Loving Strangers

The woman joined the train at Canterbury and sat opposite Alex even though the train was quite empty

She was quite tall and Alex thought that she resembled her although her hair was much darker

I see you have a book on Turner a wonderful artist

Yes I have just spent some time in Margate just sharing the light he must have known

My name is Alex

That is a coincidence as I am also called Alex

What were you doing in Canterbury Alex?

Just exploring the city I had never been there before

Do you know it?

Very well I have spent many happy days there

It was badly bombed during the war I am told

Yes but thankfully the cathedral did not take a direct hit

As the train gathered speed out of Canterbury the sun which had been hidden for much of the day suddenly broke from the clouds creating a halo behind Alex

You look like an angel


A halo formed for an instant behind you and you were bathed in the most perfect light

I saw a movie like that many years ago but cannot remember the title

It was called A Canterbury Tale and the halo formed behind Dennis Price so simple but so effective

You are a mine of information

It is one of my favourite movies as it was shot here in Kent

The peace that the two women had enjoyed was soon broken as more passengers joined the train

A middle aged man sat on the seat behind them

He was smartly dressed but overweight and soon opened a can of beer

Do you realise that guy has been looking at you for the last five minutes?


Does it bother you?

Not really he is probably thinking about my breasts and whether I Have pubic hair or not

Do you not think it is a bit creepy?

No I take it as a compliment as we are both beautiful women and items of beauty should be adored

Then let us play a game

A game?

Alex kicked off her sandal and placed it gently on the crutch of Alex’s jeans

You have the same colour toe nails as me

Indigo is my favourite colour

And mine

What is he doing?

Trying not to look at us but I am sure he is turned on

You watch he will not be able to stand it and will leave his seat


He will

As the train passed under a bridge the man suddenly rose from seat and headed in the opposite direction

He will not be back and I speak he is probably wanking in the toilet

Men are sad

Some are

Do you think he has much in his life?

It is hard to tell

He is certainly not attractive

I have fucked a few unattractive men you feel a certain power over them

I undress quickly just to torment them

I then do the most boring things thinkable

Such as?

Making a cup of tea or removing my nail varnish

Just to fuck them off

Just to fuck them off

When I finally climb on them they come almost immediately and I am left to masturbate next to them

They watch but their body does not react as they have spilled their power in my cunt

You like games

I love games

The train was travelling at speed through the Kent countryside

The plush summer fields flashed by leaving short memories

What about you who are you Alex?

I work in the art world my main task is to visit galleries prior to planned exhibitions

Is that what you were doing in Margate?

Yes I was planning an exhibition of the works of Joseph Wright of Derby have you heard of him?

Yes he was an artist of the light and often pained by candlelight

Yes he was master in his field

Where are you travelling to?


Why Bath?

It is a travelling exhibition and Bath is the next stop

Where are you going?

I do not really know

What do you mean?

I just travel and just show up where the train boat or plane stops

Why do you do that?

The freedom of travel

Have you ever been to Bath?


It is a beautiful city

The City of the Caesar’s

I doubt if a Caesars ever visited Bath

It is a nice thought though

Where do you live?

I live in London with my brother

What does he do?

He is an artist a good artist but a spectacularly unsuccessful one

What about you?

I live out of hotel rooms

But you must have a base

I have a base in the centre of Spain that is where I hide

Are you married?

God no I just fuck when I feel like it but refrain from relationships

What about you

No I am not married



What do you do for sex fuck your brother?

Sometimes but not often we mostly masturbate together

Masturbate together?

Yes he masturbates over my scar  

You have a scar?

Yes a very large one that runs down this side of my body

Alex lifted her blouse slightly to reveal her scar

You see I was a conjoined twin

With your brother

No I had a sister but she died

I am sorry

Do not be sorry as I never met her that is why I call myself Alex that was her name

What is your real name?

Alex my real name is Alex

Why does your brother get off on your scar?

Because he was conjoined also and he has a scar 

Did his twin die?

No he lives in Canada and is a Professor of Geology

I have a scar


I was conjoined like you but my twin died

Alex lifted her blouse slightly to reveal her scar

We have a lot of things in common

Yes but I do not fuck my brother

He has a girlfriend you know

I am glad to hear it

She has a scar also

Was she conjoined?

No she was involved in a tram accident which scarred her

It seems that you brother likes scars

Very much he often just touches my scar and comes into the recess

Does he do this to his girlfriend?

Maisie yes but she has a different body to me she thick black hair covering her scar and no matter how much she shaves the hair it returns 

Perhaps she is just a hairy woman some women are you know

No that is the only body hair she has the shock of the accident inhibited its growth

She has no hair

Well it does grow after a fashion on her head but it never grows very long she reminds of me of the actress Falconetti in the movie Joan of Arc

Does it bother her?

The black hair does

What about the hair on her head

She wears wigs sometimes if she wants to change her personality

Are you attracted to her?


