Living in Southern Counties

Amaryllis and Jonas her German cousin were walking on the slight chalk path that led to the farmhouse

On either side of them were barley fields nearing maturity

Amaryllis looked at the rough flowers that hid in the long grass on the edge of the crop fields

She picked a small red flower and handed it to her cousin

I will pick more red flowers for you if you count the cars and lorries that pass my house

In German or English what do you wish?

In German of course I like you counting in German

As the cousins walked past the ancient mile post near to where the chalk path forked a cheetah emerged from the barley field

It had a dead bird in its mouth

The bird had died accidently and the cheetah was carriying it towards the river which ran in the shadows of  the valley not far from the farmhouse







Amaryllis was sitting in an armchair reading a book about Paul Klee called Magic Squares

She looked up and removed her glasses

I hope you did not count any buses

I counted the Swindon bus and the bus that terminates at Devizes

Then you will need to start again I told you not to include buses

For an instant Martin imagined his cousin naked and blushed when she caught his eye

Stop imagining me naked and start counting the cars and lorries and remember not to include the buses in either direction

If you get this right then I will let you watch me bathe this evening

Amaryllis returned to her book and her cousin turned towards the window















Rolf stopped counting

Why have you stopped?

Because there are no more cars and lorries on the road that passes this cottage

This is not a cottage but a farmhouse imagine them passing















Amaryllis took the dust cover from her book and placed it on the beige carpet next to her armchair

The irritated her cousin slightly as he did not like to see books without their dust covers and felt that his cousin had removed the cover to tease him

You may stop now

Rolf looked at the blue bus shelter that was located almost opposite the farm house

He watched as a woman of about fifty played a riff riff on her golden trumpet

She was barefoot and Martin could see her soiled feet keeping time

Come look at this there is a musician in the shelter for buses

She is always there I call her Lonely Martha

Do you speak to her?

No I have found no reason to do so

Does she live in your village?

No I do not really care where she comes from sometimes she is in the shelter and sometimes she is not

She is an interesting person and a talented musician

If you say so

May I cross the road and meet her?

If you must but she will not be there when you reach the shelter

Amaryllis was correct for as soon as Tomas reached the farm house gate he could see the woman was no longer in the bus shelter

He looked in both directions but the woman with the trumpet was not in view but he noticed a cheetah in the nearby cornfield carrying a dead bird in its mouth

There is a wild animal carrying a dead bird in its mouth

It is travelling towards the River Lethe

The River Lethe

The River Lethe

Come on you must have heard of the River Lethe even in Germany

No I have not heard of the River Lethe

Oh dear dear dear you poor boy it is the river that runs past our bathroom window if you were not so busy watching me bathe then you would have noticed it

I have not seen this river

Amaryllis took her cousins hand and led him up the stairs and into the small bathroom

She opened the window

This is the River Lethe

It is just a river

No no it is more than a river

Do you swim in it?

Sometimes but not very often and certainly not after the sun sets


The river you see is a river of forgetfulness and if you study it during the hour before the night arrives then you will see the ghostly remains of the dead drifting aimlessly awaiting passage towards the afterlife

They resemble fruit-flies and will have to taste the waters of the river before they can pass through and enjoy their new life

Is that true?

It is my understanding

What would happen if you bathed in the river during this time?

Nothing I suppose it might just disturb the passage of the dead

Can we watch tonight?

That might be difficult Karl as I take a bath during that hour

Maybe you can bathe later

No I always take a bath at that time

I will count up to a hundred in Gernan which you will enjoy we have never been that far before

No either you stay with me in this room during that hour or you sit by the river and watch the dead pass through

It is your choice


Amaryllis and Jonas her German cousin were walking on the slight chalk path that led to the farmhouse

On either side of them were barley fields nearing maturity

Amaryllis looked at the rough flowers that hid in the rough grass on the edge of the crop fields

She picked a small red flower and handed it to her cousin

I will pick more red flowers for you if you count the cars and lorries that pass the cottage for me

In German or English what do you wish?

In German of course I like you counting in German

As the cousins walked past the ancient mile post a cheetah emerged from the barley field it had a dead bird in its mouth

The bird had died accidently and the cheetah was carrying it towards the river which ran deeply in the valley not far from the farmhouse

The cheetah caught the cousins up and dropped the bird at their feet

Where is the river of the dead?

Over there next to the farmhouse

Do you live in that farmhouse?

I have always lived in that farmhouse

Who is with you today?

My cousin Josef he is visiting me I think he is slightly in love with me

This blackbird was in love once

What happened?

The usual it left its nest this morning and was hit by a car

How sad

I found it dead near the church

Does its partner know?

No as far as it is concerned the female is still deeply in love

She is waiting for her partner to return

Do you love your cousin?

I admire Amaryllis but I am not sure that I am in love with her

You love my body and take any opportunity to see me naked I saw you in the wardrobe this morning you were not very quiet

I am sorry that was of poor character I will leave tomorrow

Don’t worry it does not bother me I am the same as anybody else, your trumpet player the woman in the gift shop the vicars wife your sister if you had one

It was dishonourable of me

Tell you what Paul the cheetah and I will go to the river and prepare for the passing of the bird

You can break the news to its partner

Where would I find the partner?

