Grace Darling

At the railway station there was a small room away from the booking office which really did not have a use

It led in the general direction of the toilets and was populated by one tired vending machine which sold chocolate and crisps

On the windowsill facing the platform were a number of books which although never officially authorised acted as an unofficial library for the passengers using the station

Grace had a few minutes before her train was due so she fingered through the books

There were a mixture of novels and self-help booklets as well as a couple of art books

She looked at the first one which was a large glossy book on Paul Delvaux

Sabina liked his work and smiled when she found The Great Sirens for somebody in an obviously educated hand had added

Ladies my cunt is like a dustbin

Other paintings in the book had been defaced also but the sirens graffiti remained the most amusing

It was as she was placing the book back on the shelf that a postcard of Deal dropped to the floor

It read

You may think me to be a wanton vandal but in seriousness if I was one of those creatures then I would have defaced the book on Russian Icons which at the time of writing is also on this shelf

My name is you want to report me is Floral Arrangement

Without hinder Florence found the book on icons which as the vandal had noted was pristine

The train was announced and Sabina popped the book into her bag and made her way towards the platform

Her journey to Folkestone would take about half an hour allowing for a longer stop at Dover so she sat back and started reading the book

Icons she discovered had not originated in Russia but had arrived after the country was converted to Christianity under the grand-dukes in 989

There were other Slav paintings of the pre-Christian era but no examples survive

Florence looked up and saw a woman of about forty looking at her

How do you know?

I am an art historian and it is my job to know

I am only a beginner Andrei Rublev comes to me each night in my dreams but he is only concerned with fucking me and does not say much about his work

The woman looked behind her at a businessman in a smart suit and a silk pink tie

That man is dreaming about fucking you he has been watching you since you got on the train at Deal

Sabina looked at the businessman who averted his gaze

He was mentally undressing you as soon as he saw you

Most men do I imagine except homosexuals

Homosexuals do it also some of them hide behind their femininity to gain an advantage

She I say something?

Why the man will be dead within two years he has a cancer growing in his stomach which will kill him

Then I should give him pleasure as Andrei pleasures me

The woman sat next to Florence and began kissing her and from the extremity of her gaze Sabina saw the businessman begin to fidget in his seat

Give him pleasure

Must I do this?

The woman broke away from her embrace

I was testing you

Testing me?

I wanted to explore your humanity

By giving the businessman pleasure?

By giving the businessman pleasure

Before he dies

People like him in my view are scum of creation they give little and take take take they create their own little empires and suck the very soul out of  anything that comes into comtact with them

How do you know this?

I know this man he is an estate agent from Dover and has two women working for him one is with child but he treats her dreadfully he is jealous of her happiness

What about the other?

She is past her retirement age but he keeps her on as she is little more than a slave he encourages her to smoke to the discomfort of the younger woman

Is he married?

He was married his wife walked out on him many years ago

Perhaps he is lonely

He is a cunt

The woman began kissing Florence again

May I touch your breast?

Why is he not being turned on by our kissing?

He is but if I kiss your breast he will not be able to stand it and will retire the train toilet and will masturbate over the steel can with his fist stuffed in his mouth to avoid embarrassment

I do not normally expose my breasts on the train

Do you want to punish him?

If he is as awful as you say then yes

The woman lifted Sabina’s blouse a little and exposed her breast

Florence looked at the businessman without breaking her gaze

He was sweating and had placed his hand in his pocket

Is he masturbating?

I think so

The woman kissed Florence’s breast

The man with a despairing glance stood up and pressed the button to open the automatic doors

Has he left?

Yes and he looked incredibly flustered

Then I will steal his briefcase and throw it into the bin at the next station he has important papers in the briefcase

The woman stood up and walked across to where the businessman had been sitting and picked up his large black briefcase

The train was just arriving at Martin’s Mill

Let us leave the train here he is still there in that disgusting toilet with his slimy prick in his hand thinking over what he has seen two women together he thinks fucking in front of me for my pleasure

I am not a lesbian

Neither am I

Both woman left the train ay Martins Mill and stood silently on the platform until the train had departed

By the time the train gets to Dover he will have discovered that we have stolen his briefcase this will crucify him as he has client’s papers in the case as well as some plastic

Shall we spend his money?

He will arrive at his office in a steaming mood and make an improper suggestion to the woman with child she will slap his face and he will sack her on the spot

The poor girl

She will not be a poor girl for long as she will sue him for his actions and she will be awarded a considerable sum just at the time that the businessman discovers his cancer it is so tidy

What about the fag-hag?

She will win also as he will pay her off just to buy her silence and the woman can quietly smoke herself to death

Why do you hate the man so much is he a Jew?

No he is not a Jew I have nothing against Jews they prosper that is all and that causes jealousy

There are bad Jews and good Jews

Then why do you hate him so?

