Lady Macbeth

It was an almost poetical day

Warm rain was pouring out of the heated clouds

And rivers steamed like spa’s

A lorry driver had been killed on the motorway

He had skidded in the heavy rain

And his lorry had blocked all four lanes

The city had fallen into gridlock

Lucy felt strangely excited by this

A wealthy Jew had been stabbed to death during a robbery

Police had not ruled out a racial motive

Annie had never understood why the Jews were persecuted

For she had always found them most agreeable

She had a friend called Esther

Who she occasionally slept with when her husband was away

Ricky stumbled across the road

He was carrying a bag

In a rather clumsy fashion

A silver bracelet fell into a puddle

Be careful you are dropping everything

Ricky stopped to retrieve the bracelet

A necklace fell to the ground

Leave it I do not want us to stay here

Darcy left the confines of the bus shelter and began walking in the rain

Leave the fucking jewels otherwise the police will be here

As they walked past a church Ricky handed Yolanda his bag

It was then that she noticed that he had blood on his hands

Did you hit him?

Yeh he came at me with a poker

How hard?

Hard enough

Ricky bowed his head slightly

Tell me the truth

I stuck the old Jew he just went wild

You fucking idiot I told you to run if you were disturbed

He was fucking nutter

Did you kill him?


Well in what state did you leave him?

I just stabbed him and stabbed him

The cunt hit me with the poker

Look my shoulder is bleeding

Ricky pulled his shirt back to reveal a bloody bruise  

I have booked a hotel room so we can see what you managed to get

What hotel?

The Hotel Splendid

They do not know me 

I thought you took your clients there

No I do not use that hotel

We will be noticed and that is what I want

I don’t get you

You are one of my client’s thicko

I have taken you to the hotel for an afternoon of love

Are we going to fuck?

We will not do anything until you have a bath

With you?

That depends

Ricky was lying in the bath

Mary looked at the needle which he had discarded in the bin under the sink

His dagger was on the floor

She picked it up and looked at the handle

This was most probably the last thing that the old Jew had seen before he died

Annie climbed into the bath and sat hunched between Ricky’s legs

She looked at his limp dick which was as drugged as he was

Ricky opened his eyes and smiled

He was staring at eternity

Close your eyes you oaf and I will do something special for you 

I promise you will enjoy it

Chrissie climbed out of the bath

Just keep your eyes closed and I will take you to where you have never been before

Without a thought Bridget thrust the dagger into Ricky’s chest

She felt a rib beak as it penetrated his heart

He opened his eyes

For a moment

But did not see her

His eternity had arrived

Erin pulled the dagger from Ricky’s chest and rubbed it against her cunt

His blood began to drip from her pubic hair

Theresa felt strangely excited by this

Hilary descended the main staircase of the hotel

She was naked

The receptionist a boy of about twenty was writing on a sheet of paper

Lucy placed her hands on the wooden counter

See the blood I have blood on my hands you know

The boy glanced up and looked her breasts

Your hands are clean madam

But if you need some wipes

See the blood I have blood on my hands you know

Annie walked away from the counter

The boy returned to his duties

Six days later Darcy was sitting in a scruffy café in the centre of Copenhagen

She was dressed in fisherman’s sweater and faded blue jeans but felt out of place as the café was full of toughies in leather jackets

Many sporting extravagant beards

A tall blond girl spoke to her first in Danish and then in English

I am waiting for Lars

Ah Lars the forgotten rich boy

The girl smiled at Yolanda and playfully ran her hand through her hair

Fifteen minutes later a tall boy wearing a leather jacket and filthy jeans walked into the café

He sat opposite Mary

Are you Annie?


I did not think you would be so pretty

English girls are so pretty

I am Scottish you idiot

Well then Scottish girls are pretty

He turned to the waitress and ordered a coffee

One for you?

Chrissie looked her coffee and shook her head

As Lars turned Bridget noticed a slogan

Written in Danish on the back of his jacket

What is written on your jacket Lars?

Do you not speak Danish?

Not a word

It says cunts are useful

I am not a cunt  

I like it you are a real toughie

Yes I am the hardest man in Copenhagen


No most of these guys would make meat of me and some of the girls too

Did you think of the joke yourself?

What joke?

Your jacket stupid



It was Evans

Who was Evans?

An American girl I fucked last summer

Where is she?

She went home

Would you like to see me naked?


I need some information

What information?

Where do the rich guys live in Copenhagen?

The Jews?

No not just the Jews

Are we going to rob them?

That’s the general idea

And I get to see you naked

You get to fuck me

Do you do anal?

I do everything

Do you have a sister Lars?


Then I would fuck your sister 

You could watch or join in

Would you like that?

My sister is a nun

All the better Lars

The rich boy lay lifeless in the bath

Erin stood over him

There had been no need to use the dagger

She had strangled him

There was a knock at the door of the hotel room

Room Service

Therese wrapped herself in a towel and answered the door

There was nobody there

She looked at the suitcase on the bed

It was full of money

Jewish money

Danish money

Lars had idolised Charles Starkweather

She had been his girl

For three weeks they had terrorised Copenhagen

Six people were dead

All Jews

Police had not ruled out a racial motive

Hilary had never understood why the Jews were persecuted

For she had always found them most agreeable

She had a friend called Esther

Who she occasionally slept with when her husband was away

Lucy pulled the dagger from Lars chest and rubbed it against her cunt

His blood began to drip from her pubic hair

Annie felt strangely excited by this

For she had strangled him

Darcy entered the police station through its main doors

She was naked and smiled at the CCTV cameras

That were recording her entrance

A cop was writing on a sheet of paper

Yolanda placed her hands on the wooden counter

See the blood I have blood on my hands you know

The cop glanced up and looked her breasts

Your hands are clean madam how may I help you?

See the blood I have blood on my hands you know

I am the Jew killer that you are all hunting

Mary walked away from the counter

The cop returned to his duties

She sat on a plastic chair and crossed her legs

Her train was not due to nine

She pulled a revolver from her handbag

For she had time to kill


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