Anna Charlotta Underground

The Girl with a Red Rose

The girl with the red rose
is wearing a yellow dress
and long black gloves
which match her raven hair

She is contemplating infinity


Solange et Moi

In her monochrome flat

Solange sipped a monochrome drink

Whilst watching a monochrome TV

When I returned from my colourful travels

She made a colourful meal

And we made colourful love

Six times

Before she returned to her monochrome ways


Warm Winds in November  

When travelling on a train recently

I noticed a couple embracing

Without movement

The girl faced me with her eyes closed

And feigned sleep

But she did not fool me

Our slow train called at

Lemster Junction
Verney West
Ramsbury Park and Stanley

In quick succession

Before terminating at the main city station where the man alighted without ceremony

I expected to see the girl cry

But she just stared out of the window

Into the night

And watched

The warm November winds



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