”

Violet saw the cowboy’s finger tighten on the trigger

She closed her eyes

A shot rang out but she did not feel any pain or impact

Violet opened her eyes and saw the cowboy reel back and fall. She walked towards him and saw that his left eye had been shot away. She picked up his gun and shot him twice more, one in the heart and then through his other eye

She then turned around and vomited and fell to her knees in the wet sand. She was awaiting the familiar feeling of time travel but nothing happened

As she looked up she was aware of another cowboy who was standing next to the piano

“Just fuck off and leave me alone, I am not carrying the devils child or any other, Fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off!” Violet screamed spitting in the direction of the much taller cowboy

The second cowboy tapped a couple of random notes on the piano and unlike Billy was able to wear his hat on his head without the wind removing it. He was over six feet tall and was wearing a long coat which was once quite stylish but now was quite soiled

“I am not here to hurt you mam just to collect Billy’s body”

“Did you shoot him?”

“No, I thought that you had outdrawn him”

“I do not have a gun”

“What is that you are holding?”

Violet then realised that she was still holding on to Billy’s gun. The tall cowboy looked at her smiling. What was very noticeable about the man were his piercing blue eyes which lit up his face that was partially covered by a heavy moustache and a number of days of facial hair

“I only shot him twice the first shot came from elsewhere”

“Then you must have a protector somewhere”

Violet realised that she was still crying and without a thought hugged the tall cowboy

His coat smelt of damp leather and she could feel his arm bringing her closer

There was violent ripple and Violet fell to the sand. When she had recovered her senses neither the tall cowboy or the violated corpse of Billy were to be seen

The gun that she had been holding had also vanished

Violet walked slowly towards the sea and watched as her ball gown become wet in the wild waves. She felt like removing it and swimming in the sea but chose not to as it offered her a protection

She had walked up to her waist in the sea for about ten minutes her ball gown floating in the sea like the wild petals of a flower when she noticed another man standing next to the piano.

From where she was Violet could see that the man was not a cowboy and knew that he had not come to harm her

With difficulty she emerged from the sea and walked towards the man who was by now seated at the piano

He was playing a sonata

Violet stood next to him and watched as his fingers caressed the keys. He was looking into the sky which was getting fuller and fuller

Violet touched him on the shoulder but received no response

His head was full of music

Violet then remembered what the kind gentleman had said and waked away from him and let her sodden ball gown drop to her feet

The music stopped and she knew that the composer was reading the poem

She then felt him come towards her and place his heavy coat over her naked shoulders

“Anna: Wo ist Anna” the composer said looking Violet straight in the eye

Violet said nothing and pulled the heavy coat more fully over her body as she was very cold

“Anna: Wo ist Anna” the composer repeated looking at the deserted beach. Violet took his hand and smiled

“Ich bin Anna”

Violet closed her eyes and for a shadow of a moment everything was a vivid red

An Inspector of Schools

A train slowly left the station and its effort awoke Violet. She was seated on a long wooden bench in front of a Left Luggage Office which was closed

She was no longer wearing the heavy coat that had protected her on the beach at Margate but was still wearing her damp ball gown

Violet was very cold and hunched herself on the bench which offered her no protection from the icy winds that were blowing through the station which was open at both ends

The station was vast and Violet guessed from the vioces that were echoing that she was in the North of England

She looked at her toes which still retained the sand from the beach. The small particles added a silent colour to her white feet which she could not feel

As Violet looked she noticed a man some yards away looking at the architecture of the roof girders

Violet was glad that he was paying no attention to her person as she felt wretched in her damp and damaged ball gown

The stranger took a pencil from his pocket and began to sketch the girders and the heavy wall of the Left Luggage Office

For some reason this isolation irritated Violet and she looked at her frozen toes again

Please forgive the rudeness of my approach but you appear very cold and certainly not dressed for this weather. May I offer you my coat and refreshment if we can find a buffet open at this ungodly hour?”

Violet looked up at the stranger from her hunched position. He was not a handsome man but was nonetheless very striking with heavy side whiskers which framed his face in such a way as to make him approachable

The stranger although commanding had a kind face

“I would much appreciate your offer of your coat if it does not bother you”

As the stranger placed his coat around her shoulders Violet felt a sudden nausea and passed out

When she came to her senses she was stretched out on the leather couch in a hotel bar. The stranger was standing at the bar with a small drink in his hand that she guessed to be whisky

“Ah you are awake” 

“What happened?”

