Angola Beach Thailand

Just before you arrive at a railway station at Midgham in West Berkshire you will witness on a small hill  a number of wooden stakes arranged in rough circles

Although mysterious they look innocent enough but their function is to guide spaceships towards Earth


Julie looked at her feet which were submerged in a sea pool created by the exceptionally low tide

She looked out to sea where a space ship was hovering

It had been hovering above the sea for almost an hour

Shall we swim to the spaceship?

No I came here to sunbathe

Joe was sitting on the rock opposite his sister

The landing lights of the space ship flashed

Blue Green Red

Blue Green Red

Blue Green Red  

Angola Beach and the hippy café was busy

But most people were either swimming in the quiet waters or sunbathing

Some were sleeping in lazy hammocks hung between stakes

Julie stood up and started padding in the sandy shallows

Shall we swim to the spaceship?

No I came here to sunbathe


Although the spaceship seemed near it was further out to sea than Julie and Joe originally thought

Look how powerful the ship is

It has travelled millions of miles

Julie was standing amongst the stakes

She was still wet from her swim

In the light valley below a train passed by on its way to London

A spaceship was hovering above her

She saw her brother signing from a small window near the main entrance door

Profound deafness can be found in the Northern European races when they return from tropical and sub-tropical countries

Julie signed to her brother

Shall we swim to the spaceship?

No I came here to sunbathe


Both Julie and Joe were sitting on the worn wicker chairs at the hippy café

They were sharing a glass of orange juice

An aged hippy refilled their glass

Julie looked at his tanned penis and for an instant wanted to touch it

She felt her nipples harden and began to blush

Do not be ashamed many people look at my tanned penis

How long have you been here?

Since 1970

Is that your wife?

I have no wife you are looking at a spaceship

An aged hippy refilled their glass

Julie looked at his tanned penis and for an instant wanted to touch it

She felt her nipples harden and began to blush

Shall we swim to the spaceship?

No I came here to sunbathe


Julie and Joe had only planned to spend a day at Angola Beach

But decided to suspend their travelling for a few days and relax

The accommodation at the hippy café although free was quite primitive

After dark the main space was converted into sleeping quarters for the guests

Julie looked out to sea where a space ship was hovering

It had been hovering above the sea for almost a day

A hippy couple sat next to her

It is a magnificent sight

It comes here every summer

May we slide in next to you as our sheet is damp from the beach?

Joe was sleeping so Julie moved to create space for the couple to slip beneath her sheet

How long have you been coming to Angola Beach?

This is our first visit

What is the name of your boyfriend?

He is my brother

The spaceship was hovering above Julie

She could see her brother

Profound deafness can be found in the Northern European races when they return from tropical and sub-tropical countries

Julie signed to her brother

Shall we swim to the spaceship?

No I came here to sunbathe


Julie had walked the short distance to the railway station

The day was silent

It was always silent in Midgham

The first and last train of the day was due

She looked at her feet which were stained from her walk

Your toe is bleeding

I know I ripped the skin against the lady bramble on the hill

The sun is in the sand today you know

Julie looked up

An aged hippy was standing next to her

Julie looked at his tanned penis and for an instant wanted to touch it

She felt her nipples harden and began to blush

Do not be ashamed many people look at my tanned penis

How long have you been here?

Since 1970

The train arrived and her brother alighted

She kissed him lightly on the cheek

Your room is ready we will go to the beach later if you are not too tired

When Julie awoke the next morning both the hippy couple and the spaceship had gone

A Thai waitress was arranging the wicker chairs on the veranda

When did the spaceship leave?


Yes it was here yesterday you swam out to it I saw you with my brother

There was no spaceship

Julie looked Thai waitress’s breasts and for an instant wanted to touch them

She felt her nipples harden and began to blush

Are you staying?

Yes for a day or two more

Joe appeared in the doorway he was wearing a sarong draped casually on his hips

The spaceship left last night whilst you were sleeping with your hippy friends

Did it leave a message?

Just the usual one

The Thai waitress looked at Joe

What was the message Joe?

Profound deafness can be found in the Northern European races when they return from tropical and sub-tropical countries

I was deaf for many years Joe

So was my sister that is the reason we travel

Do you like Thailand?

My mother came from Siam

Was she French?


Are you French?


Is your sister French?


Is your mother still alive?


And your father?


Do you see him often?

About once a month

Where is your home country?

In Northern Europe

Do you return often?

Not that often due to my sister’s deafness

Julie looked Thai waitress’s breasts and for an instant wanted to touch them

She felt her nipples harden and began to blush

Look the spaceship has returned

In the distance the spaceship was hovering over a small fishing boat

The landing lights of the space ship flashed

Grey Green Gold

Grey Green Gold

Grey Green Gold

The first and last train of the day had departed

Julie took Joe’s travelling bag from him

Your room is ready I expect you will need some rest

A shower and a light meal will be fine

He touched his sister’s cheek

Julie looked at her brother’s neck and for an instant wanted to kiss it

She felt her nipples harden and began to blush

As her brother showered Julie prepared a light meal

She placed it on the wooden table and retired to the veranda

A Thai waitress looked at her

Will we swim to the spaceship later?

Perhaps when the tide is kinder

We could use my boat

How kind I will accept your offer

Just before you arrive at a railway station at Midgham in West Berkshire you will witness on a small hill  a number of wooden stakes arranged in rough circles

Although mysterious they look innocent enough but their function is to guide spaceships towards Earth


Julie looked at her feet which were submerged in a sea pool created by the exceptionally low tide

She looked out to sea where a space ship was hovering

The fishing boat soon reached its destination

What is your name?


And yours


Why does the space ship come to Angola Beach?

I do not know

Has it always come here?

Yes apart from the war years

Why did it not come to the beach during the way years?

It was saddened by the violence

Ki and Julie were exploring the lowest deck of the spaceship

The area was sparse apart from a number of metal orbs which rolled past them as the ship moved quietly in the breeze

The sea could be seen from its many windows

Julie watched as Joe spoke to a Thai waitress

He is speaking to my sister you know

What is her name?


She looks like you

We share the same mother and father

I think he is attracted to your sister

She is not very attractive

You are very attractive

Thank you so are you

I know

What does beauty matter at Angola Beach?

Julie looked at Ki’s breasts and for an instant wanted to touch them

She felt her nipples harden and began to blush

Do not be ashamed Julie

It is nothing really my nipples always harden when I am aboard space ships

In the bright sunshine Julie sat on the far platform waiting for a train

She watched as a procession of space ships flew over Midgham

They were preparing for war

Joe stood in front of his sister

He was in full battledress

I have come to say goodbye

Do be careful and do not die as you did last time

I will be careful

Her brother left her

She began to weep

As they emerged from the sea

Ki and Julie wiped the excess water from their faces

They stretched out on a nearby rock and rested

A naked hippy couple sat next to both women

It is a magnificent sight

It comes here every summer

May we slide in next to you as our rock is submerged

Julie made room for her visitors

How long have you been coming to Angola Beach?

This is our first visit

What is the name of your girlfriend?  

She is my sister

The spaceship was hovering above Julie

She could see her brother




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