Italian Science Fiction

Leonora K found herself sitting in her canvas director’s chair with her broken leg perched on a small wooden table

It had been two weeks since her accident

Her doctors had instructed her not to put weight on her injured limb

This restricted her movement which she found frustrating

She was reading a book

It was called

Henry Wanton and his Travels to Unknown Worlds of the Apes and Cynocephali

It has been written by a Zaccaria Seriman in 1749 and was considered to be an early example of Italian Science Fiction

Her brother was swimming in the pool near to where she was resting and threw a handful of water in her direction

Be careful you oaf this is an antiquarian book

You will not be able to join me for weeks sis shitty world isn’t it?

Fuck off when I am able I will drown you

Her brother soon became bored and swam to other side of the pool

Leonora looked at the plates in her book

One particularly intrigued her

It showed a number of creature’s human in appearance but with canine heads

They were in deep conversation

Two dogs were mating in front of them and a horse stared into the middle distance

It is a disease you know

Her leg paused before it replied

I can see no reason why these creatures should not have evolved like you and I save for their canine heads

Three weeks later when the plaster was removed Leonora was horrified to discover that she had grown an extra leg identical in all aspects to the injured one

Even the nail polish she was wearing at the time of her accident was there

She asked the nurse why she had grown an extra limb but the nurse could see her extra leg

She called her brother into the room but he too could not see her extra leg

She began to accept her extra healthy leg

Until one night when she was in bed she could hear her limbs arguing

You will fade like a broken toe nail and drop off

I will not when I am healthy I will snap you in half

Fuck you

Fuck you

Fuck you

Leonora spoke to her other leg which had remained impassive throughout

Let them argue like spoilt children ignore them and they will soon get bored

It is none of your business perfect leg

Leonora pulled the blanket down and soon her legs stopped arguing

The same happened the following night although her uninjured leg did not get involved in the argument choosing to remain silent

As part of her rehabilitation Leonora had to use the swimming pool

Each day she asked her brother about her extra leg but his answer was always the same

You have two legs sis not three the one you broke is slightly withered and very white but if you swim you will soon build it up

Meanwhile you are my piebald sister

Over six weeks passed and Leonora’s injured leg grew stronger and stronger until one night when she was woken from her sleep by the sound of a shot

She pulled the blanket back and saw that her previously injured leg was suffering from a bullet wound

The injured leg and the third leg started arguing again when you were asleep and a duel was proposed and you can see the results

Why did you not stop them?

Why should I have done so it was nothing to do with me?

But I am bleeding

Well then get help

Leonora managed to make it to her brother’s room where she collapsed

She woke in a hospital bed

Her brother was in the room

They caught the guy that shot you sis and let’s say he will not be bothering us anymore I believe that he had an accident when in police custody

But my legs fought a duel

It’s the morphine try to rest I am informed that if you progress as well as you have been then you might be released by the weekend

And before you ask yes you do have two legs although strangely the whiteness is no longer present on your injured leg

It is almost as if you have been next to the pool for the last two weeks

Leonora’s eyes felt heavy and she faded into sleep once more

When she awoke it was daylight once more and the sun was streaming in through the open window

She motioned to get out of bed and she did so she realised that she had only two legs

In panic she removed her hospital gown

Where is my injured leg?

It died while you were in the coma

You will have to put up with me now Leonora I am a better fit don’t you think?

Leonora was speechless and just sat staring at her legs

A nurse entered the room

What are you doing Leonora are you too hot?

What did you do with my injured leg the one that received the bullet wound?

It is there right in front of you

I had three legs when I entered the hospital and one had been injured in a duel

The nurse smiled and helped Leonora with her gown

Dr Spencer will see you this afternoon and I think he will recommend a few weeks rest on Asteroid 267 before you return to your brother

And do not worry about the man who shot you the police have dealt with him

He is now floating in blue space with all the other miscreants

For eternity and a day


On Opposite Earth Leonora K found herself sitting in her canvas director’s chair with her broken leg perched on a small china table

It had been two weeks since her accident

Her doctors had instructed her not to put weight on her injured limb

This restricted her movement which she found exciting

She was reading a book

It was called

Henry Wanton and his Travels to Unknown Worlds of the Apes and Cynocephali

It has been written by a Zaccaria Seriman in 1749 and was considered to be an early example of Italian Science Fiction

Her brother was swimming in the pool near to where she was resting and threw a handful of water in her direction

Be careful you oaf this is an antiquarian book

You will not be able to join me for weeks sis shitty world isn’t it?

