The Dover Patrol

The minesweeper moved with difficulty through the churning black waters of the channel and was occasionally hit by rouge waves which caused the ship to shake violently

Roberts looked landwards wishing that he was in a warm bed and counted the lights on the far off Kent coast

Go, go south young man
Away from this miserable sea
Lay your brushes on the canvas once more
And think of you and me

A mermaid was swimming next to the ship seemingly untroubled by the heavy seas

I will meet you on a soft pink beach
And our bodies will entwine
You will kiss my breasts, you will kiss my tail
And in time you will be mine

The minesweeper was suddenly hit by a freak wave and the young seaman fell heavily onto the deck of the ship

Take him to the sick bay boys
And give him lots of rum
Do not waste a single drop
And for God’s sake leave me some

The First Mate left the cabin leaving Roberts in the care of the ship’s doctor

Take this drink it will make you think
Of places far from here
Where mermaids sing and dolphins swim
And the sea is blue and clear

In his pain and delirium the young seaman dreamt of the mermaid sitting with him in an open topped boat. They were singing sea shanty’s together to the pleasure of the passing sea birds

Dream with me, just dream with me
Of a world of peace and love
Where mermaids and mere men will meet
In the long lands of the dove

JLW (1917)


This poem was written over ninety years ago and was discovered by the author on a visit to Dover. He has since replaced the notebook containing the poem in the place of its discovery for the benefit of future generations



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