Felicity Hendricks Topless

Screamed the headlines of the lesser newspapers

It seems that the most famous Rock Star in the world has been photographed topless in Barbados

She looks in poor shape Annie

Too many tattoos and needle marks

Do you think she cares about the photographs?

I doubt it she seems to spaced out to care

It is a risk you take there is always somebody with a camera

Everybody has been papped from the Duchess of Cambridge to Jackie O

Jackie O?

Yes Jackie O there was a famous scandal in the 1970s it seems that a member of the paparazzi swam out to her private Greek island and took a number of photograph’s of her completely naked

Did you see them at the time?

No they only appeared in certain magazines abroad but are freely available on the internet now

It is impossible for any person to disclose his mind and will towards others, without at the same time letting them see something of their inner self

Did you day something?

No I was only thinking aloud

Do you think that the Bronte sisters died virgins?

I am not sure I know that Charlotte was with child when she died but I am not sure about Anne and Emily

It must be dreadful to die without congress what do you think?

Some people might not think that way

You may be using your own views as a foundation

Then the Church whom we cannot help as we watch the process speaking of it as a person is seen subjected to a series of interrogations from various quarters.

The most important of the questioners were the Gnostics.

What would you do if I was papped and my body spread all over the newspapers?

You do not undress on the beach so it would not happen

But supposing I had confidence in my body and my breasts were photographed for the world to see

I would not care


To use a cliché nobody could shame your beauty

I am not beautiful and you know that I am really quite plain I am a little plump and my skin is deathly white and also I have blemishes on my body

Beauty marks

Blemishes I have blemishes on my body

Why do you think I am beautiful?

My body is of an odd shape and my breasts droop a bit

I am not as slender as I would like to be

Have you looked at yourself with anything but a critical eye?



I do and every time I see a woman who is not beautiful not ever pretty just plain and ordinary

I find you beautiful

You would say that


Because you love me but how does it really feel walking around with a girl who has a fat bottom and blemishes to highlight the fact?

It never crossed my mind


About a year ago I was looking out of our window and noticed a young couple sitting on the bench opposite

He was a tall lanky fellow a little clumsy in his movement but she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen

Her movement was feline and she almost danced as she walked

Her hair was a luxurious dark brown almost black in colour and I remember it moving lazily in the breeze

Her eyes were raven and she had an olive skin that you often associate with people from the Mediterranean

You said she was beautiful

Oh very much she had a willow like figure and I said the most beautiful face

Why were you in awe of her?

Because she was beautiful and I was plain

Did anything happen as you seem to be leading up to something?

Yes after a while her partner stood up and stormed off swearing at her as he went

Did she follow him?

No she just stayed still and wept I could see the bitter tears running down her lovely face and do you know from that moment on I was not jealous of her for she was unhappy and I was happy

You do not have a jealous bone in your body perhaps it was envy

Maybe it was envy but at that moment I felt that I was the most beautiful girl in the world

In nature there is a unity and an order. In nature there can be nothing detached, disconnected or arbitrary as Aristotle said of old like an episode in a bad tragedy

Why does the paparazzi exist?

To satisfy a need


Most of us are very bored and want to share the lives of other people remember the paparazzi do not just photograph celebrities on the beach they are everywhere in the cities at airports anything for a photograph

When Kate got papped recently I believe that it did the Royal Family a service it showed that she was a rather horsey girl who surprise surprise also had breasts and sunbathed topless like most women do

I have never sunbathed topless

You should do so

I would not subject anybody to my saggy breasts and blemishes

They would not care what you look like it is only you stopping yourself

I thought that Felicity Hendricks looked really sad in those photographs

I agree she did not seem to be enjoying herself

Do you think the paparazzi are intrusive?

No they are there because people want them to be there

Topless Rock Stars are news

Poor Felicity all that fame and no happiness

I remember about twenty years ago there was train accident in South London

The following day some newspapers ran photographs of the victims

Did it disturb you?

To this day I am not sure of my emotion

I think it surprised me more than anything but I still felt uncomfortable looking at those photographs

One photograph was of a woman who was trapped between two seats she was obviously dead

I thought of her on her previous journey where it is likely she might have been reading the newspaper that now showed her corpse

A normal passenger

Yes a normal passenger

Did you consider it a kind of voyeurism?

Somewhat but it puts Felicity Hendricks breasts into account

If she did not want them to be papped then she should have worn a top

The woman on the train did not have a choice

There is one event commemorated in our creed which does not rest primarily on apostolic testimony

It is the virgin birth of Jesus

I sometimes think that if I was more beautiful you would love me for my beauty only and when that beauty faded you would love me less

Therefore I know you love me without association

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Spare me Edward spare me

I know your love

I feel your love

I am thrilled by your love

I know that you are proud to be with me and you show me off as a great beauty

But you create an illusion

There is a church in Plymouth which was bombed during the last war and was left as a restored ruin

Every time I pass it I see a congregation in fine voice

This is also an illusion

When I was sitting with you in the library the other day I heard the sweet song of the Nightingale

This very likely to be the same Nightingale that I heard last year as these birds return to familiar haunts year after year

I could not see the bird but I knew it to be beautiful

Why would a creature with such a fine voice be anything but beautiful?

You have a fine voice

Fine voice plain creature

Your kind of philosophy does not feature

That is a poor rhyme

It was not meant to be a rhyme

In answer to your question if Annie was formed perfectly or imperfectly they shall learn from me that she was indeed perfect in respect of his creation



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