Because I was once his wife

He should have recognised you

I have changed my hair is shorter and I have lost a deal of weight if you cast your mind back did he ever see my face?

Sabina smiled at the woman’s cunning

You see he only saw your person not mine

The woman took the briefcase from Florence and slammed it against the station wall it fell open and the contents spilled onto the platform

As Florence bent down to retrieve the documents a cyclist who was riding along the platform shouted at her to move away

Fuck off you know it is illegal to ride on station platforms

Look here bitch if you were prettier then I would have walked my bike but you are a fucking dog so get out of my way

The woman suddenly picked up the businessman’s briefcase and slammed it into the cyclist’s face knocking his helmet off

For a moment the man looked stunned

He then fell from his bike in front of the women

Fucking bitch!

The woman lifted her foot and slammed it down into the cyclists balls

He screamed in horror as the gushing pain caught his breath

I am sick and tired of cunts like you making other people’s lives a misery you dress in those ridiculous outfits with you balls on show just top attract others of your species you shitty little man

Fucking bitch you are mad

The woman kicked the cyclist again

Your type disgust me you sir are a pervert and if I see you here again then it will be to your detriment

I will rip your head off you fucking bitch!

The woman slammed the briefcase into the cyclists face

I have killed men for less than this crawl back into your disgusting hole and apologise to my friend

Sabina kicked the cyclist’s helmet onto the track where it rested next to the live rail

She is an art historian you know

You certainly picked on the wrong women today we may look weak but I assure you we are not 

Florence and the woman sat on the station seat not far from the prone cyclist

Will he not attack us when he regains his senses?

No he knows that he is beaten he may even reform and learn what the word respect means

How do you know this?

I am an art historian

Sabina laughed at the woman who was running her hand through her cropped grey hair

I feel that we are like Thelma and Louise

We are not Thelma and Louise we are far from it for they are just a male invention 

Men like bitches

I would have not been able to deal with either of these men on my own if I had spotted the businessman on the train stating at me then I would have averted my gaze or left the carriage 

On occasions men have acted strangely and this has made me feel uncomfortable

Why did you want to do?


Did you not want to challenge them?

No just escape

It should not be like that

That is the way it is some men are like that

The filth you mean

You hate men?

No exactly the opposite I love men I love to feel a man’s arms around me and his cock hard inside me

Then why the aggression?

I am seeking the ideal my husband was a shit from almost day one leering and fucking any female that came near to him just because he had money he thought that he had the right to dominate all women

What is the ideal?

Is Andrei your ideal?

He comes in my dreams that is all and places his hand on my cunt before we have rough sex

Is he your ideal?

I do not know what my ideal is

I take it that you have been with men

Yes I have at times but I do prefer my own company

The cyclist began to rise from the platform and wiped his bloody nose he looked at his helmet on the tracks

Have people told you that you have a boyish quality?

At times that is why I grew my hair as I looked like Peter Pan

That is what disappointed the cyclist he sensed your boyish qualities but knew you were female and that is why he abused you he wanted to fuck your arse but you were Wendy not Peter Pan

The cyclist wheeled his bicycle past the woman without looking at them

Do you think that he is waiting for us?

No he is in tears he is wiping the snot from his bloody nose he is crying uncontrollably a beaten man crushed by an art historian and Peter Pan

What will happen if I come across him without you?

It depends what he does I suspect he will give you a wide berth if he does not then just kill him

Kill him?

The woman pulled a small pistol from her pocket

I have no need for this now

Is it loaded?

What do you think?

I would not kill anybody

You have already killed somebody


My shitty ex-husband you are the cancer in his belly

I still do not think I could kill anybody

I have killed many if that man had attacked you what would you have done?

Tried to escape

He would have been stronger than you what would you have done?

I do not know

You would have killed the cunt


Do keep hold of the pistol and use it if you have to

There are many men in this world that will find you attractive your boyish qualities will turn them on most of them will enjoy your beauty silently but a few will not and these men will have to be dealt with

To kill them?

Not in all cases just disgrace them

Like the fat businessman and the cyclist


The next train was announced and the woman spread the contents of the briefcase on the seat

There are a few things of value here which will either get stolen or given to the authorities

We will keep his plastic and fuck it hard

As the train arrived the woman threw the briefcase into some bushes

Where are you going?

Nowhere in particular I was just travelling to Folkestone to do a little shopping

Are you an art historian?


What is your specialist area?

What do you think?

Russian Icons

Right first time

I have always like icons for some reason I am ashamed to say they give me a sexual thrill I often masturbate over Andrei’s work over the pain of Christ and the Saints their horror turns me on and that is why I dream about Andrei fucking me

Are you ashamed?

