Betty Russell

Betty Russell was sitting on her mother’s lawn

She had adored the lower lawn since childhood

The large expanse of soft grass had once been pristine

But now it was now covered by moss

Much to Betty’s delight

Quite frequently when the air was dark

Betty would roll naked on the lawn

To enjoy the velvet dampness of green grown moss

She was reading a book of poetry

Written by a Canarian poet named

Nicolas Estevanez

And often I forget
all life’s uncertainties
thinking of these
islands, the mountains
beaches, waves.


In her mother’s house in Arucas

Tomatoes were drying in garlands

On the verandah

Betty’s mother who was also called Betty

Thought that they resembled peaches

But knew that this was just a trick of the light


Betty’s sister who was also called Betty

Was sitting on the dunes at Maspalomas

With her brother Russell

They were sketching the dunes of Corralejo from memory

Betty was identical to her twin-sister in aspects except one

The length of their hair separated them


Betty’s mother was in a bookshop

Signing copies of her latest book

Nudism for Conjoined Twins   

It had become a bestseller in all the conjoined communities

Around the world


Conjoined Twins should be able to enjoy the wonders of nudism as much as their singular friends

Indeed they are at a slight advantage

As although nudism has long been recognised as a family pursuit many nudists are single and at times quite lonely

Conjoined twins should they choose to do so always have a partner to speak to

Which further highlights the delights of this pursuit


The butcher had told Betty that most of the beef that was enjoyed by the islanders was of a very high quality and imported from South America

Pork and Lamb however was sourced locally as was rabbit

Rabbit he explained could be successfully enjoyed cooked with onions red pepper and oregano and served in a piquant sauce

This made Betty very happy as she adored cooking

Her brother loved the timple which was a four or five stringed guitar and was made by hand by craftsmen on the island

When his sister was cooking he would often sit on the high green stool and play simple folk tunes to her


Each year at the end of November the three Betty’s and their brother Russell would come together to celebrate the colour green

They would wander slowly along a cornice road and discuss the colour in depth arguing on occasions and agreeing on others

When not discussing the colour they would enjoy the magnificent views afforded

They would always rent the same house near to the Anden Verde

And stay together for six days

Before separating once more



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