“You passed out from the cold”

“Who are you?”

“That is of no importance. I am just an Inspector of Schools who happens to travel a great deal. Just like you”

“Are you a time traveller?” 

“No more questions, Madame Riche has prepared some hot broth for you and has sent her daughter out to purchase some clothes for you that are more beneficial to your person”

Madame Riche walked from the kitchen with a bowl of hot broth and a number of rough slices of bread

“Now I will leave you alone to enjoy your meal. Do eat slowly as you appear malnourished”

The broth and the bread brought Violet fully to her senses and she looked around the bar of the hotel which was empty apart from the stranger, Madame Riche and herself although she could hear a chef in the nearby kitchen

“Do you mind if I join you Violet?

“How do you know my name?”

“Your name is common knowledge”


“You will find out in time. When the porters carried you to the hotel I noticed the poem on your back. It was by John Wilmot if I am not mistaken. Not to my taste but very very important”

“Please explain”

“You have been told already”

Violet blushed and felt stupid as she was aware of the significance of the poem. As she did so she wondered where Johnny Radiance was and why the scruffy cowboy had tried to kill her on Margate Beach and who had assassinated him

“At least you have some more colour in your face now my dear. I was beginning to fear for your person”

As he said this the stranger laid a railway timetable in front of Violet. It showed trains from London to Salisbury

“I want you to travel to Salisbury and meet a young man on the platform. He will be easy to spot as you will see him jump in front of a train after visiting a bookstall. You will see this incident as many times as you require. What you must do is stop him and take him as far away from the railway station as possible. The young man is an artist but he is gripped by demons of the mind and is suicidal”

“Then what do I do?”

“I want you to love him and give yourself to him when you are ready. It is imperative that this artist does not destroy himself”

“Will he need to see my poem?”

“Not when you meet, he will see the poem when you choose to let him see you without clothes”

“Is that all?”

“That is all”

“That I am to save an artist and fall in love with him”

“Love was not mentioned”

“What happens if I fall in love with him?”

“That is of no matter; the important thing is that the artist lives”

There was a sudden ripple in the hotel bar and then another

“I fear it is time for you to go already. May you take my best wishes” The stranger said as the third and most violet ripple took Violet away from the hotel

An Awakening

Violet was standing outside of a sprawling red brick railway station. It was a warm summer’s day and Violet instantly noticed that she was not wearing her battered ball gown but a baggy pair of trousers and a loose shirt. She also noted that she was wearing light shoes

She walked towards the station and asked for a platform ticket although she had no money to pay for it

The railway inspector on the ticket gate just handed her the ticket and let her through. Violet made her way to the bookstall and looked at the newspaper

The date was the 21st of August 1930

She did not have to wait long for the young man to appear and watched as he purchased an item from the bookstall and not long after jumped in front of a train

She let the scenario happen twice more and on the third occasion grabbed the young man’s arm as he left the area in front of the bookstall

“I am being hunted, please release your grip”

“I will not, please would you help me instead as I am being followed and fear for my safety”

“They are hunting me also, I have just had lunch with my mother and sister and they were watching me as they are watching you”

“Then let us go with haste, do you know anywhere we might hide?”

“I know of a hotel in Marlborough where we might hide”

“I have never been to Marlborough, is it nice?”

“It is a very pleasant town and has the widest high street that you will ever see”

Suddenly the young man’s manner changed again and he stopped

“They are over there”

“Then we will make our escape, do you have any money for a taxi?”

“I have”

“Then let us be off then”

Violet and the young man found a taxi quite easily and after agreeing the fare to Marlborough commenced their journey

They were soon in the open countryside that surrounded the city and Violet looked at the magnificent spire of the cathedral at every opportunity

She had never seen Salisbury Cathedral before

The young man took no notice of the cathedral and its spire and looked straight ahead occasionally glancing in the drivers mirror to ensure they were not being followed

Violet pressed herself up against the young man who responded by placing a loose arm around her waist

They watched the Wiltshire countryside as it shared its summer moods with them and within the hour were in Marlborough in front of a large hotel

The young man paid the taxi driver still looking around to ensure that they were not being followed

Violet took hold of his hand

“There is no-one here silly, let us spend some time together as I feel that we are going to be very good friends” 






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