Very much when I awake I shower myself clean I extinguish my dreams

The warning bell sounded and the train doors closed and from her vantage Florence could see two teenagers rifling through the contents of the businessman’s briefcase

The Russians like the like the Byzantines decorated their churches with frescoes mosaics and icons

We know that Price Vladimir employed Byzantine master masons to direct the building of the Dessiatinnaya Church in Kiev

The woman was reading from the book

You know you should cut your hair and celebrate you boyish qualities

And attract every strange man in the area

No just celebrate your looks do not hide them

I am not tough like you

You do not have to be tough

I am not sure

Let me cut your hair there is a toilet at Dover Station let us use the facilities there

Are you attracted to me?


Then why are you trying to reinvent me?

Be yourself then

The women remained silent as the train made its slow decent into Dover Station

If I let you cut my hair you will not make a mess of it will you?

It is an easy cut

Then I will let you cut my hair it will surprise Andrei

Does he like your hair?

He has never mentioned it

The train arrived at Dover Station and both women made their way to The Room of Instruction

Sabina sat down and the woman began cutting her hair

She could not see her reflection as the room was dull

It is finished

How do I look?

Like Peter Pan

The woman held up a mirror and Florence looked at her reflection

The woman had done a good job

Fuck off Wendy!

Yes fuck off Wendy

A train drew to a halt at the far platform and a number of Japanese tourists emerged rather dazed on to the sunlit platform

A pregnant girl passed them she was in tears but they took no notice of her as she boarded the train

Let us explore Dover as it was one of Andrei’s favourite towns

Yes let’s explore the town

Do keep your pistol handy though


Just in case you have to use it

You are frightening me

There is no need to be frightened Peter just be wary

Although she knew it well the state of Dover depressed Sabina it had been bombed during the conflict but the space had not been improved just violated further

To think this is the gateway to England it is a sad town indeed

It could be so much more

The woman stopped

Would you hand me your pistol as I have some business to conclude

Florence handed the woman the pistol and watched as she crossed the road and enter a decrepit Victorian villa opposite

Nothing happened for a while and then she heard two shots

Peter froze not knowing what to expect

The woman left the building casually walked towards Sabina and handed the pistol to her trying not to gain attention for the shots had been heard and a number of people were beginning to take an interest

Just walk

What did you do?

I concluded some business

I heard shots

I shot two drug dealers


They spread misery I neutralised them

Are they dead?

Do you have a mobile phone?


Florence handed her phone to the woman who tapped in a series of numbers

Christine calling I have terminated the threat you will be able to find me on the beach nearest to the Ferry Port I will be with Peter Pan

No no problems just the nosey neighbours

I wait your instruction

Yes hide in the plain sight I know


The woman smiled and terminated her call

Let’s go to the beach      

As they sat on the small beach nearest to the ferry terminal the woman opened Peter’s book and showed her a painting of a girl with large black eyes

She had her hair platted and this design was mounted with a ruby jewel

Do you think she looks sad?

Not really

I think she is sad her head is tilted on to one side it is almost as if she has witnessed too much

She has met Christ

How do you know?

The title of this work is Archangel and it dates from the late twelfth century and belongs to the the Novgorod School

I have seen it on posters around the town

Andrei is opening an exhibition later this month

It will be first thing those lorry drivers will see when they enter the country and the last thing they will see when they leave

A ferry had docked and there was a procession of lorries from all over Europe leaving the terminal

So much commerce so little peace

There was a number of people on the small beach mostly families who were taking advantage of the calm warm weather

The children took no notice of the lorries and only their parents paid any attention to the vehicles

Do you think that they appreciate the posters?

They probably ignore them

Animals ignore beauty

They are not animals far from it they are just not aware of what is in front of their eyes my ex-husband may have been a cunt but he was not an animal he appreciated beauty in time he would have appreciated the posters

What about the cyclist?

I would imagine so he may have seen the boy in her image

What about the people you shot?

That is one of the three reasons that I neutralised them

Because they did not see her beauty

What were the others?

Because I was ordered to neutralise them

By whom?

I cannot disclose that let me say that there are good and bad guys in this country and I am one of the good guys

What was the final reason?

They were dealers who were dealing in other people’s misery they had to be terminated

Is there a problem in Dover?

Yes but Dover is not an exception this scum operates anywhere I was on my way to terminate them when I met you

So it was a complete accident

Not really as I want you do hit someone

Hit someone?

Terminate someone

Kill someone!

If you want to call it that yes

I would not be able to kill someone in cold blood

You are white material

White Material?

You have been identified and have been tracked for quite a while who do you think sends Andrei into your dreams and how did I know that you were travelling to Folkestone today

I am just an innocent girl called Sabina who happens to like Russian Icons an interest I believe I share with you

In about ten minutes a blue container lorry will use this exit it will have the words White Material painted on the cab

So what

This is one of the bad guys the lorry is carrying drugs

Why do the customs not stop it?