Fuck off when I am able I will drown you

Her brother soon became bored and swam to other side of the pool

Leonora looked at the plates in her book

One particularly intrigued her

It showed a number of creature’s human in appearance but with canine heads

They were in deep conversation

Two dogs were mating in front of them and a horse stared into the middle distance

It is a disease you know

Her leg paused before it replied

I can see no reason why these creatures should not have evolved like you and I save for their canine heads

Six weeks later the plaster was removed  Leonora was horrified to discover that she had grown an extra leg identical in all aspects to the injured one

Even the blue nail polish she was wearing at the time of her accident was there

She asked the nurse why she had grown an extra leg but the nurse just smiled

She called her brother into the room but he too could not see her extra leg

She began to accept her extra healthy leg

Until one night when she was in bed she felt that she could hear her limbs arguing

You will fade like a broken toe nail and drop off

I will not when I am healthy I will snap you in half

Fuck you

Leonora spoke to her other leg which had remained impassive throughout

Let them argue like spoilt children ignore them and they will soon get bored

It is none of your business perfect leg

Leonora pulled the blanket down and soon her legs stopped arguing

The same happened the following night although her uninjured leg did not get involved in the argument choosing to remain silent

As part of her rehabilitation Leonora had to use the swimming pool

Each day she asked her brother about her extra leg but his answer was always the same

You have two legs sis not three the one you broke is slightly withered and very white but if you swim you will soon build it up

Meanwhile you are my piebald sister

Over three weeks passed and Leonora’s injured leg grew stronger and stronger until one night when she was woken from her sleep by the sound of a shot

She pulled the blanket back and saw that her previously injured leg was suffering from a bullet wound

The injured leg and the third leg started arguing again when you were asleep and a duel was proposed and you can see the results

Why did you not stop them?

Why should I have done it was nothing to do with me?

But I am bleeding

Well then get help

Leonora managed to make it to her brother’s room where she collapsed

She woke in a hospital bedh

Her brother was in the room

They caught the guy that shot you sis and let’s say he will not be bothering us anymore I believe that he had an accident when in police custody

But my legs fought a duel

It’s the morphine try to rest I am informed that if you progress as well as you have been then you might be released by the weekend

And before you ask yes you do have two legs although strangely the whiteness in no longer present on your injured leg

It is almost as if you have been next to the pool for the last three weeks

Leonora’s eyes felt heavy and she faded into sleep once more

When she awoke it was daylight once more and the sun was streaming in through the open window

She motioned to get out of bed and she did so she realised that she had only two legs

In panic she removed her hospital gown

Where is my injured leg?

It died while you were in the coma

You will have to put up with me now Leonora

I am a better fit don’t you think?

Leonora was speechless and just sat staring at her legs

A nurse entered the room

What are you doing Leonora are you too hot?

What did you do with my injured leg the one that received the bullet wound?

It is there right in front of you

I had three legs when I entered the hospital and one had been injured in a duel

The nurse smiled and helped Leonora with her gown

Dr Spencer will see you this afternoon and I think he will recommend a few days rest on Asteroid 267 before you return to your brother

And do not worry about the man who shot you the police have dealt with him

He is now floating in blue space with all the other miscreants

For eternity and a day


Leonora and her brother were sitting on the edge of the pool

They had been swimming for most of the morning

She had enjoyed her swim and as normal her brother was good company

The Second Sun was high in the sky and she felt herself tanning slowly

It is lovely to feel heavenly one more

Yes you have been rather sick

First the accident and then the infection you have been through the mill Sis

I suppose I have

I will miss our swims together while you convalesce on the asteroid

I am a little worried about the journey as we will have to pass through Blue Space

You will also have to pass through Yellow Space which I am told is an unforgettable experience

Do you know how fast these ships travel?

Probably Max 486 and above you will not spend very long in any sector

I hope so as I do not want us to bump into any abandons

Maybe you will bump into the guy who shot you

Do not frighten me anyway you know that my legs fought a duel

Her brother ran his hand along Leonora’s bronzed thigh

He smiled

I must say that the surgeons have done a wonderful job it looks as good as new

As he finished his sentence Leonora felt a slight shudder run down her new leg

Her brother did not notice it but her whole body tingled

Two days later Leonora stepped aboard the Space-Shift that was to take her to Asteroid 267

She waved to her brother who was sitting at a library window

For an instant as she turned she thought she saw her missing leg on the chair opposite him

They were reading the same book

Henry Wanton and his Travels to Unknown Worlds of the Apes and Cynocephali

The image troubled Leonora but soon she became sleepy and was dreaming by the time that the ship had reached Red Space     

In her dream Leonora saw her brother making love to her pseudo self on the diving board

She had three legs but he did not seem to notice her disfigurement

Her injured leg was bleeding again and the blood was slowly dripping into the swimming pool below

He had captured her DNA once more

It was a skill he celebrated and although Leonora was very careful in ensuring that her DNA was not carelessly cast away but she knew that even the most minute toe clipping or lost hair would be enough

In a perverse way she enjoyed her brother’s attention to detail

Leonora watched as her pseudo-self wrapped her legs around her brother

Suddenly her injured leg gave way and a huge amount of blood spilled into the swimming pool discolouring it immediately

Then both her brother and her pseudo-self fell the darkening waters

They did not surface

Leonora felt herself scream

You were dreaming it was only a dream

A nurse was standing above Leonora

Where are we?

