Three and a Half Short Stories

The Signalman who appreciated the Light of the Sea

Lived in a house further up the hill

When a train was due he would run down the slope and guide the train into the correct platform

When there were no trains he often gazed out to sea

Awaiting the perfect light

A rare phenomenon

After twenty-eight years in the box the signalman retired

On the day of his retirement he was presented with a silver tray

When he looked into the tray he saw reflected the perfect light that he had been searching for

That evening he visited the box for the last time

The line was quiet and the box was unlit

He carefully locked the wooden door and threw the keys into the sea

At forty-nine minutes past six he borrowed a boat belonging to the railway company and sailed towards the azure light

Which was still reflected in his silver tray


Fungi and the Fifth Girl

A soft mist is enclosing the river

Soon the opposite bank will fade into the night

Alexander and I are both writing short stories

His is set in 1953 and mine in 2017

His story does not have a title

My story is called

The Bumper Book of Discoveries

I suggest a title for his story

Fungi and the Fifth Girl

He politely declines my suggestion

As there is no mention of fungi in his story

I look out of the window

The mist has lifted but the night has not yet arrived

In the distance five girls are waking along the lane

Four of the girls are holding sticks which they are pointing towards the sky

The fifth a murderess is deliberately lagging behind

She is carefully collecting the most toxic of the fungi’s which line the lane

Alexander suddenly stops his writing

I think your suggestion for a title is admirable I shall call my short story

Fungi and the Fifth Girl

My gaze returns to the fifth girl who was staring at the house

It was then that I noticed that one of her eyes was golden whilst the other was as black as the night


The Queen of the Azores

On the 5th of January a large ship called The Queen of the Azores anchored in the deep waters of our river

She had been slightly damaged by an on-board fire and had anchored so that repairs could be made

Its captain was known as Captain Percy

On the day after the ship arrived he visited my office

He asked me if I knew a Lynne Beake who he had met during his previous visit

I confirmed that I knew nobody of that name but would make enquiries

To my surprise I found the woman he was looking for the following day

She was a housewife who lived in one of the nearby villages but had married and was now known by her married name Sharpe

I informed the Captain of my success and offered my office as a meeting place which was gratefully accepted

On the 8th of January Captain Percy and Mrs Sharpe met once more

I offered to leave but they insisted that I was of no inconvenience

Fifteen years Lynne fifteen years

You look the same you know

A bit greyer I think

No you are exactly as I remember you

If I can be as bold Lynne I think you are more beautiful than my memories of you

I have had two children they are with my husband at present

What are the called?

Ian and Rachel

And your husband

Rob my husband is called Rob he is an engineer by profession

I am also married my wife is called Amy and we have a son called Cameron

Where do you live now?


Captain Percy was carrying a parcel which he placed on my desk

Open it Lynne

Is it a gift?

Yes and no

Inside the parcel was a silver notebook and a frame

My diary you have returned my diary

You promised to send me more poems

I ran out of inspiration

I liked you work especially the poem called

The Queen of the Azores

I submitted it to a magazine in Boston and they published it a few years ago I trust you approve

It was not that good but thank you it was very sweet of you

I have framed a copy of the work for you

I am leaving the sea you know as I want to see Cammy grow up this voyage is my last

But we can still keep in touch can we not do come for dinner Rob would be delighted to meet you

Alas no my ship sails with the next tide but yes we will keep in touch even if I do not visit England again

Captain Percy’s mobile rang and he answered it quietly

Duty calls I am needed back on ship

He kissed Lynne lightly on the cheek

I went to sea because of you and now I am leaving because of you

One chapter closes another one opens

Be safe Lynne and wish me safe passage when I am gone

The Captain ran he hand lightly through Lynne’s hair

The sea ruins your hair you know it becomes brittle like mine

I will consider that when I purchase my first ship

Captain Percy turned and shook my hand

Thank you for your hospitality Sir

He left my office without a backward glance

You know I nearly married that man

But he chose the sea

I do not think I will hear from him again

Why do you say that?

History revolves in circles you know

I looked at the frame which was on my desk

There is no poem in the frame

And you will find that my diary is blank also

There was never a poem in the first place

The Queen of the Azores was never written

Forgive me the meeting you arranged was game as we are both quite fond of these games

Was it for my benefit?

No we would have played the same roles whether you had been here or not

Lynne picked up the silver book and the frame

He will never leave the sea you know in another fifteen years he will return again and ask after me

If he does do try to find me

I doubt if I will be working here

You will

Lynne smiled and left and I watched her walk towards the harbour and then fade in to the town

I sat in my chair for the remaining hours of my shift and watched as The Queen of the Azores sailed on the favourable tide


The Magic Sands

Gideon Gum was writing a book a crime thriller called

Other People Carry Cars

The telephone rang

Bessie his housekeeper answered the call

It is a caller from Castle Cary Gideon

Tell them I will ring them back but do ask them this question

When did you last see a perfect hill?

Pigeons were sunning themselves on the disused red brick water tower which had faced the fifth platform at Taunton Railway Station since Victorian times

Verna was waiting for her train

She was visiting an Ice House recently discovered in Castle Cary

Verna was an expert on Ice Houses and a Mr Hughes had requested her opinion on the one discovered in the grounds of his mansion

Two of the more knowing pigeons were discussing Verna’s area of expertise

It is a pity that she does not know that an Ice House is buried deep below this water tower

Designed by Capability Brown I am told

That is only a myth supplied by the crows

A taxi was awaiting Verna when she arrived at Castle Cary Station

Mr Hughes is awaiting you

Verna was met at the gate by her host

I am afraid that there has been a change of plan Miss Hopkins

Is there a problem with your Ice House?

No but I have just found a Rock Star hanging from the beams of the building

There was indeed a Rock Star hanging from one of the supporting beams of the Ice House

Verna touched the face of the world famous musician

It was cold

I know who he is Mr Hughes

Do you?

Yes this is Omar and he was due to headline at the festival later this year

Oh how unfortunate for him

I think he was murdered

What makes you think that?

There is a dagger in his back

I have an alibi you know

I never considered your involvement

This will be so bad for the summer trade you know

Listen I have a friend called Gideon who deals with cases like this without publicity I will give him a call

Verna took her mobile from her bag

Hi is Gideon there?

Yes but he is writing and cannot be disturbed

Oh but do tell him I have juicy murder here in Castle Cary

He has asked you a question

What is that?

When did you last see a perfect hill?


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