The Bather and the Lighthouse

Shall we not rightly die both by one sword
and one tomb keep us both, one cedar box?

Clotilde looked at the lighthouse which was located across the bay

Laurent was swimming in the shallow waters

Would you like to see me as an Amazon?

Her brother did not answer

He had found a mermaid and was frolicking with her

Laurent would you like to see me as an Amazon?

Christopher had arranged his easel and was preparing his canvas and paints

Do not wait for your brother to give you permission Clotilde I am nearly ready to start

Clothilde pulled the strap of her red costume away from her shoulder exposing her small white breast

Will this do?

It will do for now

The mermaid had gained her land legs as was chasing Laurent along the small beach

You should paint the mermaid not me

No I have tried they never keep still

You are a better model

What do you think of the lighthouse?

I like the lighthouse

Will it appear in your painting?


Will you attach any meaning to it?

No it will just be a lighthouse

The mermaid had returned to the sea and Laurent was climbing the steep path towards his sister

Did you enjoy yourself?

Yes but she was no different to any other mermaid I have met

I asked you if you wished to see me as an Amazon

I did not hear you

I am an Amazon now as you can see and Christopher is painting me

Then I will make myself scare as I am sure that he does not want me interrupting him

No do stay you are causing no offence

The lighthouse simmered in the heat of the day and Laurent wondered if it would ever show its beacon again

Occasionally he would spot the tail of a mermaid as she surfaced

He waved but they did not respond as most were shy creatures

What was your mermaid’s name?

I do not know I did not trouble her for her name

I enjoy my name it is so bold and sensuous

I have never thought your name as being sensuous

You have a very feminine name you know

I was aware of that

That is perhaps why the mermaids like you

In the distance a large cedar box was floating towards the beach

Clothilde turned towards the artist

I fear that I will have to rest shortly

You will have to complete the work on another sunny day

I have little problem with that how long do I have today?

Clothilde looked out to sea

Half an hour maybe an hour

Laurent was already making his way to the beach

Come sister

Time allows I will meet you on the beach when the box is dry

Nearly an hour passed and Christopher slowly laid down his brushes

May I look?

No not until my work is complete

Then I will return

Clothilde abandoned her pose and took the path towards the beach

The cedar box was free of the sea and her brother was standing next to it

Come on sister we do not have much time

As she walked Clothilde removed her costume and let it fall casually on to the sandy beach

Soon she faced her brother and held his hand slowly embracing him as together they stepped into the dry cedar box

Christopher watched the couple as they vanished

Their distance did not bother him as he knew that his model would return on the next sunny day

Her brother would frolic with the mermaids and she would resume her pose

As the artist walked towards his rest the first hints of light began to emerge from the distant lighthouse

Night was near



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