In Lille

A Japanese student

Stopped us

He was lost and was asking the way

To the Eiffel Tower

I heard Indila


Derniere Dance

On his iPad

I had always liked this song

But my favourite Indila song is

Tourner Dans Le Vide

Which I find rather soothing

I asked the student

If he had this song on his iPad

He did not and apologised

And left us with a shallow bow

A Japanese student

Stopped us

He was lost and was asking the way

To the Eiffel Tower

I heard Lolita Jolie


Non Non Non

On his iPad

I had always liked this song

But my favourite Lolita Jolie song is

Joli Garcon

Which I find rather soothing

I asked the student

If he had this song on his iPad

He did not and apologised

And left us with a shallow bow



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