Have you fucked her?

Yes her scar turns me on

What does your brother think?

He joins in

Do you like women?


I have fucked women but not for a long long time

Do you want to come to Bath with me?

Are you coming on to me?

No not a bit I just find you very interesting

Has my scar turned you on?



Well I am a little damp

The rolling fields of Kent had vanished and had been replaced by the urban decay of London

The weather although now quite bright was not showing the capital to its advantage

We ignore the trees

We ignore the flowers

We ignore the sky

We ignore the sun

What did you say?

I was just quoting from a poet I cannot remember his name

Are you a poet?

I write poetry

Are you published?

No but I have written a book

Really what was it called?

The Spanish Crossing

Did it do well?

Yes it sold surprisingly well have you read it?


I will buy you a copy when we reach our destination

Have you written any other books?

I have one with my publishers at present

What is it called?

The Spanish Crossing

The train arrived at St Pancras and both the women waited as the train emptied

As they both walked along the smooth androgynous platform they saw the a circle within a circle handing freely by the station clock

History revolves in circles I think that is the meaning

I like it it is free and light

Are you leaving me here?

Let us share a coffee together

Yes and then I will decide whether I will spend a night of love with you

I never promised that a trip to Bath to see the beautiful city that was all

You thoughts were more designed on sharing a Bath with me

Ha ha

Will you promise not to fuck my scar?

Scars turn me on


If I knew I would tell you

I think that I know why


You are beautiful I am beautiful is your brother beautiful?

Yes he very nice looking

What about Maisie?

Yes in a Celtic way she is very beautiful

And we are all scarred


It is simple

Don’t tease

I am not teasing

You adore the beautiful but you cannot accept perfect beauty


Explore my words

A large woman walked past them carrying a heavy suitcase

See that woman there if she undressed in front of you now and you found her to be scarred would it turn you on

Would you fuck her scar?

I am attracted to women but then again I am attracted to men

Which do you prefer?

It depends on my mood

So you would not fuck that fat carcass of a woman even if she was scarred maybe conjoined

You ask such difficult questions

The poet that I quoted from also wrote these words

I am only but a reflection if you do not like what you see then turn away

You are so full of contradictions Alex

No it is so simple you want me to travel to Bath so that you can enjoy me

Rubbish I find you fascinating

I shall leave you after we have fucked as I did my professor on my Spanish trip

Alex pulled a tangerine sachet from her bag

What is that?

I do not know

You must know

Bath salts maybe I was in the sea in Margate when a man came up to me and told me to turn around


He asked me to turn around so that my scar was not visible

More likely he was looking at your arse

No I did not get that feeling there was something rather mysterious about him

He liked your bum

No no as soon as I turned around he gave me two sachets I used one and here is the other

So you had a nice bath after a long day

No it was much more than that

The water turned a thick jasper and I felt myself floating almost as I was in space

I was thinking about Alec


My brother

I was thinking about Alec and was caressing my cunt and then nothing


I felt that cold water had been flicked at me

By whom?

Joseph Wright of Derby

The artist?

Yes and then I slept and woke up in my bath this morning

And do you know what the strange thing was?

Do not keep me in suspense

The water was still as warm as it was when I stepped into it but it had lost its colour

Was the artist still there?

I only felt his presence I did not see him

You had a Coleridge moment

The poet?

Yes have you ever read his poem Kubla Khan?

Not that I can remember

He composed it whilst under the influence of drugs until he was disturbed by the Person from Porlock

The poet claimed that he had dreamt his poem in its entirety but was interrupted by his visitor

It was unfinished only fifty-four lines long

Do you know who the visitor was?

No I am not really into poetry

I believe it was either Dorothy or William Wordsworth

No-one else knew he was there

Coleridge suffered from stomach problems and I believe that they had made an unscheduled stop

So that is a Coleridge moment


Will I bathe with you tonight?

If you want me to

I will tip these powders into the bath

And by magic Joseph Wright of Derby will appear and paint us both

You are taking the piss

No I am taking you seriously

The women made their way to Paddington Station and caught a train to Bristol Temple Meads

Soon they had reached Bath

That evening they shared a bath together

Alex had tipped the salts into the water

For a moment nothing happened and then the water turned the most vivid orange

Both women felt sleepy and lay in each other’s arms without saying a word

They were aware that they were not alone in the room but their eyes were heavy and would not open  


The painting depicts two sisters

One is holding the others nipple between her finger and thumb as if she is pinching or stimulating it

The artist has always been anonymous a member of the Fontainebleau School

The year is 1595

A likeness hung in their hotel room

And had witnessed their lovemaking

The painting is mysterious

In the darkness of the hotel bathroom

The artist was painting by candlelight

Joseph had been called back to Heaven

For an instant Alex awoke and saw a figure swathed in the darkness

And then a sudden breeze extinguished his single candle


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