We are still in Red Space but the pilot has announced that we should be in Yellow Space within an hour

I was dreaming that my brother was making love to me on the diving board above our pool

Do not worry it is only the result of the medication you are on

These dreams will fade

Will they close the shutters when we pass through Blue Space?

We always close the shutters when we pass through Blue Space

Between Earth and Asteroid 267 there were four space sectors

Red Space

Yellow Space

Blue Space

White Space

White Space was much smaller than the others and Asteroid 267 was located on the very fringes of this sector

Red Space was the nearest to Earth and was really a massive void with very little to excite the traveller

The debris of a number of communication satellites and the occasional dust field was all there was to see

Yellow Space was the total opposite and was not like deep space at all

To anyone passing through this sector it was like passing through deep countryside with rolling hills and deep valleys and flowers and trees of all descriptions

The perfumes of this idyll could be experienced by all as the Space-Shifts were so sophisticated that even whilst travelling at speeds exceeding Max 486 the essences were captured

Leonora closed her eyes for a second and felt the musk like perfumes excite her senses

After four hours a small red warning light came on and an announcement was made

In forty minute the shutters  will begin to close as we will be entering Blue Space in AT45

Leonora could see that in the distance there was what appeared to be a dark void

It was almost as if Yellow Space for all is beauty suddenly stopped

As the Space-Shift slowly turned towards the void she began to notice that the colours of the sector were beginning to look tired as if a rich season had run its course

The shutters decended slowly

Blue Space was the place of nightmares and many books and films had been created exploiting the many myths and stories that originated in the sector

In short Blue Space was a dumping ground for all kinds of malevolence

After execution all planets in the federation would dispose of the remains of offenders in this sector

Muderers terrorists rapists and perverts were all to be found there

They were transported in disposable coffins which would in time break down in the vacuum leaving their contents to slowly decay

But this was not always the case as disembodied limbs and heads could often be seen floating in the void to the distress of anybody who saw them

It had been illegal to pass through Blue Space without the shutters low for over fifty years

Leonora heard a dull bump above her seat

A fellow passenger blind in one eye smiled at her

It is most probably the head of the traitor Gerpetpet they say he was released in this area

Leonora did not answer and was watching the digital clock at the far end of the cabin which was counting down


I would try to get some sleep as we will be in this sector for quite some time

The nurse who had woken her up had returned

I had the most dreadful of dreams last time

Then I will give you a ceded pill it will help you to relax

She handed Leonora a small pink pill which she swallowed with some seg water

Leonora was back beside the swimming pool with her brother but he was ignoring her

She looked at her legs

There were only two

She looked at the water in the pool

It was clear only reflecting the high sunlight

Why are you ignoring me?

I am not ignoring you

What are you reading?

Your antiquarian book

I never said you could now give it to me

Italian Science Fiction I did not know you read Italian

Give me the fucking book you know how careless you are

Her brother stood up holding the book over the pool

You dare

An announcement woke Leonora up

We are now entering White Space would all passengers please prepare for landing

Leonora looked at the digital clock


She had been asleep for twenty three hours but her dream seemed only to have lasted for moments

The shutters were raised and she could see Asteroid 267 clearly as White Space was so reflective

The Asteroid was noted for its many seas and temperate climate and was along with Asteroid 112 a popular holiday destination

She had been booked into Set 86 a resort on the far side of the asteroid and about an hour from Shift-Central

The resort was partly recreational and partly designed for convalescing patients

Nudity was encouraged but was not stipulated although the benefits of third sun were heavily emphasised in the promotional literature

Leonora did not care either way as she often swam naked in the pool with her brother

The disquiet she felt about her new leg was beginning to recede and the limb was rarely conversational

When it did speak it was only to engage in small talk

Her other leg remained silent

Welcome to Sodium Five

A gentle female voice purred over the speakers as Leonora made her way was towards the Processing Bay

The procedure was over in seconds and a nurse ushered her towards a travel pod which was going to take her to her resort

A Nurse Grainger will await you when you dock

You will leave in two asteroid minutes

The pod moved forward smoothly and soon entered a well-lit tunnel and began to travel at high speed

Quite soon it slowed and finally stopped at a short platform lit by orange lights

Leonora please follow me

Are you Nurse Grainger?

No just a common Hubot

Nurse Grainger was not a Hubot but an Android

In appearance and in movement she looked completely human but her voice betrayed her as it was rather metallic and stiff

Welcome Leonora I trust your stay with us will be a pleasant one

You will see me twice a day

Once with the doctor and once without

The rest of the time will be your own

In your apartment you will find all you will need to find about Set 86 just press the red button on the main monitor and Lucy will be your guide

Leonora followed Nurse Grainger along a shaded path that fringed the beach

The resort was indeed clothing optional with most of the guests naked on the beach although some were missing limbs

Nurse Grainger stopped in front of an apartment

This is Ayre 46 you will stay here during your time with us please settle in at your own pace and I will see you with the doctor at Z8 tomorrow

As you can see the beach is in front of you and do try to swim as much as you can

Enjoy your stay Leonora


To Be Continued   


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