In the tree next to the inn

So there is no punishment for me?

Well the next time you join me in the bathroom I will require you to wear a blindfold as punishment

No I will sit by the river of the dead

But you must break the news to the blackbird’s partner be quick and tell her to join us here within the hour

Will she have eggs?

I do not know but if she does I want you to protect them from scavengers 


After about fifteen minutes the partner of the blackbird flew into the garden where Amaryllis and the cheetah were resting with the dead bird

It had been placed on a palm mat

Love is so transient

A mere glimpse some say

Have you ever been in love?

Only with myself

The cheetah smiled at Amaryllis’s wit although he thought it slightly misplaced

As the night hour drew closer the souls of the dead began to congregate above the waters of the river

Some swooped and drank from the waters and vanished without incident

Amaryllis lowered the dead bird into the flowing water and watched as the small mat floated away

Soon it was out of view


Toni sat alone on the bank of the river watching the fruit flies flit flat flit flat flit above the slow flowing waters

The sky was beginning to lose its glow and darkness was descending

The only strong light was coming from the bathroom window which overlooked the river bank

He thought of the blackbird that had left the world only a few hours earlier and wondered where it was

A fruit fly landed in the crow hole at his feet and looked at him

Do you not recognise me Jonas?

No you are just a fruit fly

I am Richard your teacher do you not remember me

But you have been dead for many years you killed yourself after your book was attacked you could not stand the opprobrium it attracted

That was the final straw

Was I missed?

I missed you but I am not sure whether many really understood you although to tell you the truth I was angry with you when you committed suicide

I had thought about suicide for many years the book was just a catalyst as there was no beauty left in my life

There is beauty all around us the fields that surround this cottage the darkening sky this river my cousin naked behind that bathroom window

She teases you

I know but I play along

She does not love you she is only fond of you

I know but I play along when I come here I come here to share the beauty of the area

Germany is a beautiful country

I know and I love my people but there is something about this area that draws me

I no longer found Germany beautiful I found it polluted


No you will find out soon enough that beauty needs to be nourished acceptance is not enough

I can remember a park in my home town which I loved greatly I spent a great deal of this time in this park both as a child and as an adult and then I left my town to go to the big city and when I returned some years later the park was no more

A large estate has been built on it which had been populated by ugly people the beauty of the park was dead and only existed in my memory

Man nourishes beauty and man destroys beauty but man does not understand beauty do you think your cousin really knows how beautiful she is?

She knows she is beautiful

Then why does she tease you?

I do not know

It is because she is insecure with her beauty she knows that in sixty years that she will no longer be beautiful to look at

Are you saying that she cannot cope with her beauty?

Exactly and that is why she can be spiteful and teases you with her nudity

You think that you are dominating her when you watch her bathe or when you hide in cupboards

But she is dominating you

She is grasping your drive

Should I do anything?

No what you do is quite innocent but always consider beauty do not just accept it

I shall no longer play games with her

That is your choice

Is it wrong that I find the hills and fields that surround this cottage beautiful?

They ask little of you apart from that you care for them

I am in love with this area

That is evident

What shall I do?

Do nothing no let me correct myself do one thing just one thing

What is that?

Release me

How should I do that?

Step on me crush me into this crows hole

Would you be born again?

No I would just accept oblivion

Have you been here long?

Since the day I killed myself

Then why do you not drink of the waters?

I have but I do not move it is the same for the trumpet player

You see she is a trapped soul like me

Did she kill herself?

No she killed her mother in a fit of rage

Amaryllis walked into the garden wearing a pair of jogging bottoms and a vest her hair was wet from her bath

I thought I would find you here

Who were you talking to?

My ex teacher Richard he is in the crow hole at your feet and wishes that I crush him so that he may travel to oblivion

Then do so


There is beauty all around us if he does not want to possess this beauty then send him to oblivion

You hide behind your words

Martin cupped the fruit fly in his hand and waded into the river and placed the lost soul on an overhanging branch

Why did you not crush me?

You have killed yourself once in despair at the lack of beauty and understanding this will not happen again

Whether you stay here for a hundred seconds or a hundred years you will be surrounded by beauty whether it be the hills and the fields or my cousin’s transient beauty

You will pass to the other side with the word beauty on your lips when time occasions your departure

With difficulty Kurt made his way to the riverbank next to the farmhouse

Amaryllis helped her cousin regain his balance

You are soaking wet I will run a bath for you and this time it is my turn to watch and if you are good no very good I might just share the bath you

As he walked towards the backdoor of the farmhouse Karl looked over he shoulder and saw a glowing fruit fly plunge from the tree and immerse itself in the river


Amaryllis and Jonas her German cousin were walking on the slight chalk path that led to the farmhouse

On either side of them were barley fields nearing maturity

Amaryllis looked at the rough flowers that hid in the rough grass on the edge of the crop fields

She picked a small red flower and handed it to her cousin

I will pick more red flowers for you if you count the cars and Lorries that pass the cottage for me

In German or English what do you wish?

In German of course I like you counting in German







Both cousins then started laughing and ran wildly into the barley fields gradually disappearing from view

The only sound that be heard above the gentle breeze was the sound the sad woman playing a riff riff roll on her golden trumpet




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