Anderson’s Last Christmas

As Anderson walked along the kinetic subway

Between Kings Cross and St Pancras

He was admiring the art of the architect

Subways were normally so featureless

Haunted by those with no respect

This was to be his last journey

He knew that he would not return

He stopped and placed both palms

On the shimmering wall

Why are you doing that?

An albino asked

This is my last Christmas I fear

I am here for my health

Your health?

As you can see I am very pale

I come to this subway once a week to gain some colour

It does not last long but I feel better

Then why do we not swop identities

You are talking fantasy

No in this subway anything is possible

Anderson pulled his hand away from the wall

In was aquamarine

May I touch your face?

Please do

The albino began to glow

I feel as a chameleon might changing colour at will

If I place my other hand on your head then within the hour you will have achieved my self

What will happen to you?

I am not sure I think I will become a colour field part of this kinetic wall

Will I inherit your problems?

I have no problems

I am just spent


This was always going to be my final Christmas

Before this subway was built there was just soil between the stations

But this was where I had been buried

A plague victim

For centuries there was nothing but darkness

And I did not rest

I became tired

And then this subway was built and colour returned to my life

I adored this passage but knew my time was short

If I emerged at either end then I would return to my eternal darkness

I needed to find someone to share my colour

A host?

No not a host for if you agree to swop identities then I will cease to exist

That would not be fair on you

It would be very fair on me as I would become one of the colours that you see passing I would never suffer darkness again

I suffer my paleness but I am left alone

Would you like to share my colour as time is short?

Will I be the same person?

Yes you will be exactly as you are now except you will no longer be pale

The albino placed Anderson’s other hand on his head

Nothing happened for a while

And then there was a tremendous flash of colour

Robert found himself on the subway floor

Are you ok?

A man helped him to his feet

Yes I just felt a little faint

The colours were too vibrant

There is a facility at the station I suggest that you visit that if you are feeling poorly I will accompany you if you require me to

No no that is very kind of you but I am feeling much better now

The man patted Robert on the back and smiled

Have a great Christmas then pal

I will thank you again

Robert stood in the subway for over an hour watching the shimmering colour fields moving without effort

He was looking for Anderson

A policeman approached him

My colleagues and I have been watching you on CCTV sir

I am sorry to warrant your attention as I did not mean to spend such a long time in this beautiful subway

You have only been here for a matter of minute’s sir

They why am I of interest to you constable?

Because you dropped your wallet as you entered the subway and after formalities I will be happy to return your property to you

What is your name sir?


Your first name


The policeman handed Robert his wallet and kissed him on the cheek

Merry Christmas Sir

And to you and your family constable

Robert began to walk towards Kings Cross

He was troubled than he could not see Anderson within the moving colours

As he left the subway he saw a figure in relief who was part of the white tiled walls of the entrance hall

It was Anderson and he watched as the figure moved slowly towards the kinetic subway

Soon the relief was no more and the figure had blended fully into the changing colour fields

I am the aquamarine

I will always be the aquamarine

Thank you

Robert waved and took the escalator towards the surface

A chill wind was blowing

But this was of little consequence

For he was no longer pale

A mannequin holding a fluorescent orange light tube met him on the street

And held his hand

They walked towards the railway station

I think we will just have time for a coffee before our train leaves but we must hurry

I agree and must say I have been looking forward to this journey for such a long time





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