Use your imagination

Why do you not take on the task?

The driver knows me we have crossed paths before but he got away

The woman pulled the neck of her shirt aside so that a deep red scar was visible

Did he do that to you?

Yes and he very nearly killed me the knife missed an artery by only millimetres I was left to rot in a stinking hospital the supposed victim of a mugging

If I agree what do I have to do?

Blows the fuckers brains out it will be easy just pretend to hitch a lift when he stops

He might not stop

He will he likes boys he fucks in every town he visits he is a pervert just base scum

But I am a girl he will see that

That will attract him more

The woman pulled a large gun from her bag

The pistol will not do especially in the cab of a lorry

Then why carry it?

Back up

Did you use it last time?

Yes the hit began to go wrong they began to get suspicious of me

Sabina handled the gun it was heavy

I have never used a gun before

Don’t worry just point it and pull the trigger the gun will do the rest

What about the noise you had half of Dover around the house where you killed the two men

The woman took the gun from Florence and screwed a silencer onto the barrel

It will make no sound

What happens if I fuck up?

Andrei will ensure you don’t fuck up

Andrei will be watching

Why does Andrei not kill the lorry driver?

Ask him he only gives the orders

What I require is for you to be in that lorry park at one a clock on the dot by the time White Material has progressed along this road he will be looking for talent in the lorry park that is where he picks his boys up but apart from you there will be no others today that I can promise you I want you to unbutton your shirt a little just enough to attract him he will take the bait a boy with breasts the best of both worlds

Go on

He will ask you to unzip him and suck his cock play along with this but stall him a little tell him to get his cock out before you suck it

And then get my gun out and blow his fucking brains out

The woman smiled

No just pretend to get a tissue from your bag as you want to wipe his cock as it has been up a large number of arses during his journey

I understand

If you fuck up do not worry as Andrei will neutralise him although this is the last resort as he does not want to break cover and neither do I

There are other bad guys out there which we have not identified as yet but that is the business of others however we do not want to become known unless circumstances dictate

Why should I do this?

Look at these families do you want these children to die with a needle hanging out of their arm in a few years I don’t think you do

Will you be here when I return?

Exactly here

The woman passed the gun to Peter who placed it into her bag

Wish me luck

The hit was quite easy Sabina had arrived early in the deserted lorry park and as the woman had predicted the lorry drew in at exactly one in the afternoon

Florence pretended not to see the driver at first

Then she approached the cab

Are you going to London I need to get to London?

The driver an unshaven bear of a man nodded he gestured for her to get in

Peter leaned forward as she climbed into the cab and knew that the driver would be able to see at least one of her breasts

This would distract him she reasoned

For what was like a lifetime she sat next to the driver without speaking she could see his erection bulge in his filthy jeans

The man put her hand on his cock

Sabina shook her head and gestured that the man should unzip himself which he did enthusiastically

His cock had a sore on it also blisters on the foreskin she was sure she could smell shit

Without speaking he grabbed her shoulder and gently pushed her forward

Florence shook her head a little and indicated that she wanted to get a tissue from her bag

Time stood still as she removed the gun and pointed it at the driver

He did not react and to be truthful she did not remember pulling the trigger but the man lurched back as she had shot him clean through the eye

He slumped against the door with his erect cock still in his hand

Peter had expected a blood spatter fest as in the movies but there was hardly any blood at all

She had destroyed his brain the kill had been clean

In an instant Sabina found herself walking towards the beach she passed some of the Japanese tourists who were taking photos of the castle and the ferry terminal

At first she could not see the woman and for an instant became nervous then she spotted her

The woman had changed into a black swimsuit and was paddling

Get changed there is a swimsuit for you in my bag as this place will be crawling with cops in a short while

I spotted one of his team in another lorry but HQ has been alerted so it is nothing to do with us anymore

Change behind a towel as not to draw attention to yourself then we will just paddle or swim like a mother and daughter at the seaside

The woman was right and soon the area was swarming with the police and helicopters were flying overhead

The women swam and sunbathed and like everybody else were taking a keen interest in the goings on

Three policeman clambered down onto the beach and approached each of the families in turn  

They will ask us to leave as there has been a major incident

Just smile and leave the beach

The women changed in a nearby toilet and made their way into the centre of Dover

They found a café and ordered two coffee’s


Authors Note

This story is taken from an unfinished manuscript found by the author in a book called Understanding Russian Icons

He found this book at Deal Railway Station in Kent in January 2013

Although written in a feminine hand there is no clue as to who the author was athough the book appeared to have been owned by a person with the initials F.A.F.P .

Translated from the original German by the author and Margit K








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