Adam Savage – Secret Agent

Adam was sitting on a wooden seat at St Margaret’s Bay with his wife Flora Fairfax

The day was warm but a brisk wind was whipping the sea up and the waves were pounding the beach as it they believed it was early autumn and not a summer’s day

There were a number of small ships at sea which were dwarfed by the large freighters and the cross-channel ferries leaving from Dover for France

Many many years ago a brave man sailed past St Margaret’s Bay with a haul of guns hidden

Why was he carrying guns?

He was gun running to aid the Irish cause

Was his yacht beautiful?

Yes she was a twenty-eight ton yacht called the Asgard

What was the name of this brave man?

Robert Erskine Childers

The writer? 


What happened to him?

He was caught and later executed

Where does the bravery come into the equation Adam?

He was brave because he believed in something

People are not as passonate these days

What made you think of him?

The yacht to the left of the freighter over there

For some reason it reminded me of the Asgard

An old man walked past the couple

Please forgive my interruption but I heard your conversation about Robert Erskine Childers

Yes the yacht out there brought him to mind

Did you know him?

Yes but I knew him at a very end of his life

Please explain

I was a member of the firing squad that executed him

Really did you speak to him?

More than that the condemned man shook each of our hands before he was shot

He even joked


Yes he instructed us to take a step forward so our aim would be easier

It must have been dreadful for you

It changed me a lot I had never been in favour of capital punishment and was ordered to join the firing party

I could not disobey orders

The poor man died whilst his appeal was being heard did you know that?


I visit the St Margaret’s Bay quite often just to talk to people such as yourself and your good lady

The old man touched his hat smiled and walked away in the direction of the café

Adam put his arm around Flora Fairfax

I knew he was a brave man but what a coincidence meeting somebody who had actually met him

Adam are my eyes deceiving me or is that a revolver in the sand over there?

Adam stood up and climbed down towards the beach

Do be careful

It is a revolver I wonder how it got here

Is it loaded?

Every chamber

Are you going to hand it in?

Why should I it will most probably come in jolly useful

You are not going to shoot people are you?

Only as a last resort

Remember we a team and I have to protect you at all times

I think the old man knew this and that is why he stopped


What is the year Flora?

2015 of course why do you ask?

Do you know when Childers Died?

No but I would imagine it was a long time ago

1922 he was shot in 1922

This would have made the old man if he was actually telling the truth over one hundred years old

Suddenly Flora felt a knife being pressed against her neck


Do not move my dear otherwise I will cut your pretty throat

Do you remember me Savage?

Very well Van Hern

It looks like you are going to work on your own from now on

How did you get out?

A bribe here a bribe there

Where are the diamonds you know they are mine?

In safe keeping

If you do not tell me where they are then I will cut your wife’s pretty throat

I have a revolver in my hand you know

Yes I saw you pick it up

It has been buried in the sand for many years

Adam pointed the revolver at Van Hern

Let her go it is between you and me

Please Adam please do as he asks

Do not worry Flora the man is a coward

A small trickle of blood began to run from Flora’s neck staining her white blouse

See Savage she is bleeding already it is only a flesh wound but I will be going deeper very very soon

Please Adam

A shot rang out and Van Hern’s head lurched back and he fell dead onto the promenade

Flora looked around and saw the old man holding a rifle

These Mauser’s are as old as I am but when called upon they do good service

Tea for two sir and fresh scones

Adam looked up from his book

Yes thank you please put it there

Flora took off her hat and smiled at Adam

Really Adam you must try to pay attention we are supposed to be secret agents and all you do is read books

Adam looked across the small café

In the corner with a woman who appeared to be his mother was Dick Van Hern

They were enjoying tea and scones

He smiled

Mr Savage we have some unfinished business I think

Is that your mother Dick?

Yes she was telling me of her meeting with Herr Hitler last month he sounds like a very interesting gentleman

He is a scoundrel Dick and the sooner we are rid of him the better

Perhaps are you still on the trail of the missing diamonds with your lovely wife?

Perhaps we are

Then I wish you the very best of luck my friend

Flora was standing on the cliffs that led directly to Dover

She had left Adam in the café as she knew that he would be fencing with his arch enemy and this normally went on for hours

In the distance she saw the flashing green lights of her flying saucer as it flew low over the sea to avoid the coastal radar

Soon it landed just in front of her and she climbed aboard

The flying saucer then took off with the minimum of fuss and within four days Flora was back home on the planet Zero

Adam was sitting on a wooden seat at St Margaret’s Bay with his wife Flora Fairfax

The day was warm but a brisk wind was whipping the sea up and the waves were pounding the beach as it they believed it was early autumn and not a summer’s day

There were a number of small ships in the channel which were dwarfed by the large freighters and the cross-channel ferries leaving from Dover for France

Adam expressed a wish to eat as he was hungry so Flora suggested that they go to the small café she had noticed when they had parked their car

Do you know where the diamonds are?

Yes but let’s eat as they are in a very safe place

Will your arch enemy find them?

I do not think so

Where are they?

You are wearing them

My necklace?

I thought they were cheap imitations

No the last time I was in Holland I had your neclace made up from the diamonds

Where is my other necklace?

In your handbag look take a look

The day was warm but a brisk wind was whipping the sea up and the waves were pounding the beach as it they believed it was early autumn and not a summer’s day

There were a number of small ships in the channel which were dwarfed by the large freighters and the cross-channel ferries leaving from Dover for France

One was called the Asgard




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